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March 17, 2025 - 6:00 pm - Riverview Conference Room

  1. Call to Order/Roll Call
  2. Consent Agenda
    1. Approval of Agenda
    2. Approval of Minutes
    3. Treasurer's Report
    4. Summary of Disbursements for Approval
    5. Corpay Consolidated Statement
    6. Travel Expenses
    7. Payrolls
    8. Budget Report
  3. Reports/Information
    1. President's Report
    2. Reports/Comments from Board Members and the SVC Foundation
    3. Communication from Visitors
  4. Action Items
    1. Board Policy 507.02 Archives - Second Reading
    2. Board Policy 117.01 Board Orientation - First Reading
    3. Board Policy 403.01 Affirmative Action and Non-Discrimination in Equal Opportunity in Employment and Student Relations – First Reading
    4. Honorary Degree
    5. Outstanding Full-time Faculty Member Award
    6. Outstanding Adjunct Faculty Member Award
    7. Retirement - Director of Human Resources
    8. Full-Time Faculty Appointment 2025-2026
    9. Faculty Appointment - English and Language Arts
    10. Faculty Appointment - Mathematics
    11. Faculty Appointment - Mathematics
    12. RESOLUTION expressing official intent regarding certain capital expenditures to be reimbursed from proceeds of an obligation to be issued by Community College District No. 506, Counties of Whiteside, Lee, Carroll, Ogle, Bureau and Henry and State of Illinois
    13. Sauk Ready Textbook Program Rate
    14. IncludEd Course Material Fee
  5. Closed Session
  6. Adjournment