Diagnostic Medical Sonography
Admissions and Records
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- Phone: (815) 835-6273
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Diagnostic Medical Sonography
Associate in Applied Science (050)
The Diagnostic Medical Imaging in Sonography (DMS) Associate Degree Program provides students with didactic, laboratory, and clinical education/experience in preparation for a health career as a Diagnostic Medical Imaging Sonographer. The graduate will demonstrate competency to meet registry requirements, deliver compassionate patient care, and function as an integral member of the healthcare team with competence and confidence. Program policies and procedures have been designed to meet or exceed those established by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) upon recommendation by the Joint Review Committee on Education in Diagnostic Medical Sonography (JRC-DMS).
Work and Employment
The program will train graduates for jobs related to the Health Science Career Cluster within the Diagnostic Services pathway. Specific occupational titles will include Diagnostic Medical Sonographer, Medical Sonographer, Sonographer, Ultrasonographer, Ultrasound Technologist, and Ultrasound Tech.
Special Considerations
Prior to completion of the program, the student becomes eligible to sit for multiple national registry exams provided by the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography (ARDMS). This program will prepare students for the following registry exams: Sonography Principles and Instrumentation (SPI), Abdomen (AB), Obstetrics and Gynecology (OB/GYN), and Vascular Technology (VT). Satisfactory results on the exams will provide the student/graduate with the following credentials - 'Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographer (RDMS) and 'Registered Vascular Technologist (RVT)'. The earning of such credentials prior to employment or within a specific time frame indicated by the employer is necessary to work in the field. The SPI exam can be taken as soon as the Physics and Instrumentation courses are successfully completed during the program. The specialty exams AB, OB/GYN, and VT can be taken 60 days prior to program completion under the ARDMS Paperless Application Program. The college has followed the standards and guidelines set forth by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP).
Admission Requirements:
English Language Arts (One of these following criteria must be met. Any valid standard of proficiency can be used to apply.)
- Placed into ENG 101: Composition I using any valid standard of proficiency
- Completed ELA 099 (formerly ENG 099) or ENG 101 with a grade of "C" or higher
- Completed an equivalent English course at another college or university with a grade of "C" or higher
Complete the following with a “C” or higher:
- BIO 109 Human Anatomy & Physiology I - 4 Sem hrs.
- MAT 112 Quantitative Literacy - 3-4 Sem hrs.
OR MAT 121 College Algebra or higher as options (excluding MAT 110 MAT 111, MAT 115, and MAT 240) - PHY 175 Introduction to Physics (or higher) - 4-5 Sem hrs.
Other Academic Requirements:
- A minimum of fifteen hours of earned college credit from the General Education Courses listed above with at least an overall CGPA of 2.5 or higher
Admissions Procedures
Complete the following with a “C” or higher:
- NRS 116 Med Terminology for Health Careers - 3 Sem hrs.
- DMS 198 Intro to Pathophysiology for Sonographer - 1 Sem hr.
Program Requirements
- Students who wish to apply to the Sonography program MUST attend a Sonography informational meeting prior to application. Meetings are held once a month. Please call Academic Advising at 815-835-6354 or Health Professions at 815-835-6374 to register for the informational meeting.
- Assessment Technologies Inc. (ATI) valid printout for the Health Occupations Basic Entrance test (TEAS). Go to www.atitesting.com to set up an account for testing at SVCC. After the account has been established, contact the SVCC Testing Center (815-835-6530) to schedule the test date. A test fee is required.
- Students MUST meet with the Sonography advisor in order to create a valid progression plan for program application.
- Submit required paperwork including program application, TEAS score, two recommendation forms and the progression plan to the Office of Health Professions.
Application Deadlines
- Priority Deadline-June 1 (for in-district or approved cooperative students) As Space
Allows - August 1.
