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Course Descriptions
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
ACC 101 | Financial Accounting | 4 Hours |
This course presents accounting as an information system that produces summary financial statements, primarily for users external to a business enterprise organized as a corporation. Students study the forms of business organization and the common transactions entered into by businesses. The emphasis is on understanding and applying basic accounting principles and other concepts that guide the reporting of the effect of transactions and other economic events on the financial condition and operating results of a corporation. The procedures of how to analyze and interpret historical financial statements, as well, and the limitations of using these in making forward-looking business decisions is included. The primary content emphasis will be accounting for current assets and liabilities, long-term assets and liabilities, corporations, cash flow statements, and financial statement analyses. Prerequisite: None
ACC 102 | Managerial Accounting | 4 Hours |
This course presents accounting as a system of producing information for use in internally managing a business. The course emphasizes the identification, accumulation, and interpretation of information for planning, controlling, and evaluating the performance of the separate components of a business. Included is the identification and measurement of the costs of producing goods or services and how to analyze and control these costs. Decision models commonly used in making specific short-term and long-term business decisions also are included. Prerequisite: ACC 101
ACC 201 | Intermediate Accounting I | 4 Hours |
This course provides an in-depth analysis of the theory, concepts, and procedures underlying the preparation of external financial accounting statements and reports for corporate organizations. Accounting principles and concepts are analyzed and developed from a theoretical, conceptual, and historical environment and are then applied to specific business, transaction, and decision situations. Topical coverage includes: review of the financial accounting process; statements of income, retained earnings, cash flows, and balance sheet; time value of money concepts; cash and receivables; valuation of inventories; acquisition and disposition of property, plant, and equipment: depreciation and depletion; and intangible assets. Prerequisite: ACC 102
ACC 202 | Intermediate Accounting II | 4 Hours |
This course (a continuation of Intermediate Accounting I) provides an in-depth analysis of the theory, concepts, and procedures underlying the preparation of external financial statements and reports for corporate organizations. Accounting principles and concepts are analyzed, developed, and then applied to specific business decision situations. A thorough examination of long-term liabilities, stockholders equity, accounting changes, financial analysis and financial reporting through both manual and automated accounting systems is developed. Prerequisite: ACC 201
ACC 203 | Cost Accounting | 3 Hours |
A study of managerial and cost accounting concepts in planning, control and decision-making. Topics include product costing, cost drivers, cost-volume-profit analysis, activity based costing, budgets, standard costs, just-in-time applications and capital budgeting issues. Prerequisite: ACC 102
ACC 204 | Tax Accounting | 3 Hours |
This course provides an introductory study of the current federal revenue acts as they relate primarily to individual income tax theory and practice. Topical coverage includes the individual income tax return, gross income inclusions and exclusions, business expenses and retirement plans, self-employed and employee expenses, itemized and other deductions, credits and special taxes, accounting periods, accounting methods, depreciation, capital gains and losses, and payroll taxes. In addition to individual income tax theory and practice, an overview of partnership and taxation, corporate taxation, and tax administration and planning is provided. Prerequisite: ACC 101
ACC 205 | Accounting Information Systems | 3 Hours |
Accounting Information Systems examines the relationships and distinctions between accounting information systems (AIS) and the total management information system (MIS) environment, with major emphasis on computerized AIS. The AIS course will explore, in detail, several typical AIS application sub-systems, such as: (a) order entry/sales, (b) billing/receivables/cash receipts, (c) inventory, (d) purchasing/payables/cash disbursements, (e) payroll, and (f) materials planning/production. Major themes throughout the AIS course will focus upon: (a) oral and written communication, (b) objectives and procedures of internal control, & typical business documents and reports, (d) proper systems documentation through charting devices, and (e) systems analysis and design methodologies. Additional specific AIS themes to be explored include: (a) The impact of emerging information technologies on the AIS and related systems; (b) The implications of business process re-engineering initiatives on AIS design, implementation, and management; and (c) Preparing to be, as an accountant, an effective user, evaluator, and developer of accounting information systems. Prerequisite: ACC 102
ACC 207 | Acct/Gov & Not-For-Profit Org | 3 Hours |
This course covers the basic accounting concepts and issues associated with non-profit and governmental organizations. The primary focus is on municipal accounting applications, funds, governmental activities, and business-type activities. Prerequisite: ACC 102
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
AGR 102 | Intro to Agriculture Econom | 4 Hours |
An introduction to the principles of economics including production principles; production costs, supply and revenue; profit maximization; consumption and demand; price elasticity; market price determination; and competitive versus noncompetitive market models. These principles are applied to agriculture and the role of agriculture in the United States and world economies. Other topics include a survey of the world food situation; natural, human and capital resources; commodity product marketing; and agricultural problems and policies. Prerequisite: None
AGR 109 | Soil Science | 4 Hours |
An introduction to the chemical, physical, and biological properties of soils; the origin, classification, and distribution of soils and their influence on people and food production; the management and conservation of soils; and the environmental impact of soil use. Prerequisite: None
4 |
AGR 116 | Introduction to Animal Science | 4 Hours |
The application of the sciences of genetics, physiology, and nutrition to the improvement of the animal industries and an introduction to management and production practices. Includes animal breeds, breeding and selection; anatomy physiology, and nutrition and growth; environment, health, and sanitation; products and marketing; production technology and economics; animal behavior; and current issues in animal science. May also include companion animal topics. Prerequisite: None
AGR 130 | Intro to Agr Mechanics | 4 Hours |
This course is designed to provide a introduction to agricultural power (engines, hydraulics, calibrations, and agricultural equipment), agricultural electrification and applications (circuits, motors, and controls), agricultural structures (plans, loads, construction materials and layout and design), metal fabrication and soil and water conservation (surveying, mapping, drainage and conservation structures). Prerequisite: None
AGR 142 | Introduction to Horticulture | 3 Hours |
This course is an introduction to the principles and practices in the development, production, and use of horticultural crops (fruits, vegetables, greenhouse, turf, nursery, floral and landscape). Includes the classification, structure, growth and development, and environmental influences on horticultural plants; horticultural technology; and an introduction to the horticultural industries. Prerequisite: None
AGR 150 | Intro to AG Bus Management | 4 Hours |
Organization and structure of agricultural businesses; resource evaluation, policy development and implementation, functions of management, and laws and taxes that affect business. Prerequisite: None
AGR 155 | Intro to AG Marketing & Stds | 3 Hours |
Survey of approaches to marketing agricultural products; implications for the producer, consumer, processor, and government; use of grain grading and standardization equipment. Prerequisite: None
AGR 160 | Agricultural Salesmanship | 3 Hours |
The course provides an introduction to the basic principles underlying the sales process in agricultural farm supply and practical application and development of sales techniques. Basic to the course is an understanding of the salesperson's obligation to self, his or her company, and his or her customer. Prerequisite: None
AGR 170 | Intro to Agriculture Education | 3 Hours |
An introduction to Agricultural Education programs and delivery systems, state and federal policies; the nature of teaching in school and non-school settings; types and purposes of Agricultural Education; program components; approaches to teaching, teacher characteristics; community relationships; educational change and innovation; trends and developments in Agricultural Education. A general study of the nature of Agricultural Education along with its opportunities and responsibilities will be explored. Prerequisite: None
AGR 199 | Ag Issues & Perceptions | 3 Hours |
This course is designed to increase the understanding, awareness, and critical analysis of today's top agricultural issues and their impact upon the social, political, economic, and cultural aspects of society. Agricultural issues include, but are not limited to: environment, animal welfare, crop production, biotechnology, trade and policy, water quality and a changing consumer attitude towards agriculture and food production. Prerequisite: None
AGR 201 | Crop Science | 4 Hours |
Crop Science introduces the basic principles of plant growth, including human and environmental influences and the theoretical and practical application of agronomic principles to crop production. Includes the historical and economic importance of crop plants for food, feed, and fiber; origin, classification, and geographic distribution of field crops; environmental factors and agronomic problems; crop plant breeding, growth, development, and physiology; cropping systems and practices; seedbed preparation, tillage, and crop establishment; pests and controls; and harvesting, storing, and marketing practices. Prerequisite: None
AGR 234 | Precision Agr Technology | 3 Hours |
An introductory course providing an overview of the principles of precision agriculture with a focus on the use of technology within the industry. Course material and discussions will include how technologies such as global navigation satellite systems, agricultural geographic information systems, sensors for the measurement of soil and plant variables, yield monitoring, and variable rate technology are being implemented to inform sub-field level management and farm business decisions. Issues discussed in this course include assessment of agronomic responses, profitability, adaptable cropping practices, and conservation planning. Prerequisite: AGR 109 and AGR 130
AGR 299 | Topics/Issues in Agriculture | 1-3 Hours |
An examination of a special topic or current issue within agriculture. Topics will vary by semester and section and will be listed on the course schedule and on the student's permanent academic record. This course may be repeated for credit as topics change, up to a total of three times or a maximum of nine credits. Repeatable: This course may be repeated for credit as topics change, up to a total of three times or a maximum of nine credits. Prerequisite: None
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
ART 101 | 2-D Design Foundations | 3 Hours |
An introduction to two-dimensional design through the analysis of visual principles as they apply to design problems. Design problem-solving in the studio and on the computer will be accompanied by lectures, demonstrations, and critiques. This is a foundation course for commercial, architectural, and fine arts students. An introduction to color theory is included. Prerequisite: None
ART 102 | 3-D Design Foundations | 3 Hours |
In this 3-D Foundations design course the student will learn how to hone their perceptual skills and sculptural design techniques, apply the elements and principles of design and create visually and conceptually charged works of art. The study of form and structure in three-dimensions including additive, subtractive, replacement, linear and contemporary forms of sculptural design will be accompanied by lectures, demonstrations, and critiques. Prerequisite: None
ART 113 | Basic Drawing I | 3 Hours |
In this beginning drawing course, the student will learn how to hone their perceptual skills and explore a variety of art making materials, tools and techniques. Students will apply the elements and principles of design and create visually and conceptually charged drawings. The main practice will be to replicate a three dimensional illusion on a two dimensional surface. Once the student achieves a level of understanding of the realistic style of drawing they will explore the technical, creative, imaginative and expressive realms of drawing. Students will apply drawing and design theories and produce finished artworks ready for exhibition. Prerequisite: None
ART 114 | Basic Drawing II | 3 Hours |
An investigation of drawing through the use of color, with an emphasis on observational representation and thematic development through descriptive and expressive means. Topics to be covered include gesture, line, value, perspective, texture, composition, color theory and conceptual exploration. Class sessions will be accompanied by lectures, demonstrations, and critiques. Prerequisite: ART 113 or consent of instructor
ART 119 | Art Appreciation | 3 Hours |
A survey of the visual arts (painting, drawing, printmaking, sculpture and architecture). Examines historical, social and technological factors that contribute to understanding the function and meaning of works of art. This course fulfills a fine arts general education requirement for the non-art major. Prerequisite: None
ART 120 | Prehistoric thru Medieval Art | 3 Hours |
The historical development of the visual arts (painting, drawing, printmaking, sculpture and architecture) in Western society, focusing on major artistic styles and movements. Examines works of art as expressions of the ideas and beliefs of artists within their cultural and social contexts. Slide lectures stressing the major periods and styles of prehistoric, ancient civilized cultures through Medieval Art. This course is one of a three-part series of courses (ART 120, 121, 122) intended to fulfill the art history requirements for the art major, but is also a general education fine arts course. Prerequisite: None
ART 121 | Renaissance thru Romantic Art | 3 Hours |
This is a continuation of Prehistoric through Medieval Art. The historical development of the visual arts (painting, drawing, printmaking, sculpture and architecture in Western society, focusing on major artistic styles and movements. Examines works of art as expressions of the ideas and beliefs of artists within their cultural and social contexts. Slide lectures covering the major movements from Renaissance through Romanticism. This course is a one of a three part series of courses (ART 120, 121, 122) intended to fulfill the art history requirements for the art major, but is also a general education fine arts course. Only one course ART 121 or ART 122) can be used for general education credit. Prerequisite: None
ART 122 | Modern Art | 3 Hours |
This is a continuation of Renaissance through Romantic Art. The historical development of the visual arts (painting, drawing, printmaking, sculpture and architecture in Western society, focusing on major artistic styles and movements. Examines works of art as expressions of the ideas and beliefs of artists within their cultural and social contexts. Slide lectures covering the major movements in Modern societies from Realism through worldwide Contemporary Art. This course is a one of a three part series of courses (ART 120, 121, 122) intended to fulfill the art history requirements for the art major, but is also a general education fine arts course. Only one course (ART 121 or ART 122) can be used for general education credit.:3 Prerequisite: None
ART 203 | Oil Painting I | 3 Hours |
In this oil painting course the student will learn how to hone their perceptual skills and art making techniques. They will apply the elements and principles of design and create visually and conceptually charged works of art. The main practice will be to replicate a three dimensional illusion on a two dimensional surface using painting mediums and techniques. Once the student achieves a level of understanding the realistic style of painting they will explore the technical, creative, imaginative and expressive realms of painting. Students will apply painting and design theories, explore a myriad of materials and techniques and produce finished artworks ready for exhibition. Prerequisite: ART 101 or ART 113 or consent of instructor.
ART 204 | Oil Painting II | 3 Hours |
A further investigation of oil painting with emphasis on observational representation and thematic development through descriptive and expressive means. Topics to be covered include preparation of painting surfaces, creation and use of various painting mediums, composition, color theory and conceptual exploration. Class sessions will be accompanied by lectures, demonstrations and critiques. Prerequisite: ART 203 or consent of instructor
ART 213 | Life Drawing I | 3 Hours |
In this life drawing course the student will learn how to hone their perceptual skills and art making technique. They will apply the elements and principles of design and create visually and conceptually charged drawings. The main practice will be to replicate a three dimensional illusion on a two dimensional surface, specifically the study of human anatomy, proportion, movement and drawing from life. Once the student achieves a level of understanding of the realistic style of drawing students will explore the technical, creative, imaginative and expressive realms of drawing. Students will apply drawing and design theories, explore a myriad of materials and techniques and produce finished artworks ready for exhibition. Prerequisite: ART 101 or ART 113 or consent of instructor.
ART 214 | Life Drawing II | 3 Hours |
An exploration of figure drawing through the use of various color media. Topics to be covered include basic drawing concepts, structural anatomy, proportions, movement and pictorial form. Prerequisite: ART 101, ART 113 and ART 213
ART 225 | Photography I | 3 Hours |
This course is an introduction to analogue photography, film darkroom procedures and will practice blending alternative, traditional and digital materials, techniques and concepts. In the class students will learn and practice photography for both creative and commercial applications. Students will learn how to operate a camera manually and become proficient in using shutter speeds, apertures and light sensitivity controls. This course will include information on the types and anatomy of the cameras and explore a variety of photographic accessories including both traditional B&W darkroom and digital photographic techniques. In this course students will apply their technical knowledge of photography and create a variety of visually impactful and meticulously produced photographic images. This course also will examine the historical context and contemporary use of photography as an artistic medium in our culture. Students will work to hone their technical skills coupled with their personal creative vision within several photographic genres and create professionally presented works of photographic art. Prerequisite: ART 101 (may be taken concurrently) or ART 113 (may be taken concurrently) or consent
of instructor.
ART 230 | Graphic Design | 3 Hours |
This course is designed to provide students the necessary computer and design skills to begin a career in graphic design. Various fine art and commercial computer art projects will deal with the design and production of images using a variety of materials, tools and techniques applying communication theory. Students will begin to develop a comprehension of the historic, theoretic and practical applications related to art, digital imaging techniques and graphic design and create finished works of commercial and fine art. Prerequisite: ART 101(may be taken concurrently) or consent of instructor
ART 250 | Sculpture I | 3 Hours |
An introduction to the basic tools, techniques, materials and thought processes that go into the creation of sculpture. Participants will have the opportunity to create works using techniques such as assemblage, carving, construction, modeling, casting and installation techniques while creating three dimensional sculptures. Prerequisite: ART 102 or consent of instructor
ART 299 | Topics/Projects in Studio Art | 1-3 Hours |
A study of a special topic or current issue relating to studio art. Topics will vary from semester to semester and will be listed in the course schedule. The course may be repeated when topics vary. This course may be taken three times for a maximum of 9 credits (Topic to be listed on student's permanent academic record). Repeatable: This course may be taken three times for a maximum of 9 credits. Prerequisite: ART 101 or consent of instructor
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
BIO 103 | Introductory Biology | 4 Hours |
An introduction to fundamental principles of biology including: nature of science, basic chemistry, the organization, structure and function of organisms, cell division, reproduction, genetics, evolution and ecology. The course is designed for the student with minimal science background. This course will satisfy science requirements for A.A., A.S. transfer, and A.A.S. degree students. (For non-science majors.) Credit will not be awarded for both BIO 103 and BIO 104. Prerequisite: None
BIO 104 | Introductory Biology | 3 Hours |
An introduction to fundamental principles of biology including: nature of science, basic chemistry, the organization, structure and function of organisms, cell division, reproduction, genetics, evolution and ecology. The course is designed for the student with minimal science background. This course will satisfy science requirements for A.A., A.S. transfer, and A.A.S. degree students. (For non-science majors.) Credit will not be awarded for both BIO 104 and BIO 103. Prerequisite: None
BIO 105 | Principles of Biology | 5 Hours |
A survey of the basic principles of biology including nature of science, cells, structure and function of organisms, genetics, evolution and ecology. This course is designed to satisfy the biology requirement for general education and vocation-occupational curriculum majors. It provides a basis for understanding principles common to all major fields of biology for the science or professional major. This course along with BIO 123 (Introduction to Botany) and BIO 131 (General Zoology) is part of the three-semester sequence that satisfies the IAI 910 Biology requirement. Students who have completed BIO 105 with a grade of C or better will not receive credit for BIO 103 or BIO 104. Prerequisite: None
BIO 108 | Intro to Human Anatomy/Physiol | 4 Hours |
A study of introductory chemistry, cells, tissues, and structure and function of organ systems including: digestive, respiratory, reproductive, urogenital, cardiovascular-lymphatic, musculoskeletal, nervous, immune, and endocrine systems. Prerequisite: None
BIO 109 | Human Anatomy & Physiology I | 4 Hours |
A study of introductory chemistry, cells, metabolic processes, the organization of tissues, the skeletal system, joints and articulation, the integumentary system, micro and macro organization of the nervous system, and somatic and special senses. Prerequisite: BIO 105 or BIO 108 with a grade of C or higher OR two years of high school biology
with a C or higher within the last five years AND CHE 102 or CHE 103 or CHE 105 with
a grade of C or higher OR one year of high school chemistry with a grade of C or higher
within the last five years.
