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Agency Name:Lee County Health Department
Contact:Cathy Ferguson , B.S., M.P.H., Public Health Administrator
Address:309 South Galena Ave Suite 100, Dixon, IL 61021 /
Phone:(815) 284-3371
Fax:(815) 288-1811
Purpose / Notes:
The Lee County Health Department was established in 1946 through a referendum of the citizens of Lee County. Since that time, this department’s mission has been the promotion of health and wellness through a variety of programs and services designed to protect the health and safety of the individuals residing in Lee County. Programming has evolved over the years to meet the changing needs of our communities. The staff of the Lee County Health Department thanks you for the opportunity to serve our residents. Services: Environmental: Food Program, Private Sewage, Private Well, Nuisance Program, Sanitary Evaluation, and West Nile Virus. Maternal and Child Health: WIC, Family Case Management, Family Planning, High Risk Follow-up, Abstinence Education, Child Safety Seat Program, Kidcare. Health and Wellness: Bioterrorism. Disaster preparedness, Well Woman, Health and Wellness, Illinois Tobacco free communities. Infectious Diseases: Immunizations, Flu (Influenza), Infectious Disease Investigation, Sexually Transmitted Disease, HIV/AIDS Prevention Education, and Tuberculosis. Payment: Varies by service, sliding scale by ability to pay.
Services Provided:
Family Planning (Rape/Pregnancy/STDs)
Teenage Related Programs