Bonus: Please refer to the admissions handbook for additional information regarding bonus points. - The Sonography program admits 10 -14 students per year. Once accepted, this program takes two years to complete. (6 semesters – fall, spring, summer, fall, spring, and summer). Applicants must be a SVCC district resident or resident of a cooperative Illinois community college district to apply.
- Please note that successful completion of a course indicates a grade of C or higher for the sonography program.
- A "point system" will be utilized to evaluate all qualified applicants. Applicants will be awarded points for completion of specific general education and program admission requirements. These are explained in the Sonography Admission Handbook given out at the informational meeting.
Out-of-District Application
Applicants must be a SVCC district resident or resident of a cooperative Illinois community college district to apply.
The college has followed the standards and guidelines set forth by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP).
NOTE: Students completing pre-admissions or general education coursework at institutions other than SVCC should check with the SVCC registrar's office prior to enrolling or paying for outside classes for appropriate transferability.
Program Contacts at Sauk Valley Community College
- Academic Advising, 815-835-6354
- Pamela A. Eubanks, MSN, RN, Dean of Health Professions | 815-835-6376
- Ellyn Horn, BS, RDMS, RVT, Sonography Program Coordinator | 815-835-6396
Total Hours Required - 77-79 Hours
Major Field Requirements - 55 Hours
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
NRS116 | Med Terminology for Hea Career | 3 Hours |
NRS 116 is an internet-based medical terminology course designed for students pursuing health careers. Students will develop knowledge of the foundation of word parts combining forms anatomical terminology and medical terms organized by body systems. The course includes the study of definition and use of medical terms common to many health related disciplines. Prerequisite: None
DMS100 | Intro to Diagnostic Med. Sonog | 3 Hours |
History of ultrasound including medical applications. Description of the roles responsibilities and rules of the diagnostic medical sonographer. Introduction to the fundamental principles of the use and maintenance of ultrasound equipment. Indications of diagnostic sonography procedures positioning safety and image processing. Legal and ethical issues in an ultrasound department. Prerequisite: Admission to the Diagnostic Medical Imaging Sonography Program or consent of instructor.
DMS101 | Son Physics/Instrumentation I | 2 Hours |
Introduction to physics of acoustics and sonographic instrumentation. Production and types of sound waves discussed. Demonstration of propagation of ultrasound through tissues transducers pulse-echo instruments and display methods. Prerequisite: Admission to the Diagnostic Medical Sonography Program or consent of instructor.
DMS102 | Son Physics/Instrumentation II | 2 Hours |
Continuation of pulse-echo instrumentation including harmonics image artifacts and color flow imaging with Doppler instrumentation. Bioeffects and safety in ultrasound imaging. Quality management applied to Sonography. Prerequisite: DMS 101 or consent of instructor.
DMS103 | Son Cross-Sectional Anatomy | 3 Hours |
Introduction to the basics of cross-sectional anatomy as interpreted on diagnostic sonographic images. Sectional human anatomy in the transverse sagittal and coronal planes. Correlation of anatomy with cadavers and ultrasound images. Prerequisite: Admission to the Diagnostic Medical Sonography program.
DMS104 | Fundamentals of OB/GYN I | 3 Hours |
Students will be introduced to the female reproductive system as it relates to Sonography. Topics will include imaging in the first trimester of pregnancy and non-gravid uterus review of ultrasound images of normal anatomy and pathology ultrasound appearance of the cervix uterus fallopian tubes ovaries placenta and fetus. Management of gynecologic infertility and post-menopausal women will also be discussed. Prerequisite: Admission to Diagnostic Medical Sonography program or consent of instructor.
DMS105 | Fundamentals of OB/GYN II | 3 Hours |
Students will be introduced to fetal ultrasound techniques in the second and third trimester. Topics will include multiple gestation pregnancies antenatal syndromes congenital fetal disorders placenta umbilical cord and membrane conditions. Fetal growth assessment and management of growth disorders will also be discussed. Prerequisite: DMS 104 with a grade of C or better, or equivalent or consent of instructor.