BIO 110 | Human Anatomy & Physiology II | 4 Hours |
A continuation of BIO 109. BIO 110 is the study of the anatomy and physiology of the endocrine, muscular, cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, urinary, immune, lymphatic, and reproductive systems. Additionally, electrolyte, pH, and water balance and human development will be discussed. Prerequisite: BIO 109 with a grade of C
BIO 111 | Introductory Microbiology | 4 Hours |
A study of the chemistry, structure, metabolism, growth, genetics, ecology, and disease causing abilities of microorganisms. Intensive laboratory exercises will stress aseptic technique, culturing, isolation and microorganism identification using a wide variety of diagnostic procedures. Prerequisite: BIO 105 with a grade of C or higher or BIO 108 with a grade of C, or higher or BIO
109 with a grade of C, or permission of instructor.
BIO 120 | Environmental Health | 3 Hours |
An examination of the environmental effects on human physiological systems, resulting in diverse problems such as heart disease, cancer, and other health related concerns. This course is designed to assist the student in making informed, responsible decisions affecting personal and environmental wellness. Prerequisite: None
BIO 123 | Introduction to Botany | 5 Hours |
Activities, structure, methods of reproduction, relationships and uses of major types of plant life, with emphasis on flowering plants. This course is designed for the transfer student in agriculture, liberal arts, general education and science majors. This course along with BIO 105 (Principles of Biology) and BIO 131 (General Zoology) is part of the three semester sequence that satisfies the IAI Bio 910 Biology major requirement. Prerequisite: BIO 105 with a grade of "C" or higher
BIO 131 | General Zoology | 5 Hours |
An introduction to the principles of classification of animals, followed by a systematic study of invertebrate and vertebrate animals including their morphology, physiology, and natural history. Concepts of evolution, paleontology, and ecology are discussed. This course along with BIO 105 (Principles of Biology) and BIO 123 (Introduction to Botany) is part of the three semester sequence that satisfies the IAI Bio 910 Biology major requirement. Â Prerequisite: BIO 105 with a grade of "C" or higher.
BIO 140 | Environmental Biology | 3 Hours |
This course concentrates on critical thinking needed to evaluate contemporary environmental issues with the goal of helping students make informed decisions. Basic biology, chemistry, geology and ecological concepts including biogeochemical cycles, population growth, biodiversity and evolution will be tied to environmental topics such as human overpopulation, climate change, pollution, natural resource use and alternate energy sources. Prerequisite: None
BIO 270 | Topics/Issues in Biology | 1-3 Hours |
A study of a special topic or current issue relating to biology. Topics will vary from semester to semester and will be listed in the course schedule. The course may be repeated when topics vary. This course may be taken three times for a maximum of 9 credits (Topic to be listed on student's permanent academic record). This course is repeatable two times for a maximum of nine credits. Prerequisite: None
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
BUS 103 | Intro to Business | 3 Hours |
Introduction to Business provides a foundation of knowledge in business including an understanding of the basic processes of marketing, finance, production, accounting, information technology, human resource management and the relationships of business to our society and government and the global economy. Prerequisite: None
BUS 105 | Principles of Sales | 3 Hours |
An introduction to personal selling for those students whose main interest is in the field of marketing. This course will also provide the necessary skills of personal selling to potential salespeople so they may develop their growing responsibilities more efficiently and effectively to manage the entire value chain within their own organizations, with their suppliers, and with their customers. Potential salespeople will learn the sound skills of partnering and communication in order to develop and maintain strategic alliances within the regional, national, and international business communities. Integration of materials from other business and non-business disciplines will illustrate the application of theories in the practice of selling to deliver total quality. Potential salespeople will examine various methods in which salespeople employ technology to learn about, to connect with, and to build relationships with customers. Prerequisite: None
BUS 106 | Business Mathematics | 3 Hours |
This course develops an approach to the study of the fundamentals of computational skills used in business. These computational skills may be employed in business/commercial decision making and in general quantitative business situations. Quantitative topics include reinforcement of fundamental arithmetic and mathematical processes, equations and word problems, percentages, decimals and fractions, product pricing and markup policies, bank reconciliations, notes and interest, payroll records, business inventory turnover, and insurance principles. Further topics include the study of business depreciation, business financial statements, business and personal insurance, corporate stocks and bonds, international business, compound interest applications, and business statistics. Prerequisite: None
BUS 112 | Human Relations | 3 Hours |
Stresses development of the individual and inter-personal relationships applied to business and industry with emphasis upon values, communications, problem solving, motivation and leadership. In addition, human relations skills and organizational behavior concepts are developed within modern organization environments to understand behavior, performance, learning, perception, values, and diversity. Communications skills, conflict resolutions, power, politics, ethics, and team dynamics are presented and analyzed within modern organizations. Organizational development principles such as organizational change, global diversity, productivity, participative management, and time as well as career management skills are presented and applied. Prerequisite: None
BUS 155 | Materials Management | 3 Hours |
Materials Management covers the essentials of modern supply chain management, including manufacturing, purchasing, distribution, and quality management, along with the integration of all elements of production planning and control, as well as the impact of technology on warehousing and physical distribution. Prerequisite: BUS 103
BUS 205 | Principles of Management | 3 Hours |
Principles of Management analyzes the organizing, planning and controlling of business activities and the directing of people to achieve the objectives of business by studying the current management theories. Prerequisite: None
BUS 210 | Marketing | 3 Hours |
An examination of the fundamental principles and functions of marketing, with emphasis on the tools and techniques by which goods are transferred from producer to consumer, notforprofit marketing, consumer behavior, organizational buying behavior and the relation of marketing to the economic and business structure. Prerequisite: None
BUS 211 | Intro to Internatl Business | 3 Hours |
This course provides a survey of the world of international business. Topics of study include business operations in different cultures, the impact of geography upon business operations, an understanding of why products are the same or different in countries, varying business practices, as well as the impact of the Internet upon international business. Problems and practices in international business management activities will be analyzed. The issues include American management techniques in foreign settings, comparative management among different countries and the complexity introduced by the management of international companies. The course focuses on international organizational functioning to help the student gain a diversity of views. Prerequisite: None
BUS 214 | Business Statistics | 3 Hours |
This course is an introduction to business statistics in which methods of collection, presentation and interpretation of quantitative data is studied. Emphasis is placed on the interpretation of data with such topics as averages, dispersion, probability, sampling, tests of significance and simple linear correlation being studied. Prerequisite: MAT 121 or appropriate placement
BUS 215 | E-Commerce & Social Media Mktg | 3 Hours |
This course will cover how a business can market its products, services and ideas using internet technology. Topics will include e-commerce as part of the marketing mix, search engine optimization, selling through the internet, social networking, blogs, measuring results of the e-commerce strategy and email as permission marketing. Prerequisite: BUS 103 or BUS 210 or consent of instructor.
BUS 216 | Advertising | 3 Hours |
The basic principles of advertising, planning and management as it relates to marketing, sequence, including a survey of the major groups of advertising media (printed, broadcast, positive and point-of purchase media) and their application. Emphasis will be placed on the campaign approach to advertising program. Prerequisite: None
BUS 222 | The Legal Environment of Bus | 3 Hours |
The legal environment law course is an introductory course to law and the judicial system. Topics covered in the course include federal law, securities, employment, labor relations, social environment laws, product liability, and consumer protection. Prerequisite: None
BUS 231 | Occupational Seminar I | 1 Hours |
A seminar designed to complement the student's initial placement in an approved working situation. Instructor approval required for enrollment. Prerequisite: Completion of 12 hours in major field courses. Concurrent enrollment in BUS 235.
BUS 235 | Occupational Internship I | 3 Hours |
An occupational experience utilizing on-the-job training. All students are required to spend a minimum of 15 hours each week on the job. Instructor approval required for enrollment Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in BUS 231.
BUS 260 | Entrepreneurship Principles | 3 Hours |
Entrepreneurship Principles examines the various skills, habits and mindset essential for a successful entrepreneurial venture. Real world case studies will provide opportunities to analyze why certain businesses fail while others succeed. Students will also encounter exposure to a variety of entrepreneurship ventures through lectures, group discussions, and research that support growth in problem recognition, solution development, and the exploration of career options. Prerequisite: None
BUS 270 | Topics/Issues in Business | 1-4 Hours |
A study of a special topic or current issue relating to business. Topics will vary from semester to semester and will be listed in the course schedule. The course may be repeated when topics vary. This course may be taken three times for a maximum of 12 credits. (Topic to be listed on student's permanent academic record.) Repeatable: This course may be taken 3 times for a maximum of 12 credits. Prerequisite: None
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
CHE 102 | Introduction to Chemistry | 3 Hours |
A one semester general survey covering basic chemistry principles including topics in organic chemistry. In particular, emphasizing electronic structure and periodic law, chemical bonding, stoichiometry, chemical reactions and calculations, acids, bases, salts, and organic compounds. Depth of coverage is designed to meet the needs for the general education physical science requirements Credit will not be awarded for both CHE 102(3 credits) and CHE 103(4 credits). Prerequisite: None
CHE 103 | Introduction to Chemistry | 4 Hours |
A one semester general survey covering basic chemistry principles including topics in organic chemistry. In particular, emphasizing electronic structure and periodic law, chemical bonding, stoichiometry, chemical reactions and calculations, states of matter, solution chemistry including acids, bases and salts, and organic compounds. Depth of coverage is designed to meet the needs for general education physical science requirements. Credit will not be awarded for both CHE 102(3 credits) and CHE 103(4 credits). Prerequisite: None
CHE 105 | General Chemistry I | 5 Hours |
This course involves the study of matter, measurements, the periodic table of the elements, atomic structure, basic concepts of quantum theory, bonding, stoichiometry of compounds and reactions, solution chemistry, introduction to acids and bases, thermochemistry, the gaseous state, and basic concepts of the liquid and solid states. This class is for chemistry, engineering, premedical, and science majors. Prerequisite: One year of high school chemistry or CHE 103 or CHE 102.
CHE 106 | General Chemistry II | 5 Hours |
This course is a continuation of CHE 105. This course involves the study of solutions, acids and bases, equilibria, acid-base equilibria, solubility equilibria, kinetics, thermodynamics, electrochemistry, coordination compounds, and nuclear chemistry. This class is for chemistry, engineering, premedical, and science majors. Prerequisite: CHE 105 General Chemistry I or equivalent with a C or higher.
CHE 201 | Organic Chemistry I | 5 Hours |
This course covers the following topics: bonding; molecular structure and properties; reactivity and nomenclature of alkanes, cycloalkanes, alkenes, alkynes, alkyl halides, alcohols and ethers; stereochemistry; nucleophilic substitution and elimination reaction; infrared spectroscopy. Laboratory is required. Students should complete both CHE 201 and CHE 202 before transferring to another institution. Prerequisite: CHE 106 or equivalent with a "C" or better
CHE 202 | Organic Chemistry II | 5 Hours |
This course covers the following topics: Nomenclature, reactions, and synthesis of aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids and their derivatives, aromatic compounds; conjugated dienes, dicarbonyl compounds, amines, amino acids, proteins, carbohydrates, phenols, NMR spectroscopy and MS spectrometry. Laboratory is required. Prerequisite: CHE 201 Organic Chemistry I with a C or higher.
Computer Info Systems
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
CIS 100 | Basic Keyboard & Doc Proc | 2 Hours |
Instruction in keyboard and machine control techniques with the objective of developing a mastery of the keyboard and skill in producing basic and academic reports. Prerequisite: None
CIS 101 | Fund of Computer Info Systems | 3 Hours |
This course provides an introduction to the fundamentals of computer information systems through a comprehensive study of the development, history, growth, and application of the computer as a tool of information systems. The student will gain a functional understanding of computer hardware, systems software, storage devices, telecommunications, database theory and applications, operating systems, programming languages, software development, systems analysis and design, and management information systems. Issues of computer security, Internet, and ethics will be stressed throughout the course. The student will be provided with a balance of real-world applications and technical information of information systems. Prerequisite: None
CIS 104 | Word Processing Software | 2 Hours |
This course will familiarize the user with advanced features of word processing. Course emphasis will include: document creation, document deleting and document printing, editing, formatting with fonts, margins, columns, citations, creating and formatting tables, graphics, themes and building blocks, merging, multipage, styles and templates, references, footnotes, integration with Excel and Access, building forms, collaborating and tracking documents customizing Word. Prerequisite: CIS 109 or consent of instructor
CIS 106 | Spreadsheet Software | 3 Hours |
This introductory course is designed to acquaint the student with the process of using personal computers to solve spreadsheet problems. In addition to providing the student with a working knowledge of the basic and advanced capabilities of spreadsheet software, the student will be exposed to the use of problem-solving techniques for situations in which spreadsheet solutions are appropriate. Prerequisite: CIS 109 or consent of instructor
CIS 108 | Database Software | 3 Hours |
This introductory course is designed to acquaint the student with the use of Windows-based database management system to solve problems. In addition to providing the student with a working knowledge of the basic and advanced capabilities of a Windows database management system, the student will be exposed to the use of problem-solving techniques for situations in which database management solutions are appropriate. Prerequisite: CIS 109 or consent of instructor
CIS 109 | Introduction to Computers | 3 Hours |
This introductory course consists of the study of computer hardware, software, operating systems, communications, networking, Internet, systems and program development life cycles and their role in business decision making. The use of Internet, multimedia, security, and ethics will be emphasized throughout the course. In addition, laboratory experience will be gained with a survey of Microsoft Windows and business computer software applications programs in word processing, electronic spreadsheets, database management, presentation graphics, and Internet. Prerequisite: None. Students having no experience with computers are encouraged to first take CIS
CIS 132 | Cloud Productivity | 2 Hours |
This introductory course is designed to acquaint the student with the use of cloud-based office productivity applications for collaboration, file sharing, project management, note-taking, communication, and organization. Laboratory experience will be gained with a survey of tools including: Google Apps, Microsoft Office 365, Evernote, cloud-based drives, and web conferencing tools. Both desktop and mobile tools will be utilized when applicable. Best practices for the business office and security will be emphasized. Prerequisite: CIS 101 or CIS 109 (concurrent enrollment accepted), or consent of instructor.
CIS 134 | Website Creation & Management | 3 Hours |
An introductory course in the fundamentals of web site design and development. Topics include web site planning, typography, images, multimedia elements, publishing, and promoting and maintaining a website. Students will create a functional, effective, and visually appealing web site using a content management system. This class does not use an HTML editor. Prerequisite: CIS 101 or CIS 109 or consent of instructor
CIS 143 | Desktop Publishing Software | 3 Hours |
An introduction to desktop publishing in which students will learn to manipulate, edit, store and plot both text and graphic information. Students will also learn how to develop and use artistic graphics necessary to produce business forms, charts, reports, newsletters, brochures and magazines utilizing the microcomputer. Prerequisite: None
CIS 148 | Business Presentation Graphics | 1 Hours |
This course focuses on creating effective and attractive presentation media for business presentations. The student will learn the basics of a software package specifically designed for presentation graphics. In addition to providing the student with a working knowledge of the graphics capabilities of various software packages, the student will be exposed to the use of problem-solving techniques for situations in which graphic solutions are appropriate. Prerequisite: CIS 109 or consent of instructor.
