People Helping People
Agency Name:People Helping People
Contact:Ruth Ann Goelitz, President
Address:Byron Municipal Building (City Hall): 127 N. Washington Street, Byron, IL 61010 /
Ruth Goelitz (Home): 8648 Verde Drive, Byron, IL 61010
Purpose / Notes:
People Helping People is a food pantry, in which volunteers pack and distribute food
baskets to people with low income. People Helping People is a non-profit food pantry
operated by volunteers with a mission to improve the lives of those less fortunate
in Byron, Marion, Rockvale, Monroe, Scott, and Leaf River Townships. Food is distributed
on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month from 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM on the west side
of the Byron Municipal Building. In order to receive benefits, the following guidelines
must be met. A Family of 1 must make less than $1,167, a Family of 2 must make less
than $1,567, a Family of 3 must make less than $1,967, a Family of 4 must make less
than $2,366, and a Family of 5 must make less than $2,766. People Helping People is
always grateful to the time and energy of volunteers. Because of everybody's love
and generosity, the People Helping People food pantry continues to serve those in