DMS106 | Abdomen/Superficial Struct I | 3 Hours |
Students will be introduced to abdomen and superficial structure pathologies seen with ultrasound. Students will learn to identify and document the sonographic appearance of pathologies. The following areas will be discussed great vessels inferior vena cava liver biliary pancreas spleen urinary system thyroid parathyroid salivary glands gastrointestinal tract retroperitoneum non-cardiac chest scrotum and prostate. Prerequisite: DMS 100, DMS 101, DMS 103, DMS 104, DMS 120, and DMS 121 all with a grade of C or
DMS107 | Abdomen/Superficial Struct II | 1 Hour |
Continuation of abdomen and superficial structure pathologies seen using ultrasound with emphasis on neonatal and pediatrics. The following areas will be discussed musculoskeletal neonatal brain infant hips infant spine pediatric gastrointestinal pediatric abdomen pediatric gynecology and pediatric urinaryadrenal. Prerequisite: DMS 106
DMS108 | Legal Issues of Sonography | 1 Hour |
Students will be introduced to the legal system as it applies to the medical field. Medical malpractice cases will be reviewed and discussed. Students will be taught how to protect themselves from becoming involved in a medical malpractice case. Prerequisite: DMS 104 and DMS 106 with a grade of C or higher or consent of instructor.
DMS109 | Fund of Breast Sonography | 1 Hour |
Students will be introduced to the fundamentals of breast Sonography. This course reviews the identification of sonographic physics-related artifacts in normal and abnormal breast tissue and anatomy. Correlation with other imaging modalities and surgical techniques in breast pathology are also included. Prerequisite: DMS 102 with a grade of C or higher, or Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographer
(ARDMS) or ARRT registered sonographer.
DMS120 | Hands-On Scanning Lab 1 | 1 Hour |
Overview and emphasis of principles taught in DMS 100 in AbdominalSuperficial Structures and ObstetricsGynecology. Students perform hands-on scanning techniques in the scanning lab. Various scanning techniques are demonstrated on fellow students under the guidance of the instructor. Proper techniques in manipulating the transducer probe are demonstrated. Identification of organ systems and corresponding ultrasound images. Prerequisite: Admission to Diagnostic Medical Imaging Sonography Program or consent of instructor.
DMS121 | Hands-On Scanning Lab 2 | 1 Hour |
Course will expand on and perform principles of AbdominalSuperficial Structures and ObstetricsGynecology. Students will perform advanced hands-on scanning techniques utilizing proper manipulation of transducer probes. Prerequisite: Admission to Diagnostic Medical Imaging Sonography Program or consent of instructor.
DMS122 | Hands-On Scanning Lab 3 | 1 Hour |
Continuation of principles taught in DMS 121 in AbdominalSuperficial Structures and ObstetricsGynecology. Emphasis placed on advanced skills in obstetrical scanning. Students perform hands-on scanning techniques on volunteer patients under the guidance of the instructor. Proper techniques in manipulating the transducer probe are demonstrated. Identification of organ systems and corresponding ultrasound images. Prerequisite: DMS 121 with a grade of C or higher or consent of instructor.
DMS123 | Hands-On Scanning Lab 4 | 1 Hour |
The course will expand on principles of Abdominal and Superficial Structures and Obstetrics and Gynecology. Students will perform advanced hands-on scanning techniques utilizing proper manipulation of transducer probes. Emphasis will be placed on students demonstrating their scanning skills on patient volunteers. Prerequisite: DMS 121 with a grade of C or higher or consent of instructor
DMS130 | Case Study Critique I | 1 Hour |
Students will present diagnostic medical ultrasound cases of normal and abnormal anatomy. Students will discuss imaging techniques and image quality of cases presented. Prerequisite: DMS 100, DMS 101, DMS 103, DMS 104, DMS 120, and DMS 121 all with a grade of C or
DMS131 | Case Study Critique II | 1 Hour |
Students will present diagnostic medical ultrasound cases of normal and abnormal anatomy. Students will discuss imaging techniques and image quality of cases presented. Prerequisite: DMS 107, DMS 123, and DMS 141 all with a grade of C or better.