CIS 150 | Fund Bus Computer Programming | 3 Hours |
This course introduces students to programming logic, presenting the techniques of problem analysis and program design. Several business- oriented algorithms will be designed by the student using flowcharts, pseudocode and other programming logic tools. Prerequisite: None
CIS 151 | Network Certification | 3 Hours |
This course offers a hands-on approach to computer networking. Students will be introduced to a variety of networking hardware and software. Students will examine the application of networking hardware and software, and install, configure, and troubleshoot end to end networks. The course will introduce the most popular and recent technologies. This course is designed to prepare the successful student for the CompTIA N+ network certification. Prerequisite: None
CIS 152 | Introduction to Networks (ITN) | 3 Hours |
This is the first of three courses designed to provide students with classroom and laboratory experience in current and emerging networking technology that will empower them to enter employment and/or further education and training in the computer networking field. Instruction includes, but is not limited to LANs, OSI model, cabling, cabling tools, switching, routing, IP addressing, and network standards in accordance with the Cisco CCNA Certification Track. Emphasis is given to the use of decision-making and problem-solving techniques to solve networking problems. Prerequisite: CIS 151 (can be as co-requisite) or approval of instructor
CIS 154 | Switching/Routing/Wireless Ess | 3 Hours |
This is the second of three courses designed to provide students with classroom and laboratory experience in current and emerging networking technology that will empower them to enter employment and/or further education and training in the computer networking field. Instruction includes, but is not limited to Switching Concepts, VLANs, STP, DHCP, LAN and WLAN Concepts, Routing and Troubleshooting Networks in accordance with the Cisco CCNA Certification. Emphasis is given to the use of decision-making and problem-solving techniques to solve networking problems. Prerequisite: CIS 152
CIS 156 | Enterprise Netw/Sec/Automation | 3 Hours |
This is the third of three courses designed to provide students with classroom and laboratory experience in current and emerging networking technology that will empower them to enter employment and/or further education and training in the computer networking field. Instruction includes, but is not limited to Single-Area OSPFv2 Concepts and Configuration, ACL Concepts, NAT, WAN Concepts, VPN, IPSec, Network Design, Network Troubleshooting, Network Virtualization, and Network Automation in accordance with the Cisco CCNA Certification. Emphasis is given to the use of decision-making and problem-solving techniques to solve networking problems. Prerequisite: CIS 154
CIS 167 | A+ Certification | 3 Hours |
This course offers a hands-on approach to microcomputer maintenance. This course will introduce a history of personal computer evolution as well as the most popular and recent technologies. Students will examine the personal computer; laptops and portable devices; current operating systems; printing & scanning techniques; basic networking; safety; and professionalism. This course is designed to prepare the successful student for the CompTIA A+ Essentials and A+ Technician exams. Prerequisite: None
CIS 186 | Intro to Virtualization | 3 Hours |
This introduction to Virtualization course will prepare students with the skills required to evaluate and implement standard virtualization technologies. Students will explore creating a virtual machine, its benefits, and be able to describe types of virtualization used for data centers. Additionally, students will be able to describe virtualization, virtual machines, hypervisors, and various standard virtualization platform components and describe the concepts of server, network, storage, and desktop virtualization. Students will understand how individuals and businesses benefit from virtualization. Prerequisite: CIS 101 or CIS 109 or consent of instructor
CIS 187 | Intro to Cloud Computing | 3 Hours |
This introduction to Cloud Computing course will prepare students with the skills required to evaluate and implement standard cloud technologies. Students will implement, maintain, and deliver cloud technologies including network, storage, and virtualization technologies to create cloud solutions. This course will also teach students to manage workload migrations, manage cloud vendors to control costs, use automation and orchestration to bring business value from cloud solutions, and ensure security of cloud implementations using cybersecurity best practices. Prerequisite: CIS 151 and 167 recommended (may be taken concurrently)
CIS 194 | Managing Modern Windows Device | 3 Hours |
This course is designed to teach you the foundation knowledge to accomplish the following technical tasks: deploy Windows; manage devices and data; configure connectivity; and maintain Windows. Prerequisite: CIS 101 or CIS 167 or instructor consent
CIS 197 | Security + Certification | 3 Hours |
This course offers a hands-on approach to network security principles. An in-depth overview of recognizing and protecting against risks and threats to an organization's electronic data will be addressed. This course prepares students for the current CompTIA's Security+ Certification Exam. Prerequisite: CIS 151 or CIS 152 or CIS 167 (may be taken as co-requisite) or approval from instructor
CIS 207 | C++ Programming | 3 Hours |
This course teaches structured computer programming in the C++ language. It emphasizes structured design, and procedural and data abstraction. It covers the fundamental control structures and data types in C++. Prerequisite: MAT 081 or MAT 090 with a grade of C or better, OR two years of high school algebra
with grades of C or better, OR appropriate placement score; AND CIS 150 or consent
of instructor.
CIS 208 | C++ Programming II | 3 Hours |
This course builds on the material in CIS 207 in teaching structured programming using the C++ programming language. It emphasizes abstract data types in addition to exploring sorting, searching, and recursion. Prerequisite: CIS 207
CIS 220 | Computer Accounting | 2 Hours |
This course covers small business accounting using computer software. Topics include creating a chart of accounts, recording customer and vendor transactions, processing payroll, and printing reports. In addition, setting up a new company is covered as well as advanced topics such as exporting to spreadsheet software. Prerequisite: None. (Recommend CIS 109 and ACC 101)
CIS 231 | Occupational Seminar | 1 Hours |
A seminar designed to complement the student's initial placement in an approved working situation. Prerequisite: Completion of 12 hours in major field courses. Concurrent enrollment in CIS 235.
CIS 235 | Occupational Internship | 3 Hours |
An occupational experience utilizing on-the-job training. All students are required to spend a minimum of 15 hours each week on the job. Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in CIS 231.
CIS 250 | Beginning Linux | 3 Hours |
This course will provide a comprehensive look at common tasks performed by Linux system administrators. This includes installation, management of Linux systems from the command line and the GUI, user administration, file permissions, customization, software configuration, management of Linux-based clients, troubleshooting, and more. Expanded coverage of networking and security are covered. This course covers all the objectives, and will prepare the student for the current CompTIA's Linux+ Certification Exam. Prerequisite: CIS 151 or CIS 152 or CIS 167, (may be taken as co-requisites), or consent of instructor.
CIS 257 | Cyber Security Analysis | 3 Hours |
This course provides the knowledge and skill required to configure and use threat detection tools, perform data analysis and interpret the results to identify vulnerabilities, threats and risks to an organization, with the end goal of securing and protecting applications and systems within an organization. This course is aligned with the CompTIA CySA+ certification and prepares the student for the CompTIA CySA+ exam. Prerequisite: CIS 151 and CIS 197 (CIS 197 can be taken concurrently)
CIS 290 | Introduction to Servers | 3 Hours |
This course offers a hands-on approach to servers. Topics will include server architecture, server administration, storage, security, networking, disaster recovery, and troubleshooting server hardware and software. This accelerated, hybrid course will combine lectures, labs, videos, simulations, and group and individual assignments. Prerequisite: CIS 194 or approval from instructor.
CIS 291 | Intro to Windows Server Admin | 3 Hours |
This course is intended to provide an introduction to the Microsoft Server operating system. Topics will include how to install, configure, monitor and maintain Microsoft Servers. Additional topics will focus on how to deploy and configure Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) in a distributed environment, how to implement Group Policy, how to perform backup and restore, and how to monitor and troubleshoot Active Directory-related issues with Windows Server 2016. Additionally, this course teaches students how to deploy other Active Directory server roles, such as Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) and Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS). This accelerated, hybrid course will combine lectures, labs, videos, simulations, and group and individual assignments. Prerequisite: CIS 290
CIS 299 | Topics/Issues in Computer Info | 1-4 Hours |
A study of a special topic or current issue relating to computer information systems. Topics will vary and will be listed in the course schedule. The course may be repeated when topics vary. This course may be taken three times for a maximum of 12 credits (topic to be listed on student's permanent academic record). Repeatable: This course may be taken three times for a maximum of 12 credits. Prerequisite: CIS 101, 109, or consent of instructor
Criminal Justice
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
CJS 101 | Intro to Criminal Justice | 3 Hours |
The course examines the history, development, and philosophy of the American criminal justice system. It includes discussions of the types of agencies involved in the administration of criminal justice and policies and procedures followed by those agencies, using a general career-oriented approach. Specific lectures include those topics such as criminal law, criminal offenses and offenders, and agencies responsible for the prevention and control of crime. Prerequisite: None
CJS 120 | Introduction to Corrections | 3 Hours |
The course is an introduction and analysis of punishment, custody, and rehabilitation as administered by law enforcement, courts, and corrections. It includes an overview of the history, evolution, and philosophy of the United States correctional system. The operation and administration of institutional and non-institutional settings, and issues of constitutional law related to corrections will also be examined. Prerequisite: None
CJS 130 | Criminal Investigation | 3 Hours |
The guidelines and requisites for criminal investigators are defined and developed through a general orientation examining both preliminary and supplementary criminal investigations. Specific types of crime are examined in terms of statutory elements, modus operandi, evidence development and collection, sources of information, interview and interrogation, suspect identification, reporting and courtroom presentation and procedure. Prerequisite: None
CJS 135 | Criminal Law | 3 Hours |
The factors relevant to resolution and decision in the bringing forth of criminal charges are developed within the adversary system. The basic principles of criminal liability are reviewed laying the foundation for considering specific offenses against property, habitation, and persons. Special consideration is given to the criminal law within Illinois. Prerequisite: CJS 101 is recommended but not required.
CJS 200 | Ethics in Criminal Justice | 3 Hours |
Ethics is the study of right and wrong, good and evil. It involves all aspects of who we are, our minds, hearts, relationships with each other, and the intentions and motives for our actions. During this course, students become more aware and open to moral and ethical issues in criminal justice and students learn to develop critical thinking and analytical skills causing them to be more personally responsible. The educational process of ethics is recognizing how criminal justice is engaged in a process of authority, coercive power and selective discretionary authority. This course will develop whole sight in creation of a vision of ethical and moral standards within the criminal justice environment. Prerequisite: None
CJS 208 | Juvenile Delinquency | 3 Hours |
The course is an analysis of the social and psychological factors of delinquent behavior. The practical application of theories, causation, prevention and rehabilitation is considered with regard to programs. The role of the juvenile police, corrections, and probation officers is considered, as well as a look at the Illinois Juvenile Court Act. Prerequisite: None (CJS 101 is recommended.)
CJS 231 | Criminal Evidence & Procedure | 3 Hours |
Criminal evidence for police, types of evidence, criminal procedures in various courts, arrest, search and seizure, collection of evidence, discretion and related topics. Prerequisite: None. CJS 135 is recommended.
CJS 232 | Police and Patrol Operations | 3 Hours |
This course is a study of the responsibility, techniques and methods of police patrol. This includes the areas of patrol distribution, selective enforcement, pull-over and approach methods, emergency pursuit driving, search of suspects and buildings, field interrogations, and procedures in handling police-called-for services. Prerequisite: None
CJS 233 | Community Policing | 3 Hours |
This course examines proactive community-oriented policing and problem solving (COPPS) in the context of changes in law enforcement agencies and communities. Students will be provided with relevant information to understand the COPPS philosophy and its applications for law enforcement and society. Also, students will gain experience in understanding policy and program development from beginning to end and the process of analyzing problems and setting goals and objectives as well as how to design programs and policies and conduct action planning; and experience the process of implementing, monitoring, and evaluating outcomes through reassessing/reviewing. Prerequisite: CJS 101 or permission of instructor
CJS 238 | Criminology | 3 Hours |
The course is an analysis of the theories of criminology. Crime in relation to physical and psychological factors, to cultural areas, to the family and to other social institutions will be examined. Consideration is given to professional crime and white collar crime. Prerequisite: SOC 111
CJS 250 | Criminal Justice Practicum | 1-3 Hours |
A supervised field experience designed to utilize and develop the student's training and educational skills in a specific correctional, law enforcement, or social justice placement. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor and approval of internship supervisor. Internship approval form
to be signed and completed by the intern, internship supervisor, faculty supervisor,
and the academic vice-president.
CJS 299 | Topic/Issues- Criminal Justice | 1-3 Hours |
A study of a special topic or current issue relating to history. Topics will vary from semester to semester and will be listed in the course schedule. The course may be repeated when topics vary. This course may be taken three times for a maximum of 9 credits (Topic to be listed on student's permanent academic record.) Repeatable: This course may be taken three times for a maximum of nine credits. Prerequisite: None
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
COM 131 | Intro to Oral Communication | 3 Hours |
The oral communication course combines communication theory with the practice of oral communication skills. The course: (1) develops awareness of the communication process; (2) provides inventional, organizational, and expressive strategies; (3) promotes understanding of and adaptation to a variety of communication contexts; and (4) emphasizes critical skills in listening, reading, thinking, and speaking. Prerequisite: None
COM 151 | Interpersonal Communication | 3 Hours |
An introduction to the basic theories and concepts relevant to interperonal interaction. Emphasis is placed on the role of communication in the creation, maintenance, and termination of social, romantic, familial, and professional relationships. Prerequisite: None
COM 161 | Small Group Communication | 3 Hours |
An introduction to the theory and practice of small group communication. Emphasis is placed on social norms, the nature and types of groups, and leadership development. Students are expected to demonstrate both practical and theoretical understanding of problem-solving, information-providing, decision-making, and conflict management. Prerequisite: None
COM 181 | Intro to Mass Communication | 3 Hours |
Provides an overview of the nature, functions, and responsibilities of the mass communication industries in a global environment with an emphasis on the media's role in American society. Prerequisite: None
College Success Skills
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
CSS 100 | Student Success Skills | 1 Hours |
This course is designed to help students develop and refine successful learning strategies for their college experience. The course will provide in-depth review of how students learn and interface with the faculty and the institution as a whole. Key elements of the course will include educational goal development, effective use of college textbooks, note taking, and test preparation skills. This course may be repeated two times for students requiring additional development of learning strategies. Prerequisite: None
CSS 110 | Career Exploration & Planning | 1 Hours |
Introduction to career exploration and life/work planning. An emphasis is placed on developing skills related to self-awareness, career path choices, life/work decision-making, and effective strategies for career action and success in an evolving work environment. Prerequisite: None
CSS 130 | Constructive Dialogue/Issues | 3 Hours |
This course will equip students with information and skills necessary to understand and discuss difficult topics related to social issues and across political differences. Research-based methods for communication, understanding data, and evaluating media sources will provide a foundation for students to engage in guided in-class dialogues. Prerequisite: None
CSS 150 | Intro/Leadership Prin & Civ En | 1 Hours |
This course introduces the basic principles of personal and interpersonal leadership that can be applied in various areas of life. It explores factors that impact productivity, effectiveness, and efficiency, as well as a range of interpersonal skill sets. Emphasizing civic engagement and social responsibility, the course covers topics such as vision, goal setting, motivation, decision-making, time management, team building, ethics, managing change, and essential communication skills. Additional topics include developing personal leadership styles and navigating organizational politics. Prerequisite: None
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
DMS 100 | Intro to Diagnostic Med. Sonog | 3 Hours |
History of ultrasound including medical applications. Description of the roles, responsibilities, and rules of the diagnostic medical sonographer. Introduction to the fundamental principles of the use and maintenance of ultrasound equipment. Indications of diagnostic sonography procedures, positioning, safety, and image processing. Legal and ethical issues in an ultrasound department. Prerequisite: Admission to the Diagnostic Medical Imaging Sonography Program or consent of instructor.
DMS 101 | Son Physics/Instrumentation I | 2 Hours |
Introduction to physics of acoustics and sonographic instrumentation. Production and types of sound waves discussed. Demonstration of propagation of ultrasound through tissues, transducers, pulse-echo instruments, and display methods. Prerequisite: Admission to the Diagnostic Medical Sonography Program or consent of instructor.
DMS 102 | Son Physics/Instrumentation II | 2 Hours |
Continuation of pulse-echo instrumentation including harmonics, image artifacts, and color flow imaging with Doppler instrumentation. Bioeffects and safety in ultrasound imaging. Quality management applied to Sonography. Prerequisite: DMS 101 or consent of instructor.
DMS 103 | Son Cross-Sectional Anatomy | 3 Hours |
Introduction to the basics of cross-sectional anatomy as interpreted on diagnostic sonographic images. Sectional human anatomy in the transverse, sagittal, and coronal planes. Correlation of anatomy with cadavers and ultrasound images. Prerequisite: Admission to the Diagnostic Medical Sonography program.
DMS 104 | Fundamentals of OB/GYN I | 3 Hours |
Students will be introduced to the female reproductive system as it relates to Sonography. Topics will include imaging in the first trimester of pregnancy and non-gravid uterus, review of ultrasound images of normal anatomy and pathology, ultrasound appearance of the cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, placenta, and fetus. Management of gynecologic infertility and post-menopausal women will also be discussed. Prerequisite: Admission to Diagnostic Medical Sonography program or consent of instructor.
DMS 105 | Fundamentals of OB/GYN II | 3 Hours |
Students will be introduced to fetal ultrasound techniques in the second and third trimester. Topics will include multiple gestation pregnancies, antenatal syndromes, congenital fetal disorders, placenta, umbilical cord, and membrane conditions. Fetal growth assessment and management of growth disorders will also be discussed. Prerequisite: DMS 104 with a grade of C or better, or equivalent or consent of instructor.
DMS 106 | Abdomen/Superficial Struct I | 3 Hours |
Students will be introduced to abdomen and superficial structure pathologies seen with ultrasound. Students will learn to identify and document the sonographic appearance of pathologies. The following areas will be discussed: great vessels, inferior vena cava, liver, biliary, pancreas, spleen, urinary system, thyroid, parathyroid, salivary glands, gastrointestinal tract, retroperitoneum, non-cardiac chest, scrotum, and prostate. Prerequisite: DMS 100, DMS 101, DMS 103, DMS 104, DMS 120, and DMS 121 all with a grade of C or
DMS 107 | Abdomen/Superficial Struct II | 1 Hours |
Continuation of abdomen and superficial structure pathologies seen using ultrasound with emphasis on neonatal and pediatrics. The following areas will be discussed: musculoskeletal, neonatal brain, infant hips, infant spine, pediatric gastrointestinal, pediatric abdomen, pediatric gynecology, and pediatric urinary/adrenal. Prerequisite: DMS 106
DMS 108 | Legal Issues of Sonography | 1 Hours |
Students will be introduced to the legal system as it applies to the medical field. Medical malpractice cases will be reviewed and discussed. Students will be taught how to protect themselves from becoming involved in a medical malpractice case. Prerequisite: DMS 104 and DMS 106 with a grade of C or higher or consent of instructor.
DMS 109 | Fund of Breast Sonography | 1 Hours |
Students will be introduced to the fundamentals of breast Sonography. This course reviews the identification of sonographic physics-related artifacts in normal and abnormal breast tissue and anatomy. Correlation with other imaging modalities and surgical techniques in breast pathology are also included. Prerequisite: DMS 102 with a grade of C or higher, or Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographer
(ARDMS) or ARRT registered sonographer.
DMS 120 | Hands-On Scanning Lab 1 | 1 Hours |
Overview and emphasis of principles taught in DMS 100 in Abdominal/Superficial Structures and Obstetrics/Gynecology. Students perform hands-on scanning techniques in the scanning lab. Various scanning techniques are demonstrated on fellow students under the guidance of the instructor. Proper techniques in manipulating the transducer probe are demonstrated. Identification of organ systems and corresponding ultrasound images. Prerequisite: Admission to Diagnostic Medical Imaging Sonography Program or consent of instructor.
DMS 121 | Hands-On Scanning Lab 2 | 1 Hours |
Course will expand on and perform principles of Abdominal/Superficial Structures and Obstetrics/Gynecology. Students will perform advanced hands-on scanning techniques utilizing proper manipulation of transducer probes. Prerequisite: Admission to Diagnostic Medical Imaging Sonography Program or consent of instructor.
