Volunteers In Teaching Adult Literacy (VITAL)
Agency Name:Volunteers In Teaching Adult Literacy (VITAL)
Contact:Laura Moreno, Adult Literacy Outreach Coordinator
Address:Sauk Valley Community College: 173 IL Route 2, Dixon, IL 61021
Phone:(815) 288-5511, ext. 241 or 363
Fax:(815) 288-1880
Purpose / Notes:
Project VITAL offers one-on-one tutoring for adults who want to improve reading and
writing skills. Project VITAL also has a ESL program to help adults speak and understand
English. The Project also recruits and trains volunteers to tutor adults in these
areas. The VITAL program creates a strength in one's career because by understanding
these basic skills, the person is in more control. The ESL program is beneficial to
those who cannot speak English as well, and through the program, parents can help
children with homework and workers can communicate more effectively with customers
and read safety manuals. This program offers instruction in basic reading, writing
and math. Tutors meet with the student for approximately 90 minutes, twice a week.
People that are interested in becoming volunteer tutors need to attend a workshop
provided free by the program and get trained. There is no obligation to tutor. Tutors
are not charged for using materials. Trained tutors help individual learners set goals,
gain essential skills, and increase their confidence. The program is flexible with
the time and location of tutoring sessions. The program asks for a three-month commitment.
Must be 16 years or older to receive services. Tutoring sessions are free and confidential.
Volunteer tutors are always needed. Additional tutor training in-services are offered
in the areas of computing, GED tutoring, Laubach Method, and English as a second language.
Pre-service tutor training workshops are held periodically.
Services Provided:
Education and Libraries