DMS140 | Clinical Education I | 2 Hours |
Students are placed in a healthcare institution to reinforce and broaden knowledge gained in the first semester of the program. Correlation and application of skills learned in concurrent courses DMS 102 105 106 and 130. Technical and professional aspects of patient scanning in obstetrics pelvic abdominal and superficial structures. Prerequisite: DMS 100, DMS 101, DMS 103, and DMS 104.
DMS141 | Clinical Education II | 2 Hours |
Students will participate in a clinical experience in Sonography at a healthcare institution. Students will apply concepts and skills learned in DMS courses at the healthcare institution. Prerequisite: DMS 140 with a grade of C or better
DMS142 | Clinical Education III | 3 Hours |
Students will continue Sonography clinical experience in a healthcare institution. Students will continue applying concepts and skills learned in DMS courses at the health care institution. Prerequisite: DMS 141 with a grade of C or better.
DMS198 | Intro Pathophysiology Sonograp | 1 Hour |
Students will be introduced to physiological processes associated with disease andor injury in the body systems. Pathology cases are illustrated with review of diagnostic medical imaging studies including Sonography Computed Tomography Magnetic Resonance Imaging Radiography and Nuclear Medicine. Prerequisite: BIO 109 or equivalent or consent of instructor.
DMS199 | Patient Care Skills | 1 Hour |
Students will be introduced to patient care skills applied to the role of a Sonographer in an imaging department. Topics will include patient care skills scanning ergonomics patient confidentiality and communication skills with hospital personnel as applied to all areas of sonography. Prerequisite: Admission to the Diagnostic Medical Sonography program or consent of instructor
DMS200 | Abdominal/Peripheral Arterial | 2 Hours |
Evaluation of blood vessels their purpose and composition detailed physiology of the arterial blood flow system and ultrasound testing with direct and indirect methods. Arterial anatomy of the abdomen pelvic and upper extremities as well as the lower extremities will be reviewed. Diseases of the arterial system and their effects will be addressed with indications for ultrasound arterial examinations and treatments. Prerequisite: Admission to Diagnostic Medical Sonography program and concurrent enrollment required
in DMS 220 or consent of instructor.
DMS201 | Cerebrovascular Ultrasound | 2 Hours |
Overview of the purpose and composition of blood vessels and the physiology of the cerebrovascular system. Cerebrovascular anatomy is reviewed. Diseases of the cerebrovascular system are addressed with the indications for ultrasound cerebrovascular examinations. A review and demonstration of cerebrovascular ultrasound testing and findings and other laboratory modalities. Treatments for various diseases of the cerebrovascular system are addressed. Cerebrovascular testing as a part of ongoing post-intervention patent management is included. Prerequisite: Admission to Diagnostic Medical Sonography program and concurrent enrollment required
in DMS 203 and DMS 221 or consent of instructor.
DMS202 | Abdominal/Peripheral Venous | 2 Hours |
Overview of the purpose and composition of blood vessels and the physiology of the venous blood flow system. Venous anatomies of the abdomen pelvis upper extremities as well as the lower extremities are addressed. Diseases of the venous system their effects and indications for ultrasound venous examinations are included. An overview of the abdominal and peripheral venous ultrasound testing their findings and other laboratory modalities. Treatments for various diseases of abdominal and peripheral venous systems are reviewed. Prerequisite: Admission to Diagnostic Medical Sonography program and concurrent enrollment required
in DMS 222 or consent of instructor.
DMS203 | Clinical Education Vascular I | 3 Hours |
Students will participate in a clinical experience in vascular sonography at a healthcare institution. Students will apply concepts and skills learned in DMS vascular courses at the healthcare institution. Prerequisite: Admission to Diagnostic Medical Imaging Sonography program and concurrent enrollment
required in DMS 201.