DMS 122 | Hands-On Scanning Lab 3 | 1 Hours |
Continuation of principles taught in DMS 121 in Abdominal/Superficial Structures and Obstetrics/Gynecology. Emphasis placed on advanced skills in obstetrical scanning. Students perform hands-on scanning techniques on volunteer patients under the guidance of the instructor. Proper techniques in manipulating the transducer probe are demonstrated. Identification of organ systems and corresponding ultrasound images. Prerequisite: DMS 121 with a grade of C or higher or consent of instructor.
DMS 123 | Hands-On Scanning Lab 4 | 1 Hours |
The course will expand on principles of Abdominal and Superficial Structures and Obstetrics and Gynecology. Students will perform advanced hands-on scanning techniques utilizing proper manipulation of transducer probes. Emphasis will be placed on students demonstrating their scanning skills on patient volunteers. Prerequisite: DMS 121 with a grade of C or higher or consent of instructor
DMS 130 | Case Study Critique I | 1 Hours |
Students will present diagnostic medical ultrasound cases of normal and abnormal anatomy. Students will discuss imaging techniques and image quality of cases presented. Prerequisite: DMS 100, DMS 101, DMS 103, DMS 104, DMS 120, and DMS 121 all with a grade of C or
DMS 131 | Case Study Critique II | 1 Hours |
Students will present diagnostic medical ultrasound cases of normal and abnormal anatomy. Students will discuss imaging techniques and image quality of cases presented. Prerequisite: DMS 107, DMS 123, and DMS 141 all with a grade of C or better.
DMS 140 | Clinical Education I | 2 Hours |
Students are placed in a healthcare institution to reinforce and broaden knowledge gained in the first semester of the program. Correlation and application of skills learned in concurrent courses DMS 102, 105, 106, and 130. Technical and professional aspects of patient scanning in obstetrics, pelvic, abdominal, and superficial structures. Prerequisite: DMS 100, DMS 101, DMS 103, and DMS 104.
DMS 141 | Clinical Education II | 2 Hours |
Students will participate in a clinical experience in Sonography at a healthcare institution. Students will apply concepts and skills learned in DMS courses at the healthcare institution. Prerequisite: DMS 140 with a grade of C or better
DMS 142 | Clinical Education III | 3 Hours |
Students will continue Sonography clinical experience in a healthcare institution. Students will continue applying concepts and skills learned in DMS courses at the health care institution. Prerequisite: DMS 141 with a grade of C or better.
DMS 198 | Intro Pathophysiology Sonograp | 1 Hours |
Students will be introduced to physiological processes associated with disease and/or injury in the body systems. Pathology cases are illustrated with review of diagnostic medical imaging studies including Sonography, Computed Tomography, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Radiography, and Nuclear Medicine. Prerequisite: BIO 109 or equivalent or consent of instructor.
DMS 199 | Patient Care Skills | 1 Hours |
Students will be introduced to patient care skills applied to the role of a Sonographer in an imaging department. Topics will include patient care skills, scanning ergonomics, patient confidentiality, and communication skills with hospital personnel as applied to all areas of sonography. Prerequisite: Admission to the Diagnostic Medical Sonography program or consent of instructor
DMS 200 | Abdominal/Peripheral Arterial | 2 Hours |
Evaluation of blood vessels, their purpose and composition, detailed physiology of the arterial blood flow system, and ultrasound testing with direct and indirect methods. Arterial anatomy of the abdomen, pelvic, and upper extremities as well as the lower extremities will be reviewed. Diseases of the arterial system and their effects will be addressed with indications for ultrasound arterial examinations and treatments. Prerequisite: Admission to Diagnostic Medical Sonography program and concurrent enrollment required
in DMS 220 or consent of instructor.
DMS 201 | Cerebrovascular Ultrasound | 2 Hours |
Overview of the purpose and composition of blood vessels and the physiology of the cerebrovascular system. Cerebrovascular anatomy is reviewed. Diseases of the cerebrovascular system are addressed with the indications for ultrasound cerebrovascular examinations. A review and demonstration of cerebrovascular ultrasound testing and findings and other laboratory modalities. Treatments for various diseases of the cerebrovascular system are addressed. Cerebrovascular testing as a part of ongoing, post-intervention patent management is included. Prerequisite: Admission to Diagnostic Medical Sonography program and concurrent enrollment required
in DMS 203 and DMS 221 or consent of instructor.
DMS 202 | Abdominal/Peripheral Venous | 2 Hours |
Overview of the purpose and composition of blood vessels and the physiology of the venous blood flow system. Venous anatomies of the abdomen, pelvis, upper extremities, as well as the lower extremities are addressed. Diseases of the venous system, their effects, and indications for ultrasound venous examinations are included. An overview of the abdominal and peripheral venous ultrasound testing, their findings, and other laboratory modalities. Treatments for various diseases of abdominal and peripheral venous systems are reviewed. Prerequisite: Admission to Diagnostic Medical Sonography program and concurrent enrollment required
in DMS 222 or consent of instructor.
DMS 203 | Clinical Education Vascular I | 3 Hours |
Students will participate in a clinical experience in vascular sonography at a healthcare institution. Students will apply concepts and skills learned in DMS vascular courses at the healthcare institution. Prerequisite: Admission to Diagnostic Medical Imaging Sonography program and concurrent enrollment
required in DMS 201.
DMS 204 | Clinical Education Vascular II | 3 Hours |
Students will continue vascular sonography clinical experience in a healthcare institution. Students will continue applying concepts and skills learned in DMS vascular courses at the healthcare institution. Prerequisite: Admission to the program is required and DMS 203 with a grade of C or better, or equivalent.
DMS 220 | Abdomin/Peripher Arterial Scan | 1 Hours |
An overview of abdominal and peripheral arterial ultrasound testing that offers hands-on training in the classroom with vascular ultrasound equipment. Application of principles taught in DMS 200. Various arterial testing techniques and scanning are demonstrated and performed on fellow students under the guidance of the instructor. Proper techniques in these testing modalities are reviewed along with proper identification of the arterial system. Prerequisite: Admission to Diagnostic Medical Sonography program and concurrent enrollment in DMS
DMS 221 | CerebrovascularUltrasound Scan | 1 Hours |
Continuation of DMS 201 that provides a further understanding of cerebrovascular ultrasound testing by offering hands-on training in the classroom with vascular ultrasound equipment. Various cerebrovascular testing techniques and scanning are demonstrated to the students. Under the guidance of the instructor, students will practice these techniques on fellow students. Proper techniques in these testing modalities will be reviewed along with proper identification of the cerebrovascular system. Prerequisite: Admission to Diagnostic Medical Imaging Sonography program and concurrent enrollment
required in DMS 201.
DMS 222 | Abdomin/Peripheral Venous Scan | 1 Hours |
Continuation of DMS 202 that provides an understanding of abdominal and peripheral venous ultrasound testing by offering hands-on training in the classroom with vascular ultrasound equipment. Various venous testing techniques and scanning are demonstrated to the students. Under the guidance of the instructor, the students will practice these techniques on fellow students. Proper techniques in these testing modalities are reviewed along with proper identification of the venous system. Prerequisite: Admission to Diagnostic Medical Sonography program and concurrent enrollment required
in DMS 202.
Early Childhood Education
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
ECE 109 | Found of Infant & Toddler Care | 4 Hours |
This course provides students with an overview of the development of children birth through age three. Students will explore physical, social, emotional, cognitive, and linguistic growth, as well as factors that affect learning and development. Emphasis will be placed on the role of family and community partnership in effective care-giving programs. Students will also design developmentally appropriate curriculum, including observation and formal and informal assessment techniques. Students will demonstrate understanding of the Infant/Toddler Environment Rating Scale (ITERS) by performing an evaluation in an infant/toddler classroom setting. Students will participate in a minimum of 50 hours of required field experience. Prerequisite: None
ECE 114 | Child Care and Development | 3 Hours |
This course provides an overview of the theory and principles of human growth and development from conception and prenatal development through age 8. Content includes an in-depth study of the inter-relatedness of physical, social/emotional, cognitive, language and aesthetic aspects of development. Development is studied in the context of family, gender, culture, language, ability, socio-economics, diversity and society. Current research and major developmental theories are examined with an emphasis on the implications for early childhood professional practice. Students are required to complete 3 observations at an approved preschool site. Prerequisite: None
ECE 115 | Intro to Early Childhood Educ | 3 Hours |
This survey course provides an overview of early childhood care and education including historical and cultural perspectives, organization, structure, programming, and evidence-based practices. Professional and evidence-based practices of highly qualified early childhood educators are outlined with an emphasis on their ability to enhance development and learning of each and every child between the ages of birth and eight. Considerations for diversity of culture, language, race, socio- economic status, gender, ethnicity, and ability will be included. Students will spend a minimum of 15 hours of observation in diverse early childhood settings. Prerequisite: None
ECE 118 | Parent-Teachr-Child-Comm Relat | 3 Hours |
This course focuses on the child in the context of family, school, and community. An analysis of the contemporary American family will be discussed, with emphasis on the individual family interactions within the larger societal context. The course will examine the interplay of diverse cultures, lifestyles, language, and communication with the role of school and other community institutions. Students will gain an understanding of their professional role in supporting practices that strengthen respectful family/child relationships through effective use of community and family resources. Prerequisite: None
ECE 202 | Lang/Literacy Dev/Young Childr | 3 Hours |
Students will be introduced to the perspectives, concepts, and methods of language and literacy development in young children. Students will focus on the speech and language development of young children ages 0-8, as well as the practices to individualize teaching to support language and literacy development in a diverse classroom. Typical and atypical language development; the diverse factors that influence language and literacy development; developmentally appropriate methods, materials, and environments; and supporting English language learners will be emphasized. Prerequisite: None
ECE 207 | Math for the Young Child | 3 Hours |
This course is an exploration of early mathematical content and concepts that are relevant to young children ages 0-6. Students will learn what mathematics looks like during the early years and learn strategies to recognize and promote mathematical understanding in young children. Particular emphasis will be on the following concepts: numbers, measurement, shapes, patterns, spatial relations, analysis of data. Prerequisite: None
ECE 228 | Child Health-Nutrition-Safety | 3 Hours |
This course provides an overview of the health, safety and nutritional needs of young children and early childhood practices to ensure the health and well-being of each child in a group setting. Content includes roles and responsibilities of adults in meeting children's diverse needs, the promotion of healthy life style practices, understanding common childhood illnesses and injuries, meeting health, nutrition and safety standards, and planning nutritious meals that are appropriate for each child. Prerequisite: None
ECE 240 | Observ & Assess Young Children | 3 Hours |
This course focuses on authentic, alternative, classroom-based assessment on young children and how to appropriately use standardized test information. The course will further provide the student with the knowledge and skills to interpret and use the information gained to plan curriculum that is responsive to and supportive of children's learning and development. Students will have the opportunity to engage in assessment processes through means of classroom observations, providing each student with a stronger understanding of child development skills. Students learn about and explore a variety of age, individually, linguistically and culturally appropriate formal and informal assessments to gather and share information on each child's skills, abilities, interests and needs, birth through age 8. This class requires a 20 hour observation clinical component. Prerequisite: None
ECE 250 | Early Childhood Practicum | 2 Hours |
A supervised field experience designed to utilize and develop the student's learned training and educational skills in a chosen field. All students are required to spend at least six hours per week at a career education site as agreed upon with the advisor for a total of 90 hours minimum. Prerequisite: Students may register for practicum only with the consent of the SVCC practicum coordinator
and the student's assigned academic counselor. Completion of first and second semester
courses in the ECE suggested program required.
ECE 275 | Curric Dev Early Child Classrm | 3 Hours |
The principles involved in planning, implementing, and evaluating developmentally appropriate, evidence-based curriculum for young children are studied. The course focuses on relationships among developmental theory, philosophy, practice, and development of curriculum based on the needs and interests of young children including those who are culturally, linguistically, and ability diverse. The analysis of a wide range of early childhood curriculum models is emphasized. Field experiences are required. Prerequisite: None
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
ECO 211 | Principles of Macroeconomics | 3 Hours |
A survey of macro-economic theory with emphasis on resource allocation in a mixed-enterprise economy. Concentration is on the operation of the market mechanism, the role of government and labor, international trade, national income determination and accounting, money and banking, monetary and fiscal policy, and macroeconomic fluctuations. Prerequisite: None
ECO 212 | Principles of Microeconomics | 3 Hours |
Introduction to price theories, the behavior of the firm under varying market conditions and the behavior of the consumer. Prerequisite: None
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
EDU 102 | Computer Education for Teacher | 3 Hours |
This course is designed to meet the needs of education majors. This course will introduce students to the fundamentals and skills necessary to effectively integrate technology into teaching. This course is designed for the student with minimal computer experience. Prerequisite: None
EDU 105 | Prep for Careers in Education | 2 Hours |
This course introduces the student to licensure standards, course sequences, and skills required for education majors. Students will be introduced to the Illinois Professional Teaching Standards and will become familiar with the roles and responsibilities of teachers and the dispositions of effective teachers. Students will be exposed through observation activities to varying grade levels/ classrooms with the purpose of aiding in choosing the correct licensure path. Prerequisite: None
EDU 176 | Education Observation | 1 Hours |
This course is designed to introduce students to the process of observing a public school classroom. Students will be introduced to basic methods of observation, observe a classroom for ten hours, keep an observation journal, and reflect upon their observations in classroom discussions and an observation report. Prerequisite: None
EDU 210 | Diversity in Education | 3 Hours |
This course is designed to introduce pre-service teachers to the basic principles and foundations of educating for diversity. The course will explore schooling in and for global society. Emphasis will be on material evaluation and selection, curricular design, and the relationship between diversity, classroom procedure, and educational policy Prerequisite: None
EDU 220 | Educ of the Exceptional Child | 3 Hours |
An introductory overview of the field of special education and the educational and evidence-based strategies that support children with exceptional cognitive, social, physical, and emotional needs. Services and interventions will be examined, including federal and state requirements for eligibility. Students will be introduced to the various exceptionality categories that occur in the population including an overview of characteristics of individuals in each category, with emphasis on category-appropriate interventions and teaching strategies. Prerequisite: None
EDU 221 | Children's Literature | 3 Hours |
This course introduces students to the history, themes, form, and genres of literature for children. Special emphasis on the analysis and evaluation of literature for children, as well as the social and cultural contexts that have influenced the creation and selection of literature for children. Prerequisite: None
EDU 225 | Topics/Issues in Education | 1-3 Hours |
A study of a special topic or current issue relating to education. Topics will vary from semester to semester and will be listed in the course schedule. The course may be repeated when topics vary. This course may be taken three times for a maximum of 9 credits (Topic to be listed on student's permanent academic record.) Repeatable: The course may be repeated for a maximum of nine hours when the topics vary. Prerequisite: None
EDU 275 | Educational Psychology | 3 Hours |
Educational Psychology is an exploration of psychological concepts as applied to educational practice. This course emphasizes behavioral and cognitive theories, motivation, classroom management, development, intellectual functioning, achievement, assessment, learner differences, and cultural influences on teaching and learning. Prerequisite: PSY 103
EDU 276 | Clinical Exper in Education | 1 Hours |
This minimum 26-clock hour experience is offered to help meet clinical and/or observation requirements for education programs in Illinois. Seminar students will work one-on-one with students in support positions (tutoring, small group instruction, individual aid) and attend accompanying seminars focused on exploration of individual characteristics of learners and professional standards for teachers. Emphasis will be on teaching techniques, classroom dynamics and the effects of student developmental status on behavior and learning. A journal noting these factors will be kept by each seminar student. Notes: This class contains an observation component. Schools may require students to undergo a criminal background check before being allowed into the classroom. Prerequisite: None
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
EET 245 | Programmable Controllers | 3 Hours |
This course will cover basic control logic, PLC programming, and using the PLC as a troubleshooting device. Relay-type instructions, timer and counter operations, math and data compare instructions, sequencers, shift registers and program control instructions will be discussed. The course will also cover forcing commands. Programming will use Rockwell Studio 5000 and the primary PLCs used in this class will be the Allen Bradley ControlLogix and CompactLogix series. Course content will be applicable to any PLC using the Ladder Diagram language. Prerequisite: ELT 120 with a grade of "C" or higher.
EET 261 | Adv Programmable Controllers | 3 Hours |
This is an advanced course in programmable controllers. The course will be applicable to all modern industrial controllers. The course will cover PLC programming, including advanced programming instructions, networking instructions and applications. Products and processes used to collect information to document and analyze productivity through the use of accurate, versatile, and reliable electronic equipment that range from simple recorders to computer systems will be introduced. SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) systems and interfacing techniques using, Remote Terminal Units (RTU) or other commercial modules will be covered. The use of robotics will be introduced. Prerequisite: EET 245 with a grade of "C" or higher.
EET 299 | Spec Topics in Electronics | 1-3 Hours |
A study of a special topic or current issue relating to electronics. Topics will vary from semester to semester and will be listed in the course schedule. The course may be repeated when topics vary. This course may be taken three times for a maximum of 9 credits (Topic to be listed on student's permanent academic record). Repeatable: This course is repeatable two times for a maximum of 9 credits. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
EGR 103 | Engineering Graphics | 3 Hours |
This course is an introduction to engineering design and graphics, including design problems, sketching, dimensioning, tolerancing, multi-view orthographic representations, auxiliary views, section views, and working drawings. Students are required to use CAD in this course. Sketching and CAD techniques are integrated into the design process. This course is taught as a design studio class, which means that most of the time you will be working with other students in the classroom rather than listening to lectures. This course is also a project-based course with several case studies and one large, project. Students will work in design teams to analyze case studies and to design, prototype, and document a product. Prerequisite: None
EGR 250 | Internship in Engineering | 1 Hours |
Participation in a work experience in an area of engineering under supervision of both the College and the employer. Internship objectives will be identified for each student enrolled. Students may enroll in one semester hour at a time for a total of four semester hours credit. Repeatable: This course may be repeated for a maximum of four credits. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.
