Focus House of Ogle County
Agency Name:Focus House of Ogle County
Contact:Mike Dale, Director; Irene Roe, Associate Director
Address:3279 IL Route 251, Rochelle, IL, 61068
Phone:(815) 562-5881
Fax:(815) 562-5653
Purpose / Notes:
The mission of Focus House is to provide a safe, nurturing, and structured environment
for youth. Through our commitment to children, youth will be given the opportunity
to develop self worth, responsibility and respect -- enabling them to successfully
return to their families and communities. The primary goal of Focus House is to return
each child to his/her family, avoiding further — and more severe — court-mandated
actions. The length of the placement is relative to the child's progress and the stability
of the family. Generally, placement may range from five to 18 months. During this
time, the resident must meet goals in each of three components: counseling, school,
and residential. In doing so, the child is promoted through a level system, allowing
the child to earn more privileges, including eventual full-weekend home visits. Home-visit
passes are closely monitored, with parents required to complete a written report after
each home visit. Children are also required to submit to urine testing and breathalyzers,
as needed, upon their return to Focus House. Finally, parents are encouraged to call
Focus House at any time during home visits if they are experiencing problems or have
concerns and/or questions
Services Provided:
Counseling and Mental Health
Teenage Related Programs
Teenage Related Programs