DMS204 | Clinical Education Vascular II | 3 Hours |
Students will continue vascular sonography clinical experience in a healthcare institution. Students will continue applying concepts and skills learned in DMS vascular courses at the healthcare institution. Prerequisite: Admission to the program is required and DMS 203 with a grade of C or better, or equivalent.
DMS220 | Abdomin/Peripher Arterial Scan | 1 Hour |
An overview of abdominal and peripheral arterial ultrasound testing that offers hands-on training in the classroom with vascular ultrasound equipment. Application of principles taught in DMS 200. Various arterial testing techniques and scanning are demonstrated and performed on fellow students under the guidance of the instructor. Proper techniques in these testing modalities are reviewed along with proper identification of the arterial system. Prerequisite: Admission to Diagnostic Medical Sonography program and concurrent enrollment in DMS
DMS221 | CerebrovascularUltrasound Scan | 1 Hour |
Continuation of DMS 201 that provides a further understanding of cerebrovascular ultrasound testing by offering hands-on training in the classroom with vascular ultrasound equipment. Various cerebrovascular testing techniques and scanning are demonstrated to the students. Under the guidance of the instructor students will practice these techniques on fellow students. Proper techniques in these testing modalities will be reviewed along with proper identification of the cerebrovascular system. Prerequisite: Admission to Diagnostic Medical Imaging Sonography program and concurrent enrollment
required in DMS 201.
DMS222 | Abdomin/Peripheral Venous Scan | 1 Hour |
Continuation of DMS 202 that provides an understanding of abdominal and peripheral venous ultrasound testing by offering hands-on training in the classroom with vascular ultrasound equipment. Various venous testing techniques and scanning are demonstrated to the students. Under the guidance of the instructor the students will practice these techniques on fellow students. Proper techniques in these testing modalities are reviewed along with proper identification of the venous system. Prerequisite: Admission to Diagnostic Medical Sonography program and concurrent enrollment required
in DMS 202.
General Education Requirements - 21-23 Hours
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
Communications - ENG 101 (3 Semester Hours) | 3 Hours | |
Mathematics MAT 112 Quantitative Literacy, MAT 121 or higher as options (excluding MAT 110, MAT 111, MAT 115, and MAT 240) | 3-4 Hours | |
Life Science - BIO 109 and BIO 110 | 8 Hours | |
Physical Science - PHY 175 or higher | 4-5 Hours | |
Social/Behavioral Science - PSY 103 | 3 Hours |
SVCC Degree Requirement - 1 Hour
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
FYE101 | First Year Experience | 1 Hour |
The focus of this course is how to be successful in college. Study skills goal setting academic planning time and money management and information research skills are among the core topics included in this course. Within a supportive environment students will share their college experiences and develop connections with fellow students and SVCC staff. Prerequisite: None
Suggested Program
Fall Semester - 14 Hours
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
DMS100 | Intro to Diagnostic Med. Sonog | 3 Hours |
History of ultrasound including medical applications. Description of the roles responsibilities and rules of the diagnostic medical sonographer. Introduction to the fundamental principles of the use and maintenance of ultrasound equipment. Indications of diagnostic sonography procedures positioning safety and image processing. Legal and ethical issues in an ultrasound department. Prerequisite: Admission to the Diagnostic Medical Imaging Sonography Program or consent of instructor.
DMS101 | Son Physics/Instrumentation I | 2 Hours |
Introduction to physics of acoustics and sonographic instrumentation. Production and types of sound waves discussed. Demonstration of propagation of ultrasound through tissues transducers pulse-echo instruments and display methods. Prerequisite: Admission to the Diagnostic Medical Sonography Program or consent of instructor.
DMS103 | Son Cross-Sectional Anatomy | 3 Hours |
Introduction to the basics of cross-sectional anatomy as interpreted on diagnostic sonographic images. Sectional human anatomy in the transverse sagittal and coronal planes. Correlation of anatomy with cadavers and ultrasound images. Prerequisite: Admission to the Diagnostic Medical Sonography program.