EGR 270 | Topics/Issues in Engineering | 1-3 Hours |
A study of a special topic or current issue relating to engineering. Topics will vary from semester to semester and will be listed in the course schedule. The course may be repeated when topics vary. This course may be taken three times for a maximum of 9 credits (Topic to be listed on student's permanent academic record.) Repeatable: This course is repeatable two times for a maximum of 9 credits. Prerequisite: None
English Language Arts
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
ELA 090 | English Language Arts | 1 Hours |
This lecture course provides supplemental, individualized, direct instructional support for writing projects undertaken in English 101. Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment with English 101 is required in the following circumstances:
Required score on the current English placement chart. This course may be repeated
concurrently with ENG 101.
ELA 095 | Developmental Language Arts | 4 Hours |
This course focuses on developing reading and writing skills required to advance toward readiness for college-level coursework and to meet the needs of most entry-level workplace settings. The course covers fundamental comprehension skills and vocabulary building, as well as sentence-level fluency in composition and instruction in grammar and mechanics within the context of written assignments Prerequisite: Appropriate placement (see current placement score prerequisite chart).
ELA 099 | Prep Lang Arts for Coll Stud | 4 Hours |
This course centers on developing the necessary reading and writing skills required for success in college-level courses. Students will be asked to demonstrate paragraph and essay development, emphasizing purpose, organization, and support, as well as sentence-level grammar skills. In addition, students will achieve college-level reading skills, including basic comprehension, analytical reading, and vocabulary strategies. Application of combined skills will be demonstrated in classroom activities. Prerequisite: A grade of C or better in ELA 095 (Developmental Language Arts) OR appropriate placement
(see current placement score prerequisite chart).
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
ELT 101 | Electrical Wiring | 3 Hours |
Students will be introduced to basic electrical wiring as it applies to residential occupancies, placing special emphasis on National Electric Code requirements. Students will develop an understanding of Ohm's Law and be taught to wire series and parallel circuits; install single-pole, three-way and four-way switches, duplex receptacles and service panels; and troubleshoot circuits. Prerequisite: None
ELT 120 | Fund of Elec w/ Applied Math | 3 Hours |
This course provides basic electricity fundamentals, basic control strategies and electrical symbols. The class will provide the student with an understanding of basic electrical theory, schematic and wiring diagram symbols, motor theory, wiring, and electrical troubleshooting. Conventional current will be used to define current flow. Applied mathematical concepts are incorporated into the course as required for successful understanding of objectives. Prerequisite: None
ELT 259 | Industrial & Agric Wiring | 3 Hours |
This course is a study of industrial and agricultural electrical systems. Emphasis will be placed on installation and troubleshooting of motor and electrical distributions. Prerequisite: ELT 120
ELT 261 | National Electric Code | 3 Hours |
A study of National Electric Code specifications with emphasis placed on proper installation of all circuits. Prerequisite: ELT 101 or ELT 120
ELT 262 | Electrical Controls | 3 Hours |
Provides the student with sufficient knowledge so that the person is proficient in the installation, servicing and maintenance of the controls used in industry and home. Prerequisite: ELT 101 or ELT 120
Alternative Energy
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
ENE 130 | Photovoltaics | 3 Hours |
The course will cover the basic principles of photovoltaics and how to effectively incorporate PV systems into stand-alone or interconnected electrical systems. The course will cover site evaluations, operation, design and sizing, installation and advantages and disadvantages of different systems. Prerequisite: ELT 120 or consent of instructor.
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
ENG 101 | Composition I | 3 Hours |
This course (1) develops awareness of the writing process; (2) provides inventional, organizational, and editorial strategies; (3) stresses the variety of uses for writing; and (4) emphasizes critical skills in reading, thinking, and writing. Prerequisite: Required placement score on approved English placement test, high school unweighted
GPA of 3.0 or higher, or a grade of C or higher in ELA 099.
ENG 103 | Composition II | 3 Hours |
An advanced course in essay writing with emphasis on formal research, ENG 103 serves to develop a proficiency in the collection and selection of data as applied to the completion of a formal research paper. In addition, students receive instruction in logic and reasoning, including the fundamentals of argumentative and persuasive writing. Prerequisite: A grade of C or higher in ENG 101 or its equivalent or consent of instructor.
ENG 111 | Bus/Technical Communication | 3 Hours |
Provides information on principles of written and oral communication specifically applied to business and technical fields. Assignments are designed to develop skill and practice in the use of these principles and include the writing of memoranda, business letters, instructions, informal reports and formal reports. Students are encouraged to tailor assignments to the specific careers they are pursuing. (Not applicable for humanities requirement.) Prerequisite: ENG 101 with a grade of C or higher. Because of emphasis on graphics and computer
formatting, students are advised to complete CIS 109 or IND 105 or to have equivalent
word processing skills.
ENG 201 | Fiction | 3 Hours |
An examination of the elements of form, methods of analysis and theories of criticism of the short story, the novella and the novel. Prerequisite: A grade of C or higher in ENG 101 or its equivalent, or consent of instructor.
ENG 203 | Poetry | 3 Hours |
By reading, discussing, and writing about poetry, students will encounter a wide range of poetic forms; learn the terminology that identifies elements of poetry (meter, rhyme, imagery, etc.); recognize their own roles as readers in experiencing the meaning of poems; research how poets' lives and diverse cultural surroundings influence and are revealed in their poetry; and explore various approaches to literary criticism. Prerequisite: Suitable scores on the current English placement test for placing in ENG 101 or grade
of "C" or higher in ENG 099.
ENG 206 | Topics/Issues in Literature | 1-3 Hours |
An intensive study of literature based on a specific theme or subject or written by a selected group of authors. The topics of the colloquia will vary from semester to semester and will be announced in each semester's schedule. (Topic to be listed on the student's permanent academic record.) Repeatable: This course is repeatable twice for a maximum of nine credits. Prerequisite: ENG 101 with a grade of C or higher or its equivalent or consent of instructor.
ENG 212 | Women and Literature | 3 Hours |
In this course, the students will read, discuss and respond to the works of women writers. Students will study the works of women writers from different countries and different time periods as they trace the contributions that women have made to the field of literature. The course will provide an opportunity to explore the place of women in the development of the genres of fiction, poetry and drama. In discussing specific works from a woman's perspective, students will examine the roles women have played in literature. Prerequisite: ENG 101 with a grade of C or higher or its equivalent or consent of instructor.
ENG 225 | American Literature to 1860 | 3 Hours |
By participating in class discussions and reading original works, students will be exposed to and engaged in a broad and intensive study of American literature from the beginning up to 1860. Students will analyze and discuss specific themes, styles, and world views presented in the works. Students will be expected to read and analyze critical commentaries concerning the works. Furthermore, they will become acquainted with the relationships between the works and world in which the authors lived. Prerequisite: ENG 101 with a grade of C or higher or its equivalent or consent of instructor.
ENG 226 | American Literature From 1860 | 3 Hours |
By participating in class discussions and reading original works, students will be exposed to and engaged in a broad and intensive study of American literature from 1860 to the present. Students will analyze and discuss specific themes, styles, and world views presented in the works. Students will be expected to read and analyze critical commentaries concerning the works. Furthermore, they will become acquainted with the relationships between the works and world in which the authors have lived. Prerequisite: ENG 101 with a grade of C or higher or its equivalent or consent of instructor.
ENG 227 | British Literature I | 3 Hours |
By listening to lectures and reading original works, students will be exposed to and engaged in a broad and intensive study of British literature from the beginning up to the Romantics. Students will analyze and discuss specific themes, styles, narrative structures and world views presented in the different works. Students will be expected to read and analyze secondary sources concerning the works. Furthermore, they will become acquainted with the relationships between the works and the world in which the authors lived. Prerequisite: ENG 101 with a grade of C or higher or its equivalent or consent of instructor.
ENG 228 | British Literature II | 3 Hours |
By listening to lectures and reading original works, students will engage in a broad and intensive study of British literature from the Romantics through the moderns. Students will analyze and discuss specific themes, styles, narrative structures and world views presented in the different works. Students will be expected to read and analyze secondary sources concerning the works. Furthermore, they will become acquainted with the relationships between the works and the world in which the authors lived. Prerequisite: ENG 101 with a grade of C or higher or its equivalent or consent of instructor.
ENG 230 | Minority American Literature | 3 Hours |
Students will read, discuss, and respond to selected works of minority communities in the United States, gaining insight into the unique voices, experiences, and cultural contributions of these communities. The course will examine themes of identity, resistance, and representation within the context of American society. Through the study of novels, short stories, poetry, and essays, students will examine the cultural, social, and political contexts that shape minority literature and the ways in which it challenges dominant narratives. Prerequisite: ENG 101 with a grade of C or higher or its equivalent or consent of instructor.
ENG 270 | Creative Writing | 3 Hours |
An introduction to the principles, problems and processes involved in writing poetry and fiction. The course includes lectures, readings, and criticism of students' work. Prerequisite: None
ENG 271 | Creative Writing II | 3 Hours |
This course focuses on creating a community of writers. Students will engage in producing, presenting and publishing original works of poetry and fiction. Prerequisite: None
First Year Experience
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
FYE 101 | First Year Experience | 1 Hours |
The focus of this course is how to be successful in college. Study skills, goal setting, academic planning, time and money management, and information research skills are among the core topics included in this course. Within a supportive environment, students will share their college experiences and develop connections with fellow students and SVCC staff. Prerequisite: None
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
GEO 122 | Human Geography | 3 Hours |
An introduction to regional surveys of the basic concepts within human geography. Provides an initial understanding of spatial analysis through traditional and digital tools and uses them to explore cultural phenomena. Introduces regional populations, migrations, languages, religions, and ethnicities as well as their urban, political, and economic constructs. Explores both developed and developing regions and their connections to each other and to the physical and environmental factors that influence their culture. Prerequisite: None
GEO 299 | Topics/Issues in Geography | 1-3 Hours |
An examination of a special topic or current issue within geography. Topics will vary by semester and section and will be listed on the course schedule and on the student's permanent academic record. This course may be repeated for credit as topics change, up to a total of three times or a maximum of nine credits. Repeatable: This course may be repeated for credit as topics change, up to a total of three times or a maximum of nine credits. Prerequisite: None
Earth Science
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
GSC 105 | Astronomy | 4 Hours |
This course presents an overview of the history and development of the grand themes in astronomy. It is designed for students who either need to fulfill a general education laboratory science course or who desire to explore the nature of the universe that they inhabit. The course covers early views of the universe, the development of scientific models and principles, the technological and analytical tools used by astronomers, the nature of the planets and Sun in our solar system, the birth, life, and death of stars and galaxies, the origin and evolution of the universe, and the search for extraterrestrial life in the universe. Credit will not be awarded for both GSC 105 and GSC 106. Prerequisite: MAT 078 or MAT 081 or MAT 090 (or higher) with a grade of C or better, OR High School
Algebra 2 or Math 3 with a grade of C or higher, OR appropriate placement.
GSC 106 | Astronomy | 3 Hours |
An introductory survey of the universe which includes the following topics: people's changing ideas about the cosmos; the motion of the stars, moon, planets, and sun in the sky; the physical characteristics of the moon and planets; the formation of the solar system; the properties, structure, origin, and evolution of our sun, the stars, and galaxies. (Credit will not be awarded for both GSC 105 and GSC 106.) Prerequisite: None
GSC 115 | Environmental Geology | 3 Hours |
This course deals with geology as it relates to human activities. It will emphasize how geologic processes and hazards influence human activities and how human activities influence our soils, water, atmosphere, the need for energy, waste disposal and environmental laws. Prerequisite: None
GSC 270 | Topics/Issues in the Sciences | 1-3 Hours |
A study of a special topic or current issue relating to biological or physical sciences. Topics will vary from semester to semester and will be listed in the course schedule. The course may be repeated when topics vary. This course may be taken three times for a maximum of 9 credits. (Topic to be listed on student's permanent academic record. Repeatable: This course is repeatable twice for a maximum of nine credits Prerequisite: None
Adult Education
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
GSP 031 | ABE Beginning Literacy | 1-3 Hours |
The purpose of this course is to improve basic skills in language arts, reading, communication, computational skills (math) and writing of beginning level ABE students in order to help them develop their adult roles as productive worker, effective family member, responsible community member and lifelong learner through taking responsibility for their own learning. The goals of the course are to increase students' level of functioning in basic academic, employment and life skills. There is also a Citizenship/Government component for this class. The purpose of this component is to help students become more productive members of the community by understanding the way government works. This course may be taken four times for a maximum of 12 credits. Repeatable: This course may be repeated three times for a maximum of twelve credits. NOTE: This course may not be counted toward degrees or career certificates. Prerequisite: None
GSP 033 | ABE Intermediate Low | 1-3 Hours |
The purpose of this course is to improve intermediate skills in language arts, reading, communication, computational skills (math) and writing, while incorporating career explorations content. This course will provide guidance to ABE students in order to help them develop their adult roles as productive worker, effective family member, responsible community member and lifelong learner through taking responsibility for their own learning. The goals of this course are to increase students' level of functioning in basic academic skills necessary for life and employment. This course may be taken four times for a maximum of 12 credits. NOTE: This course may not be counted toward degrees or career certificates. Prerequisite: Completion of ABE Beginning or TABE Score of 461-517 grade level equivalency 4 to
GSP 035 | ABE Intermediate High | 1-3 Hours |
The purpose of this course is to improve skills in language arts, reading, communication, computational skills (math) and writing. Development in these areas will support the adult learner in the areas of productive worker, effective family member, responsible community member and lifelong learner. The focus of this course is to provide learning experiences which support the learner taking responsibility for his or her own learning. This course may be taken four times for a maximum of 12 credits. Repeatable: This course may be repeated three times for a maximum of twelve credits. NOTE: This course may not be counted toward degrees or career certificates. Prerequisite: Completion of ABE Intermediate or TABE Score of 518-566/6-8.9 grade equivalency.
GSP 041 | ASE Low | 1-3 Hours |
The purpose of this course is to build college and career readiness skills. Development of these skills will support the adult learner becoming self-sufficient and promote lifelong learning. The focus of this course is to provide learning experiences that build critical thinking, reflective thinking, and problem-solving abilities. This course may be taken four times for a maximum of 12 credits. NOTE: This course may not be counted toward degrees or career certificates. Prerequisite: Completion of ABE High Intermediate or TABE Score of: reading- 567-595, Math- 566-594/
9-10.9 grade equivalency.
GSP 062 | ESL: Beginning Literacy | 1-4 Hours |
This course is designed for ESL students who have little or no literacy skills in English or their native language. The purpose of this class is to introduce English language literacy skills such as recognizing and writing the letters of the alphabet, identifying sound and letter correspondences, recognizing and writing numbers, responding to basic commands, and answering and asking questions about familiar topics. This course may be taken four times for a maximum of 16 credits. Repeatable: This course is repeatable three times for a maximum of sixteen credits. NOTE: This course may not be counted toward degrees or career certificates. Prerequisite: BEST Literacy Score of 0-20; CASAS Score of 0-180.
GSP 066 | ESL: Intermediate Low | 1-4 Hours |
Students will develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills necessary to meet the needs of independent daily living. This course may be taken four times for a maximum of 16 credits. NOTE: This course may not be counted toward degrees or career certificates. Prerequisite: BEST Literacy Score of 64-67; CASAS Score of 201-210.
GSP 068 | ESL: Intermediate High | 1-4 Hours |
Students will develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills necessary to meet the needs of independent daily living and enable them to enter the work place. This course may be taken four times for a maximum of 16 credits. Repeatable: This course is repeatable three times for a maximum of sixteen credits. NOTE: This course may not be counted toward degrees or career certificates. Prerequisite: BEST Literacy Score 68-75; CASAS score of 211-220.
GSP 070 | ESL: Advanced | 1-4 Hours |
This course is designed for ESL students who function independently in the use of English in routine and work-related situations. The purpose of this class is to increase students' fluency in language skills using complex structures. Students focus on academic reading and writing skills within a variety of topics. This course may be taken four times for a maximum of 16 credits. NOTE: This course may not be counted toward degrees or career certificates. Prerequisite: BEST Literacy Score of 76-78; CASAS Score of 221-235.
GSP 075 | Health Careers Bridge Course | 1.5 Hours |
The Health Careers Bridge Course provides adult education learners with contextualized occupation-specific basic skills instruction needed to transition successfully to post-secondary education and employment into the healthcare industry. The Health Careers Bridge Course is designed to fulfill the following objectives: 1. Contextualized instruction to integrate the basic reading, math, and language skills along with health science industry and occupation knowledge. 2. Workforce preparation and career development to include instruction in workplace language, career readiness and exploration, career planning within health careers, and an understanding of the world of work. 3. Transition services that provide students with the information and assistance needed to navigate the process of moving from adult education to credit or occupational programs. Prerequisite: To participate students must be 17 years of age or older, tested at a 6th grade reading
level or higher, and currently enrolled in the adult education program.
GSP 076 | College/Career Success Course | 1 Hours |
This course is intended for students enrolled in the Adult Education program. The College and Career Success Course will include the activities designed to increase successful student transition from adult education to post-secondary education and to the workforce. Prerequisite: To participate, students must be 17 years of age or older, tested at the 6th grade
reading level or higher, currently enrolled in the adult education classes, and have
completed at least two of the four high school equivalency exams if completing the
high school equivalency.
GSP 077 | Manufacturing Bridge Course | 1.5 Hours |
The Manufacturing Bridge Course provides adult education learners with contextualized occupation-specific basic skills instruction needed to transition successfully to post-secondary education and employment into the manufacturing industry. The Manufacturing Bridge Course is designed to fulfill the following objectives: (1) Contextualized instruction to integrate the basic reading, math, and language skills along with manufacturing industry and occupation knowledge. (2) Workforce preparation and career development to include instruction in workplace language, career readiness and exploration, career planning within manufacturing, and an understanding of the world of work. (3) Transition services that provide students with the information and assistance needed to navigate the process of moving from adult education to college credit or occupational programs. Prerequisite: To participate students must be 17 years of age or older, tested at a 6th grade reading
level or higher, and currently enrolled in the adult education program.
