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April 24, 2017 - 6:00 pm - Second floor founder's room

  1. Call to Order/Roll Call
  2. Election Certification
  3. Organization of New Board
    1. Election of Officers
      • Board Chair
      • Board Vice Chair
      • Board Secretary
    2. Appointment of College Treasurer
    3. Appointment of Legal Counsel
    4. Appointment of Foundation Liaison
    5. Appointment of ICCTA Representative
    6. Appointment of Audit Firm
    7. Designation of Depositories
    8. Determination of Date and Time of Meetings
  4. Consent Agenda
    1. Approval of Agenda
    2. Approval of Minutes of March 27, 2017
    3. Treasurer's Report
    4. Bills Payable
    5. Travel Expenses
    6. Payrolls March 31, 2017 $276,403.12 April 15, 2017 $256,800.08
    7. Budget Report
  5. Reports/Information
    1. President's Report
    2. Reports/Comments from Board Members
    3. Communication from Visitors
  6. Action Items
    1. Awarding Honorary Degree to Andrew Bollman
    2. Administrator Retirement - Director of Learning Commons
    3. Faculty Appointment - Agriculture
    4. HP Multifunction Devices
    5. Technology Purchases for Community Education, Nursing, and Information Services
    6. Laerdal Sim View Equipment
    7. Bid Award - Nursing Equipment
  7. Closed Session - (Appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees of the College; collective bargaining; closed session minutes consideration; pending litigation probable or imminent)
  8. Approval of Closed Session Minutes of March 27, 2017
  9. Adjournment