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September 28, 2015 - 6:00 pm - Third floor board room

  1. Call to Order/Roll Call
  2. Consent Agenda
    1. Approval of Agenda
    2. Approval of Minutes of August 24, 2015
    3. Treasurer Report
    4. Bills Payable
    5. Payrolls August 31, 2015 $233,450.70 September 15, 2015 $254,721.21
    6. Budget Report
  3. Reports/Information
    1. President's Report
      • Budget Report Update
      • Mid-year Fee Recommendations
      • Strategic Planning Update
      • New Employee Orientation Program
    2. Reports/Comments from Board Members
    3. Communication from Visitors
  4. Action Items
    1. Board Policy 518.01 Student Sex Discrimination and Sexual Misconduct/Title IX Policy - Second Reading
    2. Board Policy 305.01 Purchasing Policy - FIrst Reading
    3. Foundation Bylaws Revised
    4. Bid Award Wireless Security System Purchase
  5. Closed Session - (Appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees of the College; closed session minutes consideration; pending litigation probable or imminent)
  6. Approval of Closed Session Minutes of August 25, 2015
  7. Adjournment