DMS104 | Fundamentals of OB/GYN I | 3 Hours |
Students will be introduced to the female reproductive system as it relates to Sonography. Topics will include imaging in the first trimester of pregnancy and non-gravid uterus review of ultrasound images of normal anatomy and pathology ultrasound appearance of the cervix uterus fallopian tubes ovaries placenta and fetus. Management of gynecologic infertility and post-menopausal women will also be discussed. Prerequisite: Admission to Diagnostic Medical Sonography program or consent of instructor.
DMS120 | Hands-On Scanning Lab 1 | 1 Hour |
Overview and emphasis of principles taught in DMS 100 in AbdominalSuperficial Structures and ObstetricsGynecology. Students perform hands-on scanning techniques in the scanning lab. Various scanning techniques are demonstrated on fellow students under the guidance of the instructor. Proper techniques in manipulating the transducer probe are demonstrated. Identification of organ systems and corresponding ultrasound images. Prerequisite: Admission to Diagnostic Medical Imaging Sonography Program or consent of instructor.
DMS121 | Hands-On Scanning Lab 2 | 1 Hour |
Course will expand on and perform principles of AbdominalSuperficial Structures and ObstetricsGynecology. Students will perform advanced hands-on scanning techniques utilizing proper manipulation of transducer probes. Prerequisite: Admission to Diagnostic Medical Imaging Sonography Program or consent of instructor.
DMS199 | Patient Care Skills | 1 Hour |
Students will be introduced to patient care skills applied to the role of a Sonographer in an imaging department. Topics will include patient care skills scanning ergonomics patient confidentiality and communication skills with hospital personnel as applied to all areas of sonography. Prerequisite: Admission to the Diagnostic Medical Sonography program or consent of instructor
Spring Semester - 12 Hours
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
DMS102 | Son Physics/Instrumentation II | 2 Hours |
Continuation of pulse-echo instrumentation including harmonics image artifacts and color flow imaging with Doppler instrumentation. Bioeffects and safety in ultrasound imaging. Quality management applied to Sonography. Prerequisite: DMS 101 or consent of instructor.
DMS105 | Fundamentals of OB/GYN II | 3 Hours |
Students will be introduced to fetal ultrasound techniques in the second and third trimester. Topics will include multiple gestation pregnancies antenatal syndromes congenital fetal disorders placenta umbilical cord and membrane conditions. Fetal growth assessment and management of growth disorders will also be discussed. Prerequisite: DMS 104 with a grade of C or better, or equivalent or consent of instructor.
DMS106 | Abdomen/Superficial Struct I | 3 Hours |
Students will be introduced to abdomen and superficial structure pathologies seen with ultrasound. Students will learn to identify and document the sonographic appearance of pathologies. The following areas will be discussed great vessels inferior vena cava liver biliary pancreas spleen urinary system thyroid parathyroid salivary glands gastrointestinal tract retroperitoneum non-cardiac chest scrotum and prostate. Prerequisite: DMS 100, DMS 101, DMS 103, DMS 104, DMS 120, and DMS 121 all with a grade of C or
DMS122 | Hands-On Scanning Lab 3 | 1 Hour |
Continuation of principles taught in DMS 121 in AbdominalSuperficial Structures and ObstetricsGynecology. Emphasis placed on advanced skills in obstetrical scanning. Students perform hands-on scanning techniques on volunteer patients under the guidance of the instructor. Proper techniques in manipulating the transducer probe are demonstrated. Identification of organ systems and corresponding ultrasound images. Prerequisite: DMS 121 with a grade of C or higher or consent of instructor.
