Board Meeting Agenda
August 29, 2022 - 6:00 pm - Riverview Conference Room
- Call to Order/Roll Call
Consent Agenda
- Approval of Agenda
- Approval of Minutes
- Treasurer's Report
- Summary of Disbursements for Approval
- Travel Expenses
- Payrolls
- Budget Report
- Agenda item 2.8
- President's Report
- Reports/Comments from Board Members and the SVC Foundation
- Communication from Visitors
Action Items
- Approve Nursing Faculty Appointment - Jeanne Nailor
- Approve Director of Software and User Services Administrative Appointment - Art VanZuiden
- Dean of Business, Career, and Technical Programs Resignation - Josh West
- Amendment to Trust Agreement - Capital Development Board (State of Illinois Project No. 810-084-012) “Replace Generator”
- Contract Award - ROE #47 Pathways Coaching
- Purchase Approval - Amatrol Mechanical Drives System
- Purchase Approval - John Deere Combine
- Closed Session - (Appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees of the College; collective bargaining; closed session minutes consideration; pending litigation probable or imminent)
- Approval of Closed Session Minutes of July 25, 2022
- Adjournment