Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services
Agency Name:Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services
Address:2605 Woodlawn Rd, Sterling IL / 1001 Pines Rd, Oregon IL / 1631 S Galena Ave, Freeport
Phone:(815)632-4045- Sterling / (815)732-2166-Oregon / (815) 232-6123-Freeport
Purpose / Notes:
The Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services, formerly the Illinois Department
of Public Aid, is responsible for providing health care coverage for adults and children
who qualify for Medicaid, and for helping to ensure that Illinois children receive
financial support from both parents. The agency is organized into two major divisions:
Medical Programs and Child Support Enforcement. HFS also administers the Office of
Energy Assistance. In addition, the Office of Inspector General is maintained within
the agency, but functions as a separate, independent entity reporting directly to
the governor's office. Warming House - 1631 South Galena Warming House - 708 West
Street Galena IL 61036
Services Provided:
Legal Services/Child Support