DMS130 | Case Study Critique I | 1 Hour |
Students will present diagnostic medical ultrasound cases of normal and abnormal anatomy. Students will discuss imaging techniques and image quality of cases presented. Prerequisite: DMS 100, DMS 101, DMS 103, DMS 104, DMS 120, and DMS 121 all with a grade of C or
DMS140 | Clinical Education I | 2 Hours |
Students are placed in a healthcare institution to reinforce and broaden knowledge gained in the first semester of the program. Correlation and application of skills learned in concurrent courses DMS 102 105 106 and 130. Technical and professional aspects of patient scanning in obstetrics pelvic abdominal and superficial structures. Prerequisite: DMS 100, DMS 101, DMS 103, and DMS 104.
Summer - 4 Hours
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
DMS107 | Abdomen/Superficial Struct II | 1 Hour |
Continuation of abdomen and superficial structure pathologies seen using ultrasound with emphasis on neonatal and pediatrics. The following areas will be discussed musculoskeletal neonatal brain infant hips infant spine pediatric gastrointestinal pediatric abdomen pediatric gynecology and pediatric urinaryadrenal. Prerequisite: DMS 106
DMS123 | Hands-On Scanning Lab 4 | 1 Hour |
The course will expand on principles of Abdominal and Superficial Structures and Obstetrics and Gynecology. Students will perform advanced hands-on scanning techniques utilizing proper manipulation of transducer probes. Emphasis will be placed on students demonstrating their scanning skills on patient volunteers. Prerequisite: DMS 121 with a grade of C or higher or consent of instructor
DMS141 | Clinical Education II | 2 Hours |
Students will participate in a clinical experience in Sonography at a healthcare institution. Students will apply concepts and skills learned in DMS courses at the healthcare institution. Prerequisite: DMS 140 with a grade of C or better
Fall Semester - 12 Hours
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
DMS108 | Legal Issues of Sonography | 1 Hour |
Students will be introduced to the legal system as it applies to the medical field. Medical malpractice cases will be reviewed and discussed. Students will be taught how to protect themselves from becoming involved in a medical malpractice case. Prerequisite: DMS 104 and DMS 106 with a grade of C or higher or consent of instructor.
DMS109 | Fund of Breast Sonography | 1 Hour |
Students will be introduced to the fundamentals of breast Sonography. This course reviews the identification of sonographic physics-related artifacts in normal and abnormal breast tissue and anatomy. Correlation with other imaging modalities and surgical techniques in breast pathology are also included. Prerequisite: DMS 102 with a grade of C or higher, or Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographer
(ARDMS) or ARRT registered sonographer.
DMS131 | Case Study Critique II | 1 Hour |
Students will present diagnostic medical ultrasound cases of normal and abnormal anatomy. Students will discuss imaging techniques and image quality of cases presented. Prerequisite: DMS 107, DMS 123, and DMS 141 all with a grade of C or better.
DMS142 | Clinical Education III | 3 Hours |
Students will continue Sonography clinical experience in a healthcare institution. Students will continue applying concepts and skills learned in DMS courses at the health care institution. Prerequisite: DMS 141 with a grade of C or better.
ENG101 | Composition I | 3 Hours |
This course 1 develops awareness of the writing process 2 provides inventional organizational and editorial strategies 3 stresses the variety of uses for writing and 4 emphasizes critical skills in reading thinking and writing. Prerequisite: Required placement score on approved English placement test, high school unweighted
GPA of 3.0 or higher, or a grade of C or higher in ELA 099.
PSY103 | Introduction to Psychology | 3 Hours |
This course is designed to introduce the student to major concepts theories principles and research in the field of psychology. This course will survey the scientific study of human and animal characteristics and behavior. Major topics from biological behavioral cognitive personality developmental abnormal and social psychology theory and research will be emphasized. Universal characteristics and individual differences will be explored. Prerequisite: None
Spring Semester - 12 Hours
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
DMS200 | Abdominal/Peripheral Arterial | 2 Hours |
Evaluation of blood vessels their purpose and composition detailed physiology of the arterial blood flow system and ultrasound testing with direct and indirect methods. Arterial anatomy of the abdomen pelvic and upper extremities as well as the lower extremities will be reviewed. Diseases of the arterial system and their effects will be addressed with indications for ultrasound arterial examinations and treatments. Prerequisite: Admission to Diagnostic Medical Sonography program and concurrent enrollment required
in DMS 220 or consent of instructor.
