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July 25, 2022 - 6:00 pm
Riverview Conference Room

  1. Call to Order/Roll Call
  2. Consent Agenda
    1. Approval of Agenda
    2. Approval of Minutes
    3. Treasurer's Report
    4. Summary of Disbursements for Approval
    5. Travel Expenses
    6. Payrolls
    7. Budget Report
  3. Reports/Information
    1. President's Report
    2. Reports/Comments from Board Members and the SVC Foundation
    3. Communication from Visitors
  4. Action Items
    1. Strategic Plan: 2023-2027
    2. Administrator Appointment - Director of the SVCC Police Academy
    3. Board Policy 520.01 Accessibility - Second Reading
    4. Board Policy 521.01 Copyright - Second Reading
    5. Resolution providing for the issue of not to exceed $4,750,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2022A, of the District for the purpose of paying claims against the District, providing for the levy of a direct annual tax sufficient to pay the principal and interest on the bonds, and authorizing the sale of the bonds to the purchaser thereof
    6. FY 2023 Working Cash Fund Borrowing
    7. FY 2023 Insurance Renewal
    8. Contract Award - ROE #47 Pathways Coaching
    9. Request to Serve Alcohol
  5. Closed Session - (Appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees of the College; collective bargaining; closed session minutes consideration; pending litigation probable or imminent)
  6. Approval of Closed Session Minutes of June 27, 2022
  7. Adjournment