Student/Visitor Complaint Procedure
If the complaint includes areas such as sexual discrimination, sexual misconduct, domestic violence, or stalking please visit
Step One: Informal Resolution
As a student or visitor of SVCC, the first step you should take in resolving a concern or complaint is to directly address the individual and discuss the issue(s) in question. Discuss the issue in a professional, calm, and logical manner. For example, as a student the first course of action is to discuss a class issue (e.g., syllabus policy, grade issue) directly with the instructor of the class.
If there is no resolution to your concern or complaint or if you are not comfortable speaking to the other person, please continue to step two.
Step Two: Formal Resolution
Sauk would prefer that you first contact an administrator to discuss the complaint or concern as it will expedite a possible resolution. Please use the list below to determine who you should contact. The administrator will document your concern and complaint as is required by the Department of Education.
If you would prefer to leave a detailed account of the issue or complaint now instead of waiting to talk to an administrator, please complete this form.
The administrator will respond to your concern or complaint within five business days.
Contact the Dean of Student Services
Contact the Dean of Transfer Programs and Academic Support Services
Contact the Dean of Business, Career and Technical Programs
Contact the Dean of Health Professions
Contact the Dean of Business, Career and Technical Programs
(Tuition, Fees, Work Study Disbursements)
Contact the Director of Financial Assistance
(Athletics, Admissions, Advising, Counseling, TRIO/SSS, Disability Support Services,
SHARP, Student Activities, Testing Center)
(Classrooms, Parking)
(Student Email, Canvas)
(Library, Writing Center, Tutoring Center)
Contact the VP of Academics and Student Services
Student to Student Issues
Office 1F17
Gen Ed / Transfer Class or Faculty Issues
Career / Technical Class or Faculty Issues
Office 3L10
Health Professions Class or Faculty Issues
Office 2G12
Community Ed / Business Ed Class or Faculty Issues
Office 3L10
Business Office Issues
Contact the VP of Business Services
Office 1H2
Financial Aid or Veteran Services Issues
Office 1E37
Student Services Issues
Contact the Dean of Student Services
Office 1F17
Facilities Issues
Contact the VP of Business Services
Office 1H2
Technology Services Issues
Dean of Information Technology
Office 2E23
Learning Commons Issues
Contact the Dean of Transfer Programs and Academic Support Services
Adult Ed, VITAL, Recruiting and Other Issues
Office 3L10
If you feel that the College is not following the complaint process offered, or your complaint isn't being taken seriously, you can contact the Illinois Community College Board.
Students with complaints who are residents of another state and taking distance learning courses at an Illinois community college are asked to identify their home state as Illinois participates in SARA, an agreement with other states which provides authorization in those states for Illinois institutions and a mechanism for addressing student complaints.
Out-of-State distance learning students may also file a complaint in their home state.