1.5 |
GSP 080 | ASE High | 1-3 Hours |
A class designed to help prepare adults for the following sections of the GED (General Education Development) test; correctness and effectiveness of expression, interpretation of reading materials in social studies, natural sciences, and interpretation of literary material, mathematics and the Illinois and U.S. Constitution. This course may be taken four times for a maximum of 12 credits. Repeatable: This course may be repeated for a maximum of twelve credits. NOTE: This course may not be counted toward degrees or career certificates. Prerequisite: Completion of ASE Low or TABE Score of: Reading-596+, Math-595+/11-12 grade equivalency.
GSP 081 | CNA ICAPS Support Course | 1 Hours |
This course is intended for students enrolled in the Adult Education program who are pursuing the certified nursing assistant (CNA) credential. The CNA ICAPS Support Course provides students enrolled in the Certified Nursing Assistant courses (NRS 101 & 103) and the Medical Terminology course (NRS 116) with contextualized supplemental instruction and academic support. Prerequisite: To participate, students meet the following requirements:
Be 17 years of age or older
Have completed a minimum of eight years of grade school
Tested at a 7th grade reading level (or higher) using the Test of Adult Basic Education
Currently enrolled in adult education classes
Completed at least two of the four high school equivalency exams (if completing the
GED high school equivalency)
Be accepted into the CNA ICAPS program
Completed the CNA program orientation as well as all required screenings and qualifications
before starting the CNA course
Vocational Skills
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
GSV 100 | Commercial Drivers License | 4 Hours |
The Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1986 (CMVSA) has placed more stringent requirements on licensing of all commercial truck drivers. This four-credit hour course is designed to deliver all of the needed information to take and pass the commercial Driver's License General Knowledge Written Exams in the states of Illinois and Iowa. Along with the Commercial Driver's License required, units on log books and first aid training will be covered. Prerequisite: Students must provide the institution with a copy of their driving record for the
past five (5) years. Students must provide the institution with a physical form verifying
completion of a Department of Transportation physical.
GSV 102 | Commercial Vehicle Operation | 8 Hours |
Professional Commercial Motor Vehicle Operators not only need the necessary information to be successful, but they must be able to operate the tractor-trailer combination in a proficient and safe manner. Students will gain the knowledge necessary to become a commercial vehicle operator and develop the skills and techniques essential to the safe and professional operation of a commercial vehicle. Prerequisite: GSV 100
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
HIS 131 | Western Civ to 1648 | 3 Hours |
Origins and development of western civilization beginning with the classical civilization of the ancient world and dealing with the contributions of each major historical group until the emergence of modern Europe in the commercial revolution of the sixteenth century. Prerequisite: None
HIS 132 | Western Civ Since 1648 | 3 Hours |
A continuation of the subject material offered in HIS 131. The history of the social, economic, political, and intellectual life of modern times; the French Revolution; the Napoleonic era, nationalism, and imperialism, world wars; the problems of world cooperation; and evaluation of present world problems are studied. Prerequisite: None
HIS 155 | African American History | 3 Hours |
This course focuses on African American experiences and contributions to US history and their broader, cross-cultural influences. Development of relevant African cultures, forced migrations, slavery, emancipation, the struggle for rights, and contemporary issues will be featured prominently. Prerequisite: None
HIS 221 | American History to 1865 | 3 Hours |
Students will examine the first interactions of Native American cultures, European conquerors, and enslaved Africans. They will compare the Spanish, French, and English experiences in North America, and explore the events in the English colonies that led to revolution and independence. They will examine the constitution issues, political clashes, and social changes of the Federalist, Jefferson and Jacksonian periods. Students will explore westward expansion, immigration in the north, and southern slave economy. They will consider the events of the decade of crisis that led to civil war and look closely at the war and its major consequences. Prerequisite: None
HIS 222 | American History Since 1865 | 3 Hours |
Students will examine American history from the Reconstruction Era to the present. They will gain an understanding of historical periods and events such as the Industrial Revolution, the Gilded Age, the Great Depression, the two World Wars, the Cold War, the Age of Affluence, and the Struggle For Racial and Gender Equality. Prerequisite: None
HIS 231 | Topics/Issues in History | 1-3 Hours |
A study of a special topic or current issue relating to history. Topics will vary from semester to semester and will be listed in the course schedule. The course may be repeated when topics vary. This course may be taken three times for a maximum of 9 credits (Topic to be listed on student's permanent academic record.) Repeatable: This course may be repeated twice for a maximum of 9 credits. Prerequisite: None
Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
HRS 100 | EPA Certification | 1 Hours |
The course will contain all the information needed for a technician to successfully complete EPA certification. This is required to work in the HVAC field. Prerequisite: None
HRS 114 | Sheet Metal Fabrication | 3 Hours |
The students will obtain a working knowledge of layout and fabrication of common fittings used today. The student will learn how to use the tooling in a sheet metal shop safely and efficiently. This is a basic class and does not go into advanced layout procedures. Prerequisite: None
HRS 120 | Basic Refrigeration | 3 Hours |
This course will allow the student to become proficient in the use of tools and proficient in the correct materials to use for a given task. The tools will be specific to air conditioning operations for proper operations of components and system performance. Prerequisite: ELT 120 (may be taken concurrently) or consent of instructor.
HRS 130 | Basic Heating | 3 Hours |
This class covers the basic residential forced air heating system. The class will address basic concepts involved in the combustion process for safe operation of a home forced air heating system. Furnace components and parts will be studied and how to properly hook components together for safe and efficient operation. The class will explore different furnace efficiencies and how they differ. Prerequisite: ELT 120 or consent of instructor.
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
HUM 112 | Film Appreciation | 3 Hours |
An introduction to film as an art form, emphasizing a study of the aesthetic and production elements of the medium, including narrative genres, directorial style, cinematography, acting and editing. Prerequisite: None
HUM 150 | Amer Ethnic Cultural Expressio | 3 Hours |
Interdisciplinary study of art, architecture, music, literature, history and/or philosophy that expresses the experience and construction of American racial and cultural identities of diverse and underrepresented peoples living in the U.S. Prerequisite: None
HUM 210 | Intro to the Humanities | 3 Hours |
Introduction to the Humanities is the study of humanity and its involvement with the arts in society. It is a study of visual arts, music, literature, and philosophy beginning with the Greeks to the 20th century. With lectures, slides, performances, demonstrations, and videos, the student learns how the artist helps us to see that the arts are a reflection of our world. Prerequisite: n/a
HUM 213 | Topics/Issues in Humanities | 1-3 Hours |
A study of a special topic or current issue relating to humanities. Topics will vary from semester to semester and will be listed in the course schedule. The course may be repeated when topics vary. This course may be taken three times for a maximum of 9 credits. (Topic to be listed on student's permanent academic record). Repeatable: This course may be taken three times for a maximum of nine credits. (Topic to be listed on student's permanent academic record.) Prerequisite: None
Independent Study
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
IDS 298 | Independent Study | 1-4 Hours |
A course designed for students desiring in-depth studies to augment existing courses. Independent study opportunities are available on an individual or collective basis. Individual projects are planned jointly by the student and an appropriate instructor, may generate from one to four credit hours (with no more than four semester credit hours or the equivalent in independent study to be completed for an associate degree program, and no independent study courses approved for the certificate level programs), are subject to instructor and department approval, and may be subject to prerequisites deemed appropriate in particular instances. Collective projects are planned and offered by an instructor as a special topics class within his/her discipline, subject to departmental approval. These projects may generate from one to four credit hours (with no more than four semester credit hours or the equivalent in independent study to be completed for an associate degree program and no independent study courses approved for the certificate level programs) and may be subject to prerequisites deemed appropriate in particular instances. Prerequisite: None
Industrial / Technical
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
IND 108 | Introduction to CAD | 2 Hours |
An introduction to engineering design and graphics using the latest version of AutoCAD. Basic AutoCAD commands will be introduced and emphasized throughout this course. Development of technical drawing skills including: design problems, sketching, dimensioning, tolerancing, orthographic projection, sectional views, and other viewing conventions. The course will proceed from the basics of design and sketching to applications used in preparing detail and assembly drawings. Prerequisite: None
IND 118 | Mechanical Systems | 3 Hours |
.The course will contain all information needed for a maintenance technician to successfully perform at a high level in their job. The course material will cover mechanical systems focusing on analysis of mechanical components, their relationships to each other, and failure prediction. General rigging will also be covered. Prerequisite: ELT 120 (may be taken concurrently) or MAT 106 (may be taken concurrently)
IND 125 | Machining & Manufacturing Proc | 3 Hours |
This course is an examination of the use and capabilities of the major machine tool groups, including foundry, their use in industry and the problems and properties of metal fabrication associated with each type. This is a manufacturing technique and basic machining course. Prerequisite: None
IND 203 | Adv Machining & Manufac Proc | 3 Hours |
An examination of the use and capabilities of the machine tool groups. An advanced course for students wishing to have a comprehensive knowledge of machine shop operations in terms of set-up, machine feeds, tool and cutter sharpening, and electrical discharge machining. Prerequisite: IND 125 or consent of instructor.
IND 207 | Computer Numerical Cont Prog I | 3 Hours |
This Computer Numerical Control Programming I course is designed to introduce to students the various processes involved in programming a CNC machine. Setting data points, programming different milling events, set-up functions, and repeat functions will be examined. This course will use CNC Mills, CNC Lathes, CNC plasma cutter, and 3D printing. This course is designed to prepare students who are looking for a position in the metalworking industry. Prerequisite: IND 203 or consent of instructor.
IND 208 | Comp Numerical Control Prog II | 3 Hours |
This course will build on the CNC programming knowledge and skills learned in IND 207 - Computer Numerical Control Programming I. Â Students will be expected to program more advanced CNC machining processes, as well as identify the various types of CNC machines and programming functions used outside of the classroom. Â Industry tours will be a part of the course to give students a basic understanding of the diversity of types and uses of CNC machines. Prerequisite: IND 207
IND 218 | Fluid Power | 3 Hours |
This course will combine the operating fundamentals of hydraulic and pneumatic controls and operations. Students will read and interpret prints using proper symbols and documentation. Students will be able to design and assemble a complete fluid power system using the correct calculations for proper sizing of equipment. Prerequisite: ELT 120
IND 219 | Industrial Troubleshooting | 3 Hours |
Students will learn to systematically troubleshoot equipment and control systems used in industry. This course will start with analyzing troubleshooting theory and flowcharts and evolve into actual hands-on troubleshooting of simulated industrial machinery. Prerequisite: ELT 120 and ELT 262 (may be taken concurrently) or consent of instructor
IND 250 | Industrial Internship | 1-3 Hours |
Participation in a work experience in an area of technology under supervision of both the College and an employer. Internship objectives will be identified for each student enrolled. This course is repeatable two times for a maximum of 9 credits. Repeatable: This course is repeatable two times for a maximum of nine credits. Prerequisite: Twelve semester hours in major field and consent of instructor.
Foreign Language
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
LAN 161 | Beginning Spanish I | 4 Hours |
A study of functional Spanish with emphasis on speaking the language. Practice in reading and writing simple Spanish. Prerequisite: None
LAN 162 | Beginning Spanish II | 4 Hours |
A continuation of the study of functional Spanish with emphasis on speaking the language. Practice in reading, writing, and speaking simple Spanish. Prerequisite: LAN 161 or 1 year of high school Spanish.
LAN 261 | Intermediate Spanish I | 4 Hours |
Continued emphasis on speaking the language. Class discussion based on readings in grammar review text and culture presentations for Spain and South America. Selected Spanish prose readings. Prerequisite: LAN 162 or 3 years of high school Spanish.
LAN 262 | Intermediate Spanish II | 4 Hours |
This course is designed to increase proficiency in competencies of speaking, listening, reading and writing in the Spanish language. The course will additionally cover topics and concepts related to the various cultural attributes for the peoples of Spanish speaking countries. Prerequisite: LAN 261
LAN 299 | Topics/Issues in Foreign Lang | 1-4 Hours |
A study of a special topic or current issue relating to a foreign language. Topics will vary from semester to semester and will be listed in the course schedule. The course may be repeated when topics vary. This course may be taken three times for a maximum of 9 credits (topic to be listed on student's permanent academic record). Repeatable: This course is repeatable two times for a maximum of 9 credits. Prerequisite: None
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
MAT 021 | Support for College Algebra | 1 Hours |
This course may be taken concurrently with MAT 121, College Algebra. Background topics that are necessary for the student to complete MAT 121 successfully will be covered. Emphasis will be placed on fractions, algebraic expressions, radicals, exponents, polynomials, factoring, and rational expressions. Other topics, at the discretion of the instructor, may be visited to support success in College Algebra. Prerequisite: An appropriate placement score AND concurrent enrollment in MAT 121.
MAT 040 | Support for Elementary Stats | 1 Hours |
A course to support General Education Statistics (IAI M1902). Math skills necessary for the successful completion of MAT 240 will be reviewed. Emphasis will be on number sense, decimal, and percent relationships, reading graphs and charts, and linear equations. Other topics may be visited, as necessary, to support success in elementary statistics. Prerequisite: An appropriate placement score AND concurrent enrollment in MAT 240.
MAT 078 | Prep. Math for Non-STEM Majors | 4 Hours |
This course is to prepare students for college-level liberal arts math, technical math, or general statistics courses through content that is relevant for non-STEM majors. Topics in this course incorporate real-life applications while teaching prealgebra, numerical, algebraic, geometric, and measurement concepts; along with an introduction to probability and statistics. Prerequisite: An appropriate placement score.
MAT 090 | Prep Math/College Algebra/Geom | 4 Hours |
This course is designed for students who need to prepare for college algebra or who need a review of algebra fundamentals. It covers key topics, including the real number system, simplifying expressions, solving and graphing linear equations, linear inequalities, problem-solving, solving systems of linear equations, exponent properties, polynomials, factoring, and simplifying rational expressions. Prerequisite: An appropriate placement score
MAT 106 | Applied Mathematics | 3 Hours |
Applied mathematics is a fundamental course for students in technical and career programs. The course includes fundamental mathematics, algebra, geometry, right triangle trigonometry, business mathematics, and statistical concepts which are applied to the solution of practical problems. Scientific notation, metrics and use of the calculator are also covered. Prerequisite: A grade of C of better in MAT 075 or MAT 078 (or higher), OR appropriate placement.
MAT 110 | Math for Elementary Teachers I | 3 Hours |
The emphasis of this course is placed on mathematical reasoning and problem-solving as it pertains to modern elementary school mathematics. Topics include sets & logic, basic problem solving, number theory, fractions, decimals, integers, ratios, proportions and percent, and the real number system. Prerequisite: A grade of C or better in MAT 081 or MAT 090 OR appropriate placement.
MAT 111 | Math for Elementary Teacher II | 3 Hours |
This course is a continuation of MAT 110. Topics include algebraic thinking, introductory probability, statistics, measurement, geometry, and transformations. Prerequisite: MAT 110 with a grade of C or higher.
MAT 112 | Quantitative Literacy | 3 Hours |
This course develops conceptual understanding, problem-solving, decision-making, and analytic skills dealing with quantities, their magnitudes, and interrelationships using technology. The topics of numbers, algebra, measurement, and data analysis will be covered, emphasizing modeling using linear and exponential functions. Students will cultivate critical thinking skills, including logical reasoning, estimation, and the assessment of validity. Prerequisite: A grade of C or better in MAT 078 or MAT 081 or MAT 090; OR appropriate placement.
MAT 115 | Principles of Modern Math | 3 Hours |
This course includes the investigation of the key ideas in contemporary mathematics. In-depth, three or four topics will be studied, with at least three chosen from the following list: geometry, combinatorics and probability, graph theory, logic and set theory, mathematics of finance, and statistics. These topics are taught with an emphasis on problem-solving. This course serves as a general education mathematics course for liberal arts majors. Prerequisite: A grade of C or better in MAT 078 or MAT 081 or MAT 090; OR appropriate placement.
MAT 121 | College Algebra | 4 Hours |
Topics extended to the college level include: real numbers, exponents and radicals, polynomials and factoring, fractional expressions, equations and inequalities, functions and their graphs, conic sections, and systems of equations and inequalities. New topics include: zeros of polynomial functions, rational functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, matrices, sequences, and the Binomial Theorem. This course requires a graphing calculator. Prerequisite: A grade of C or better in MAT 081 or MAT 090 (or higher) OR concurrent enrollment
in MAT 021 OR appropriate placement.
MAT 122 | Trigonometry | 3 Hours |
This course consists of an elementary survey of trigonometry and its applications. Topics include a review of prereq topics, radian measure and the unit circle, trigonometric functions and their graphs, and inverse trigonometric functions. Also included are trigonometric identities and equations, the solution of right and oblique triangles, vectors, and a review of exponential and logarithmic functions and their applications. Prerequisite: A grade of C or better in MAT 121 or higher OR appropriate placement.
MAT 150 | Computer Prog Math & Engineer | 3 Hours |
The syntax of a high-level programming language is studied and applied to problems in mathematics, science and engineering. An emphasis is placed on the structured development of algorithms to solve these problems. The programming language features that lend themselves to problems in these areas such as special variable types, library and user defined functions, and subprograms are dealt with in more detail. Applications involving methods of finding roots of functions, numerical techniques of integration and differentiation, vector and matrix operations included. Prerequisite: MAT 203 with a grade of C or better.
