Milestones Area Agency on Aging
Agency Name:Milestones Area Agency on Aging
Contact:Sharon Schnoor, Office Assistant
Address:935 E 53rd St, Davenport, IA 52807
Phone:(855) 410-6222 | (563) 324-9085
Fax:(563) 324-9384
Purpose / Notes:
Milestones Area Agency on Aging is committed to working with communities and community-based
organizations to increase awareness for aging successfully with dignity and independence.
We do this by implementing policy with public resources provided by the Federal Administration
on Aging and the Iowa Department on Aging. Services Include: -Providing support to
seniors and adults with disabilities so they may live independently -Helping coordinate
home based community services -Identifying resources and services -Assisting people
in accessing services Advocating for seniors, adults with disabilities and their caregivers