DMS201 | Cerebrovascular Ultrasound | 2 Hours |
Overview of the purpose and composition of blood vessels and the physiology of the cerebrovascular system. Cerebrovascular anatomy is reviewed. Diseases of the cerebrovascular system are addressed with the indications for ultrasound cerebrovascular examinations. A review and demonstration of cerebrovascular ultrasound testing and findings and other laboratory modalities. Treatments for various diseases of the cerebrovascular system are addressed. Cerebrovascular testing as a part of ongoing post-intervention patent management is included. Prerequisite: Admission to Diagnostic Medical Sonography program and concurrent enrollment required
in DMS 203 and DMS 221 or consent of instructor.
DMS202 | Abdominal/Peripheral Venous | 2 Hours |
Overview of the purpose and composition of blood vessels and the physiology of the venous blood flow system. Venous anatomies of the abdomen pelvis upper extremities as well as the lower extremities are addressed. Diseases of the venous system their effects and indications for ultrasound venous examinations are included. An overview of the abdominal and peripheral venous ultrasound testing their findings and other laboratory modalities. Treatments for various diseases of abdominal and peripheral venous systems are reviewed. Prerequisite: Admission to Diagnostic Medical Sonography program and concurrent enrollment required
in DMS 222 or consent of instructor.
DMS203 | Clinical Education Vascular I | 3 Hours |
Students will participate in a clinical experience in vascular sonography at a healthcare institution. Students will apply concepts and skills learned in DMS vascular courses at the healthcare institution. Prerequisite: Admission to Diagnostic Medical Imaging Sonography program and concurrent enrollment
required in DMS 201.
DMS220 | Abdomin/Peripher Arterial Scan | 1 Hour |
An overview of abdominal and peripheral arterial ultrasound testing that offers hands-on training in the classroom with vascular ultrasound equipment. Application of principles taught in DMS 200. Various arterial testing techniques and scanning are demonstrated and performed on fellow students under the guidance of the instructor. Proper techniques in these testing modalities are reviewed along with proper identification of the arterial system. Prerequisite: Admission to Diagnostic Medical Sonography program and concurrent enrollment in DMS
DMS221 | CerebrovascularUltrasound Scan | 1 Hour |
Continuation of DMS 201 that provides a further understanding of cerebrovascular ultrasound testing by offering hands-on training in the classroom with vascular ultrasound equipment. Various cerebrovascular testing techniques and scanning are demonstrated to the students. Under the guidance of the instructor students will practice these techniques on fellow students. Proper techniques in these testing modalities will be reviewed along with proper identification of the cerebrovascular system. Prerequisite: Admission to Diagnostic Medical Imaging Sonography program and concurrent enrollment
required in DMS 201.
DMS222 | Abdomin/Peripheral Venous Scan | 1 Hour |
Continuation of DMS 202 that provides an understanding of abdominal and peripheral venous ultrasound testing by offering hands-on training in the classroom with vascular ultrasound equipment. Various venous testing techniques and scanning are demonstrated to the students. Under the guidance of the instructor the students will practice these techniques on fellow students. Proper techniques in these testing modalities are reviewed along with proper identification of the venous system. Prerequisite: Admission to Diagnostic Medical Sonography program and concurrent enrollment required
in DMS 202.
Summer - 3 Hours
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
DMS204 | Clinical Education Vascular II | 3 Hours |
Students will continue vascular sonography clinical experience in a healthcare institution. Students will continue applying concepts and skills learned in DMS vascular courses at the healthcare institution. Prerequisite: Admission to the program is required and DMS 203 with a grade of C or better, or equivalent.