MAT 203 | Calculus & Analytic Geometry I | 4 Hours |
The elementary concepts of differential and integral calculus are introduced and applications are discussed. These include limits, continuity, the derivative, rules of differentiation, the indefinite and definite integral. Trigonometric functions are dealt with. Some applications are: related rates, graphing, extreme value problems, and Newton's method for finding roots of equations. Prerequisite: A grade of C or better in MAT 121, College Algebra, AND MAT 122, Trigonometry OR appropriate
placement (see current placement score chart)
MAT 204 | Calc & Analytic Geometry II | 4 Hours |
The methods of differentiation and integration are extended and power series are introduced. The new methods deal with: logarithms, exponential, hyperbolic and inverse trigonometric functions. Some applications are: area between two curves, volumes of revolution, arc length, and work. The techniques of integration by parts, partial fractions, trigonometric substitution and numerical integration are covered. Power series and the Taylor series function representation are introduced. Prerequisite: MAT 203 with a grade of C or higher.
MAT 205 | Calc & Analytic Geometry III | 4 Hours |
The elementary ideas concerning conic sections, polar curves, and vector-valued and multivariate functions are covered. These topics include: area, arc length and tangents for polar curves. In addition, vectors, vector derivatives, curvature and motion in two and three space are studied. The multivariate concepts of differentiability, partial differentiation, gradient vectors, LaGrange multipliers, finding relative extreme values, and multiple integration are studied. The course also includes material on vector fields, line integrals, independence of path, Green's Theorem, surface integrals, the Divergence Theorem, and Stokes's Theorem. Prerequisite: MAT 204 with a grade of C or higher.
MAT 211 | Differential Equations | 3 Hours |
This course is an introduction to methods of solving differential equations as well as applications of differential equations to physical problems. The methods for solving first-order differential equations include: numerical techniques, separation of variables, substitution methods, exact equation techniques, and identification of integrating factors. Also, some types of higher order equations will be explored, including application problems. Linear independence and the Wronskian of higher order equations will be covered. Methods for solving second-order homogeneous and non-homogeneous equations include the methods of undetermined coefficients, reduction of order, and variation of parameters. At least two of the following topics will be covered in depth: LaPlace transforms, power series methods, partial differential equations and Fourier series, systems of linear differential equations, further numerical methods and non-cursory treatment of other advanced topics. Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in MAT 204, Calculus and Analytic Geometry II
MAT 220 | Finite Mathematics | 3 Hours |
A study of some major topics in finite mathematics: interest, annuities, matrix theory, matrix operations, solutions of systems of inequalities, linear programming by graphing and Simplex methods, principles of counting and probability. Applications of these topics in business management, economics, social science, and natural science are included. Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in MAT 121 OR appropriate placement (see current placement chart)
MAT 221 | Calc for Bus & Soc Science | 4 Hours |
A brief course in elementary differential and integral calculus. Primarily for students of business, economics and social science, with emphasis on applications. Prerequisite: MAT 121 with a grade of C or higher or appropriate placement score, or four years
of college preparatory high school mathematics with grades of C or higher OR Math
3 with a grade of C or higher.
MAT 230 | Discrete Mathematics | 3 Hours |
Introduction to analysis of finite collections and mathematical foundations of sequential machines, computer system design, data structures and algorithms. Includes sets and logic, counting, recursion, graph theory, trees, nets, Boolean algebra, automata, formal grammars and languages and algorithm analysis (big O) Prerequisite: a grade of C or better in MAT 121 (College Algebra) or higher OR appropriate placement
(see current placement chart)
MAT 231 | Linear Algebra | 3 Hours |
This course is an introduction to the mathematical theory and application of matrices, vectors, vector spaces, and linear transformations. Topics include the algebra of matrices for solving systems of linear equations, the theory of finite-dimensional vector spaces, and theorems and applications associated with eigenvectors and eigenvalues. Students will construct proofs of propositions involving the following: matrices, determinants, vector spaces and inner product spaces. Applications of linear algebra will be examined. Prerequisite: A grade of C or better in MAT 204
MAT 240 | Elementary Statistics | 3 Hours |
An introduction to basic concepts in statistical methods including measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion, probability, theoretical and empirical distribution, estimation, tests of hypotheses, linear regression and correlation. Prerequisite: A grade of C or better in MAT 078 or MAT 081 (or higher) OR concurrent enrollment
in MAT 040 OR appropriate placement.
Multimedia Content Creation
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
MCC 103 | Studio Photography and Editing | 3 Hours |
An overview of the basic concepts of camera control, lighting and composition, as well as shooting techniques for digital photography will be presented. File management and image manipulation will be included. Prerequisite: None
MCC 105 | Motion Graphics and Animation | 3 Hours |
An overview and application of motion graphics and animation. Industry-standard software will be used to create motion graphics and animation, including 2D, 3D and practical styles of animation. Prerequisite: None
MCC 236 | Video Production and Editing | 3 Hours |
An overview of the basic concepts of video production including pre-production, production, and post production. Video editing for movies, television and web will be explored. File management and video manipulation will be included. Prerequisite: None
MCC 238 | Website and App Design | 3 Hours |
An overview of web and app creation as well as social media. This includes technical, visual, and social impact and ethics. Prerequisite: None
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
MUS 201 | Music Appreciation | 3 Hours |
A course where the novice can learn, without going into music history, the basic mechanics of all types of music ranging from classical to rock. The course emphasizes what to listen for and to identify factors that influence music (politics, religion, technology, philosophy, etc.). Examples of various arts are used to clarify fundamental concepts for those who have no experience in the field of music. (Open to all students.) Prerequisite: None
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
NRS 051 | Integration to Nursing Prac | 1 Hours |
This elective course provides student RNs with the opportunity to work with departmental mentoring RNs, facilitating the student's ability to experience real-world patient care. Student RNs will gain skills in patient assessment, prioritization, team collaboration, and provision of care within their scope. This course may be repeated one time for a maximum of two credits. Prerequisite: NRS 142 Medical Surgical Nursing I with a grade of "C" or better and/or application
approval after interview with instructor.
NRS 101 | Basic Nursing Assistant | 4 Hours |
An introduction of theory and practice necessary to meet the patient's needs within the scope of the beginning nursing assistant. Topics will include basic information about body structure and function and related terminology, growth and development with emphasis on aging and the role and responsibilities of the nursing assistant to help the client with personal hygiene and mobility within a safe environment. The course includes clinical experience in a subacute health care setting. The student will provide care to individuals who need assistance with the activities of daily living. Prerequisite: Meet admission criteria of:
1. Candidate must be at least 16 years of age
2. Candidates who do not have a high school diploma or GED must be able to read at
grade level 8. Students will be asked to take a reading and math assessment at orientation
with results given the first day of class.
3. Candidates meet health and immunization requirements that are detailed at the orientation
4. Forms for fingerprint approval will be coordinated with the Health Professions
office upon receipt of your orientation/ admission letter. Criminal background checks
are required prior to the first day of class for all sections except dual credit.
NRS 103 | Basic Nursing Assistant II | 4 Hours |
This course will focus on advanced nursing assistant skills. Topics will include the role and responsibilities of the nursing assistant in relation to measuring vital signs, assisting the patient with nutrition, fluid balance and elimination; special procedures, such as the application of heat and cold therapies, admission, discharge and postmortem care. Students will care for patients with common medical surgical conditions, Alzheimer's disease and related dementias. This course includes clinical experience in a subacute health care setting. Prerequisite: NRS 101
NRS 108 | Practical Nursing Fundamentals | 13 Hours |
This course is designed to introduce the beginning practical nursing student to the profession of nursing with particular focus in the long term care setting. Safe and effective care principles will be applied. The students will be expected to manage hygiene related needs, basic safety, and nutritional provision of oral fluids and foods. Concepts related to assessment, culture, values and ethics, legal aspects, and therapeutic interpersonal communication skills will be presented. The principles and practices of medication administration will be introduced. Alterations in bowel and urinary elimination, oxygenation, rest and sleep will be discussed. The concepts of pain, teaching and learning, death and dying, and spirituality will be addressed. The nursing process will be introduced and integrated throughout the course. Knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to perform competent nursing care will be applied to the care of the geriatric/adult patients. Clinical experience will focus on the basic care of the geriatric/adult resident in the long term care setting. Prerequisite: Admission to the LPN program.
NRS 109 | Fd. Mod Bed Nurs II/Repro Hlth | 7 Hours |
This course includes the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of nursing care related to the following: maternity patient, normal newborn and newborn with complications, pediatric patient, care of patients with sexually transmitted diseases, and pathology and care related to the urinary and reproductive systems (male and female). The clinical/laboratory component will help reinforce knowledge and skills needed with the birthing family, hospitalized child, well child care, and adult patients with selected medical and surgical conditions with a patient-centered focus. Prerequisite: NRS 108 with a grade of C or better.
NRS 110 | Foundations Med Surg Nursing I | 7 Hours |
Topics will include the knowledge, skills and attitudes of nursing care related to gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal, diabetes, respiratory, and cardiovascular and hematologic and lymphatic system disorders. The clinical and laboratory component provides experience in the care of the patient throughout the adult lifespan (ages 18 years through old age) with medical and surgical conditions with integration of the nursing process. Prerequisite: NRS 108 and BIO 108 with a grade of C or better or permission of instructor.
NRS 111 | Foundation MedSurg Nursing III | 6 Hours |
Topics will include the systems and concepts of nursing care related to actual mental health diagnoses or issues and disease states in the systems of endocrine, immune, nervous and integumetary. Evidence based knowledge, skills, and attitudes of practical nursing regarding education, teamwork, and employment opportunities; preparation for licensure; career evaluation; legal responsibilities, and the concept and management of patient centered care are incorporated. The clinical component will provide experience in the adult long term and skilled care nursing settings. Prerequisite: NRS 109 and NRS 110 with a grade of C or better.
NRS 113 | Drug Dosage Calculations | 1 Hours |
A course designed to promote competency in calculating commonly encountered drug dosage problems. Conversions between metric and household systems will be covered. Concepts regarding safety in medication administration and interpreting health care provider orders will be included. Students will learn how to calculate oral, parenteral, IV flow rates, critical care and pediatric drug dosage calculations using their calculation method of choice. Prerequisite: NRS 108 - "C" with concurrent enrollment allowed and BIO 108 - "C" with concurrent
enrollment allowed or BIO 109 - "C" no concurrency and BIO 110 - "C" with concurrent
enrollment allowed or permission of instructor.
NRS 115 | LPN Intravenous Therapy | 2 Hours |
The purpose of the Intravenous Therapy Course is to provide the appropriate knowledge, skill, and attitudes to perform selected tasks identified in the Illinois Nurse Practice Act related to intravenous therapy on stabilized patients under the supervision of a registered nurse, physician, dentist or podiatrist. Prerequisite: NRS 108 with a grade of C or better or current Illinois practical nurse license and/or
a sponsoring agency willing to provide a registered nurse preceptor and consent of
instructor or concurrent enrollment in NRS 108.
NRS 116 | Med Terminology for Hea Career | 3 Hours |
NRS 116 is an internet-based medical terminology course designed for students pursuing health careers. Students will develop knowledge of the foundation of word parts, combining forms, anatomical terminology, and medical terms organized by body systems. The course includes the study of definition and use of medical terms common to many health related disciplines. Prerequisite: None
NRS 140 | Fund. of Nursing Practice | 10 Hours |
This course is designed to introduce the beginning student to the profession of nursing in the long term care and acute care settings. Safe and effective care will be emphasized. Students will be expected to manage hygiene related needs, safety, and nutritional provision of oral fluids and foods. Concepts related to assessment, culture, values, ethics, legal aspects, and therapeutic interpersonal communication skills will be presented. The principles and practices of medication administration and safe maintenance of an IV infusion will be introduced. Alterations in bowel and urinary elimination, oxygenation, rest and sleep will be discussed. The concepts necessary to support a patient's psychosocial integrity including pain, teaching and learning, death and dying, and spirituality will be addressed. Knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to perform basic nursing skills competently will be applied to the care of the aged and adult patients with medical/surgical conditions in the classroom, lab and clinical setting. The nursing process will be introduced and integrated throughout the course. Prerequisite: Admission to ADN program. BIO 109 with a grade of C or better or concurrent enrollment.
NRS 142 | Medical Surgical Nursing I | 9 Hours |
The fundamental principles previously learned are applied to the management of the perioperative patient, management of patients with problems of the endocrine, nervous, skin, and immune systems. Other concepts include intravenous therapy, fluid & electrolytes, shock, community health nursing, emergency care, bioterrorism, and the concepts of management for safe and effective care. The lab and clinical components provide experience in meeting the needs of the aged patient and adult patient with medical and surgical problems. Prerequisite: NRS 140 Fundamentals of Nursing Practice or current LPN licensure. NRS 143 with a
grade of "C" or better, BIO 110 with a grade of "C" or better or concurrent enrollment
or consent of instructor.
NRS 143 | Pharm for Nursing I | 1 Hours |
This course is designed to provide nursing students an introduction to the concepts of pharmacology, safe pharmacotherapy and drug administration, gas exchange, comfort, infection, circulation and elimination/absorption. The course emphasizes the adult health care recipient (18->85 years) Prerequisite: Admission to the ADN program or current LPN licensure. BIO 108 or 109 with a grade
of C or better or concurrent enrollment or consent of instructor.
NRS 144 | Pharm for Nursing II | 1 Hours |
This course builds on Pharmacology for Nursing I, to provide nursing students a continued introduction to the concepts of pharmacology, safe pharmacotherapy and drug administration as related to homeostasis, the central and peripheral nervous systems, metabolism, psychobiological disorders, sensory disorders, cellular regulation, immunity, and infection. The course emphasizes the adult health care recipient (18->85 years). Prerequisite: NRS 140 or current LPN licensure. NRS 143 with grade of C or better or consent of
instructor. BIO 110 with a grade of "C" or better or concurrent enrollment.
NRS 152 | Med Surg Nursing I, Modified | 6 Hours |
The fundamental principles previously learned are applied to the management of the perioperative patient, management of patients with problems of the endocrine, nervous, skin and immune systems. Other concepts include intravenous therapy, fluid & electrolytes, shock, community health nursing, emergency care, bioterrorism, and the concepts of management for safe and effective care. The lab components provide experience in meeting the needs of the aged patient and adult patient with medical and surgical problems. Prerequisite: Completion of LPN program from an accredited school and current LPN licensure and
consent of instructor. Completion of NRS 143, NRS 144, BIO 110 with a grade of "C"
or better or concurrent enrollment.
NRS 243 | Adv Medical Surgical Nursing | 9 Hours |
Requires students to apply knowledge, skills, and attitudes for or towards the care of adult patients in a simulated laboratory and acute care environments. Complex multisystem disruptions and the subsequent nursing needs for patient care will be experienced. Focus will be on patients with related cardiovascular, peripheral vascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal, hematologic, renal, shock and acid/base imbalances. Students will apply the nursing process and utilize information literacy skills to achieve deliberative and competent decision-making that is grounded in evidence based practice to achieve best practice outcomes. Emphasis will be placed on prioritization of care through collaboration with other members of the health care team, patients and their families. Prerequisite: NRS 142 or NRS 152, and NRS 143, NRS 144, and BIO 110 with a "C" or better.
NRS 244 | Pediatric Nursing | 2.5 Hours |
This course explores the physiological alterations of clients with acute and chronic health care needs. Building on the foundations of previous nursing courses and the nursing process, students will examine the impact of and plan nursing care for pediatric clients experiencing acute and/or chronic alterations. Utilizing the nursing process and nursing management, psychosocial and physiological adaptations will be examined in the context of social justice, cultural competence, and equity of health care. Prerequisite: NRS 142 or NRS 152, and NRS 143, NRS 144, and BIO 110 with a "C" or better.
NRS 245 | Reproductive Health | 3.5 Hours |
This course introduces and examines past, present and future trends involving male and female reproductive health (from puberty through menopause). Nursing discussions will emphasize and expand student knowledge regarding pregnancy, labor and delivery, postpartum and newborn (antepartum, intrapartum, postpartum and newborn care) for normal and complicated care situations. Lifestyle choices and the effects on an individual's health will be discussed as well as family dynamics, abuse, and reproductive illnesses (diseases/issues). The clinical component will help reinforce knowledge and skills needed in maternal and infant areas concerning assessments, planning, decision making abilities, and critical thinking. Prerequisite: NRS 142 or NRS 152, and NRS 143, NRS 144, and BIO 110 with a "C" or better.
NRS 246 | Psych/Mental Health Nursing | 4 Hours |
The course focuses on the concepts related to nurse management of patients with mental illness. Emphasis is placed on the knowledge, skills, and attitudes, such as therapeutic nurse-patient relationship, which are essential to the care of persons with mental health problems. The lab and clinical component provides experience in utilizing the nursing process to meet the needs of patients with varying degrees of illness behavior in the acute, chronic and outpatient settings. Prerequisite: NRS 142 or NRS 152, and NRS 143, NRS 144, and BIO 110 with a "C" or better.
NRS 247 | Concepts for Nursing Practice | 6 Hours |
This concept-based learning experience will equip students to enter the workforce as well-prepared novice nurses. The course emphasizes the adult health care recipient (18-85+ years), health and illness, professional nursing concepts, and transition into practice. Prerequisite: NRS 243 Advanced Medical Surgical Nursing with a grade of "C" or better.
