Parents As Teachers First Years
Agency Name:Parents As Teachers First Years
Contact:Lois Meisenheimer, Program Coordinator
Address:1001 West 23rd Street, Sterling, IL 61081
Phone:(815) 625-1495
Fax:(815) 625-1625
Purpose / Notes:
Parents as Teachers First Years is a home-based parent education and family support
program, serving families in Lee, Ogle, and Whiteside Counties who are pregnant or
have a child ages birth to three. Families must meet eligibility guidelines as determined
through a screening process. The program offers weekly home visits, monthly group
connection and parent/child interaction activities, developmental screenings, assistance
in developing family goals and connecting to community resources. As part of our program
families will receive: -In-Person or Virtual Visits -Individualized Child Development
Information -Developmental and Health Screenings for Children 1. Ongoing Monitoring
of Child Developmental Milestones -Adult Screenings including: 1.Intimate Partner
Violence 2.Substance Abuse Disorders 3.Depression 4.Mental Health · Parenting Education
and Support on the following topics: 1. Discipline 2. Nutrition 3. Attachment 4. Transitions/Routines
5. Healthy Births 6. Health 7. Sleep 8. Safety · Support for the development of the
following Parenting Behaviors during Parent/Child Interaction activities: 1. Nurturing
2. Designing/Guiding 3. Responding 4. Communicating 5. Supporting Learning 6. Observing/Recognizing
Developmental Milestones · Family Well-Being support in the following areas 1. Basic
Essentials 2. Education and Employment 3. Physical Health of the Family 4. Mental
Health and Wellness 5. Early Care and Education 6. Relationships with Family and Friends
7. Recreation and Enrichment · Support for the development of family strengths including:
1. Parental Resilience 2. Social Connections 3. Knowledge of Parenting and Child Development
4. Concrete Support in Time of Need 5. Social and Emotional Competency of Children
· Development of Family Goals for children, adults, and parent/child interaction ·
Access to Parent Group Connection Meetings and Parent/Child Interaction Activities
· Linkage to Community Resources · Access to a Parent Resource and Toy Lending Library
Services Provided:
Child Development