Physical Education
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
PED 100 | Spec Topics: Sports Activity | 1 Hours |
Seasonal sport activity offering; sport topic varies. Instruction, demonstration and practice, fundamental skills, knowledge of rules and strategies of play will be covered. Interclass competition. This course may be repeated three times for a maximum four credits. Repeatable: This course may be repeated three times for a maximum of four credits. Prerequisite: None
PED 104 | Cross Country Running | 1 Hours |
Instruction in cross country running. Skill development in areas of form, pace and finish. Strategies of base, speed work (intervals), and tapering will be taught along with knowledge of current race protocols. Active running experience. This course may be repeated one time for a maximum of two credits. Prerequisite: None
PED 105 | Baseball | 1 Hours |
Instruction and play in the game of baseball. Skill development in areas of hitting, fielding, base running, pitching, and defensive positioning. Collegiate level offensive and defensive strategies will be taught along with knowledge of current rules and team strategies. Active game scenarios and interclass competitions. This course may be repeated one time for a maximum of two credits. Repeatable: This course may be repeated one time for a maximum of two credits. Prerequisite: None
PED 107 | Track and Field | 1 Hours |
Instruction in Track and Field. Skill development in areas of running and/or field events. Areas may include sprinting, hurdling, middle distance, distance or relay running, as well as throwing and jumping events. Active participation experience. This course may be repeated one time for a maximum of two credits. This course may be repeated one time for a maximum of two credits Prerequisite: None
PED 114 | Softball | 1 Hours |
Instruction and play in the game of softball. Skill development in areas of hitting, fielding, base running, pitching, and defensive positioning. Collegiate level offensive and defensive strategies will be taught along with knowledge of current rules and team strategies. Active game scenarios and interclass competitions. This course may be repeated one time for a maximum of two credits. Repeatable: This course may be repeated one time for a maximum of two credits. Prerequisite: None
PED 115 | Nutrition and Diet Therapy | 3 Hours |
This course is designed to provide knowledge about the basic principles of nutrition, nutrition in health promotion and nutrition in health care. The topics of this course include essential nutrients, their sources, absorption, metabolisms and functions, nutrition across the life span and an introduction to clinical nutrition. Credit will not be awarded for both PED 115 and NRS 132. NOTE: All courses may be selected as an elective course in all programs. All one credit activity courses may be repeated for a total of two credits. Prerequisite: None
PED 121 | Basketball | 1 Hours |
Instruction and play in the game of basketball. Skill development in areas of passing, dribbling, shooting, rebounding, and defensive movement. Collegiate level offensive and defensive systems will be taught along with knowledge of current rules and team strategies. Active game scenarios and scrimmages. This course may be repeated one time for a maximum of two credits. Repeatable: This course may be repeated for a maximum of two credits. NOTE: All courses may be selected as an elective course in all programs. All one credit activity courses may be repeated for a total of two credits. Prerequisite: None
PED 123 | Conditioning | 1 Hours |
Instruction is designed to create high intensity, individualized and structured workout routines with emphasis in challenging the participant. Will also include testing and measuring of physical abilities and sports skills. Included are suggestions for relaxation, the effects of exercise and diet on the body, warm-up exercises and self-testing stunts. This course may be repeated for a maximum of two credits. Repeatable: This course may be repeated for a maximum of two credits. NOTE: All courses may be selected as an elective course in all programs. All one credit activity courses may be repeated for a total of two credits. Prerequisite: None
PED 126 | Tennis | 1 Hours |
Instruction and play in the game of tennis. Skill development in areas of serve, strokes, footwork, and net play. Collegiate level offensive and defensive strategies will be taught along with knowledge of current rules and doubles play. Active game scenarios and interclass match competitions. This course may be repeated one time for a maximum of two credits. Repeatable: This course may be repeated for a maximum of two credits. NOTE: All courses may be selected as an elective course in all programs. All one credit activity courses may be repeated for a total of two credits. Prerequisite: None
PED 127 | Volleyball | 1 Hours |
Instruction and play in the game of volleyball. Skill development in areas of serving, passing, setting, spiking, digging, and blocking. Collegiate level offensive and defensive systems will be taught along with knowledge of current rules and team strategies. Active games scenarios and interclass competitions. This course may be repeated one time for a maximum of two credits. Repeatable: This course may be repeated for a maximum of two credits. NOTE: All courses may be selected as an elective course in all programs. All one credit activity courses may be repeated for a total of two credits. Prerequisite: None
PED 134 | Golf | 1 Hours |
Instruction and play in beginning golf. Skill development in areas of full swing, fairway iron and wood play, pitching and chipping, and putting. Collegiate level course management will be taught along with knowledge of current rules and strategies of play. Active golfing experience. This course may be repeated one time for a maximum of two credits. Repeatable: This course may be repeated for a maximum of two credits. NOTE: All courses may be selected as an elective course in all programs. All one credit activity courses may be repeated for a total of two credits. Prerequisite: None
PED 150 | Super Circuit Fitness I | 1 Hours |
Introduction to and participation in an approved cardiovascular, muscular development and/or high intensity interval training program (HITT) through the use of any of the following methods (as pre-determined): sub-maximal weights with multiple repetitions, use of cardio equipment, general strength and flexibility routines, circuit training, etc. Students will seek to improve general and specific levels of fitness. This course may be repeated for a maximum of two credits. Repeatable: This course may be repeated for a maximum of two credits. NOTE: All courses may be selected as an elective course in all programs. All one credit activity courses may be repeated for a total of two credits. Prerequisite: Physician consent if a person is considered high-risk for heart disease or may have
previous injuries.
PED 151 | Super Circuit Fitness II | 1 Hours |
Introduction to and participation in an approved cardiovascular, muscular development and/or high intensity interval training program (HITT) through the use of any of the following methods (as pre-determined): sub-maximal weights with multiple repetitions, use of cardio equipment, general strength and flexibility routines, circuit training, etc. Students will seek to improve general and specific levels of fitness. This course may be repeated for a maximum of two credits. Repeatable: This course may be repeated for a maximum of two credits. NOTE: All courses may be selected as an elective course in all programs. All one credit activity courses may be repeated for a total of two credits. Prerequisite: Physician consent if a person is considered high-risk for heart disease or may have
previous injuries.
PED 152 | Super Circuit Fitness III | 1 Hours |
Introduction to and participation in an approved cardiovascular, muscular development and/or high intensity interval training program (HITT) through the use of any of the following methods (as pre-determined): sub-maximal weights with multiple repetitions, use of cardio equipment, general strength and flexibility routines, circuit training, etc. Students will seek to improve general and specific levels of fitness. This course may be repeated for a maximum of two credits. Repeatable: This course may be repeated for a maximum of two credits. NOTE: All courses may be selected as an elective course in all programs. All one credit activity courses may be repeated for a total of two credits. Prerequisite: Physician consent if a person is considered high-risk for heart disease or may have
previous injuries.
PED 153 | Super Circuit Fitness IV | 1 Hours |
Introduction to and participation in an approved cardiovascular, muscular development and/or high intensity interval training program (HITT) through the use of any of the following methods (as pre-determined): sub-maximal weights with multiple repetitions, use of cardio equipment, general strength and flexibility routines, circuit training, etc. Students will seek to improve general and specific levels of fitness. This course may be repeated for a maximum of two credits. NOTE: All courses may be selected as an elective course in all programs. All one credit activity courses may be repeated for a total of two credits. Prerequisite: Physician consent if a person is considered high-risk for heart disease or may have
previous injuries.
PED 208 | Techniques/Theory of Coaching | 3 Hours |
This is an introduction to the theories and principles of coaching. Emphasis will be placed on administrative duties, practice design and implementation, contest preparation, and motivation of participants. The course will also focus on the creation and understanding of the development of a coaching philosophy. It will examine philosophies of notable coaches. The content is applicable to all levels of competition. It will also include professional certifications and development. Students will be eligible for certification via American Sport Education Program. Prerequisite: None
PED 213 | First Aid | 2 Hours |
This course will explore the necessary actions to be taken in case of an accident, sudden illness in the home, school, and within the community based on the most current scientific evidence. Topics discussed include but are not limited to: initial scene surveying, checking the victim, basic first aid CPR & AED skills, identifying medical emergencies, and recognizing various injuries. Students successfully completing the course objectives will receive a two-year Certificate of Completion by the American Red Cross (ARC) in Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED proficiency. NOTE: All courses may be selected as an elective course in all programs. All one credit activity courses may be repeated for a total of two credits. Prerequisite: None
PED 214 | Intro to Physical Education | 3 Hours |
Course covers the historical development, philosophies, aims and objectives of Physical Education. Students will be oriented to the scope and opportunities in the various fields of Physical Education. This course will give the students a basic understanding and knowledge of the major sub-discipline areas within Physical Education. NOTE: All courses may be selected as an elective course in all programs. All one credit activity courses may be repeated for a total of two credits. Prerequisite: None
PED 220 | Rhythms & Games for Children | 3 Hours |
Methods of administering, supervising and teaching the major areas of rhythms, games, testing and apparatus in the elementary school grades. The course is designed to fit the needs of the classroom teacher in approaching the area of learning. Prerequisite: None
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
PHL 101 | Intro to Logic/Formal Reason | 3 Hours |
A study of the principles of correct reasoning. Attention will be given to such topics as the logical use of language, types of definition, mathematical logic and methods of science. Emphasis is placed on understanding logical theory and on using techniques of valid reasoning. Although modern symbolic logic may be included in the content, the course will focus on a humanistic approach to logic rather than a mathematical one. Prerequisite: None
PHL 102 | Introduction to Philosophy | 3 Hours |
Students will read, reflect on, and discuss fundamental philosophical questions about topics such as truth, knowledge, personal identity, free will, moral values, aesthetic values, and religious beliefs. Prerequisite: None
PHL 103 | Ethics and Social Policy | 3 Hours |
An examination of moral aspects of human conduct and a study of the principal ethical theories and concepts as they apply to particular moral problems and decisions. Students will be required to read selected philosophy papers and write a philosophy paper of their own. Prerequisite: None
PHL 104 | World Religions | 3 Hours |
A comparative study of some of the leading ideas and practices of the world's major religions, including Confucianism, Taoism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Attention will be given also to the primitive roots of civilized religion and to the cultural context in which the various conceptions developed. Prerequisite: None
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
PHY 175 | Introduction to Physics | 4 Hours |
This course covers basic concepts of physics, including units in mechanics, sound, optics, electricity, magnetism and Bohr theory to build an organized body of knowledge related to physical phenomena encountered in the studentâs life. It is designed to meet the laboratory requirements for non-science majors and students in elementary education. Prerequisite: ELT 120 with a grade of D or higher, OR MAT 078 or MAT 081 or MAT 090 or MAT 106 (or
higher) with a C or higher, OR 2 years of high school algebra with a grade of C or
higher, OR appropriate placement.
PHY 201 | General Physics I | 5 Hours |
This course is a survey of the general principles of mechanics, sound and heat. It is designed for: (1) those students whose curriculum requires a one-year course in physics (pre-medical, pre-dental, architecture, agriculture, radio communication); (2) engineering students who have not had high school physics; (3) students who have an interest in the field of physics and select it to satisfy the science requirement of their curriculum. The main objective of the course is to acquaint the student with the experimental method, to develop laboratory skills and to present the student with an organized body of knowledge related to physical phenomena encountered in the student's life. Prerequisite: MAT 121 or higher
PHY 202 | General Physics II | 5 Hours |
This course is a survey of the general principles of electricity, magnetism, light and optics, and modern physics. It provides an introduction to the fundamental concepts and mathematics associated with physics as an organized body of knowledge based on the scientific method. Prerequisite: PHY 201.
PHY 211 | Engineering Physics I | 5 Hours |
An examination of the basic principles of mechanics with special emphasis on conceptual and mathematical problem-solving. Topics include linear kinematics, Newton's Laws, rotational motion, equilibrium, harmonic motion and waves. Prerequisite: High school physics or PHY 201 and MAT 203.
PHY 212 | Engineering Physics II | 5 Hours |
An examination of the basic principles of electricity and magnetism with selected topics in electric and magnetic fields, potentials, network theory, dielectric and magnetic properties of matter, capacitance, inductance, dc and ac circuits, Maxwell's equations, and electromagnetic waves. Prerequisite: PHY 211 and MAT 204 or concurrent enrollment in MAT 204.
PHY 213 | Engineering Physics III | 5 Hours |
An introduction to heat and thermodynamics, universal gravitation, geometrical and physical optics, the properties of light, relativity, quantum mechanics, atomic and nuclear physics, elementary particles, and solid-state physics. Prerequisite: PHY 212 and MAT 204.
PHY 221 | Mechanics I (Statics) | 3 Hours |
A vector algebra approach to understanding the principles of and problem-solving techniques of both particle and rigid body systems and three dimensions. Topics include rigid body equilibrium and equivalent systems of force, centroids, analysis of structures, and friction. Prerequisite: PHY 211 and MAT 204 or concurrent enrollment in MAT 204.
PHY 222 | Mechanics II (Dynamics) | 3 Hours |
A course which begins with a study of particle motion and extends into rigid body motion. The kinematics of motion is explored and dynamic, kinetic, and impulse/momentum concepts are used to solve the equations of motion. Prerequisite: PHY 221 and MAT 205 or concurrent enrollment in MAT 205.
PHY 246 | Intro to Circuit Analysis | 4 Hours |
This course is an introduction to methods for analyzing electric circuits using the following elements and methods of analysis: Kirchoff's laws, node and mesh equations, equivalent circuits, operational amplifiers, resistor-capacitor-inductor circuits, sinusoidal steady-state analysis, three-phase circuits, Laplace transforms, transfer functions and frequency response. Prerequisite: PHY 212 and completion of MAT 211 or concurrent enrollment.
PHY 247 | Circuit Analysis Laboratory | 1 Hours |
This course presents students with a series of experimental projects that analyze different network configurations. It utilizes circuit analysis methods, such as Kirchoff's laws, nodal and mesh equations, resistor combination laws, the superposition theorem, Thevenin's and Norton's theorems, and phasor analysis to characterize both DC and AC circuits. Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in PHY 246.
PHY 270 | Topics and Issues in Physics | 1-3 Hours |
A study of a special topic or current issue relating to physics. Topics will vary from semester to semester and will be listed in the course schedule. The course may be repeated when topics vary. This course may be taken three times for a maximum of 9 credits (Topic to be listed on student's permanent academic record.) Repeatable: This course is repeatable twice for a maximum of nine credits. Prerequisite: Determined by topics presented.
Political Science
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
PSC 163 | Am Government & Politics | 3 Hours |
Students will examine American constitutional foundations and democratic values, explore the role of public opinion and the character of the political process, and understand the role of the media and interest groups in policy-making. Students will gain an understanding of how the major branches of the federal government work, and improve skills in evaluating and analyzing current public policy issues. Prerequisite: None
PSC 164 | State & Local Politics & Gov | 3 Hours |
This course is a survey of the institutions, politics and public policies of government in American states and communities. Special emphasis will be given to the State of Illinois and the communities of the Sauk Valley area. Prerequisite: None
PSC 232 | Intro to Comparative Gov | 3 Hours |
Students will examine political systems in several regions of the world. They will gain an understanding of both the diversities and commonalities of political culture, tradition, and practice in selected nations of Europe, Asia, and Latin America. Prerequisite: None
PSC 233 | Politics of Developing World | 3 Hours |
Comparative examination of the political systems of selected non-western countries, including institutions, electoral systems, principles of governance, causes of political instability and revolution, and techniques of political analysis. Prerequisite: None
PSC 251 | Middle East Politics | 3 Hours |
Religious, political, economic, and social dimensions of life in the modern Middle East. The role of Islam, encounters with Western modernity, Arab-Israeli conflict, and political economy of the region. Prerequisite: None
PSC 261 | International Relations | 3 Hours |
This course is an introduction to international relations and world politics. It includes studies of international conflict, a history of war, human rights and genocide, international law and behavior, terrorism, and global economics and poverty. Case studies of current areas of crises will be emphasized. Prerequisite: None
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
PSY 103 | Introduction to Psychology | 3 Hours |
This course is designed to introduce the student to major concepts, theories, principles, and research in the field of psychology. This course will survey the scientific study of human and animal characteristics and behavior. Major topics from biological, behavioral, cognitive, personality, developmental, abnormal, and social psychology theory and research will be emphasized. Universal characteristics and individual differences will be explored. Prerequisite: None
PSY 200 | Human Growth & Development | 3 Hours |
A study of physical, cognitive, and psychosocial development of the human across the lifespan. Normative and non-normative patterns of development will be examined. Several major theories of human development will be be explored. Practical application of research findings will be emphasized. Prerequisite: PSY 103 or equivalent.
PSY 214 | Child Developmental Psychology | 3 Hours |
Child Developmental Psychology is an exploration of human growth and development from immediately before conception through adolescence. Content and application of theory and research related to physical, cognitive, and psychosocial domains of child development will be reviewed. Prerequisite: PSY 103
PSY 215 | Social Psychology | 3 Hours |
Social Psychology is a systematic introduction to theory and research on the ways social factors influence individual and group behavior. Examines attitudes, social perception, establishment of norms, conformity, leadership, group dynamics and research methods. (IAI GECC Code S8 900). Prerequisite: PSY 103
PSY 217 | Abnormal Psychology | 3 Hours |
Abnormal psychology seeks to examine abnormal behavior from a number of contemporary theoretical and therapeutic viewpoints, with reference to relevant research findings. Major diagnostic categories are explored. The diagnosis of disorders, their symptoms, etiologies, courses, treatment, outcomes, and related research methods and findings are core to the course. Applications to daily life, allied health, criminal justice, human development, and various other clinical settings will be common. Prerequisite: PSY 103 or consent of instructor.
PSY 270 | Drugs:Examining Effects/Social | 3 Hours |
This course is designed to improve knowledge about substance use. It will help the student understand the general phenomena of substance use, etiology, psychological and biological effects, impact on individual functioning, legal, social, and treatment issues. Students will acquire a broad overview of the field. Prerequisite: PSY 103 or consent of instructor.
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Radiologic Technology
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
RAD 100 | Radiologic Technology Intro | 0.5 Hours |
This course is designed to outline expectations of the Radiologic Technology program, a career in radiologic technology, and options for advancement. Clinical observation in a medical imaging department and simulation testing is a required component of the course. Prerequisite: None
RAD 101 | Rad Tech Clinical Experience I | 3 Hours |
Students are oriented to the functions of a hospital radiology department. Students are competency tested in a simulated setting before assignment to a hospital and again in the x-ray department under direct supervision of a registered radiographer in all procedures introduced in RAD 120. Image critique sessions are a regularly scheduled inclusion. Prerequisite: Admission to Radiologic Technology Program; concurrent enrollment in RAD 120.
RAD 102 | Rad Tech Clinical Exp II | 3 Hours |
The students' information base is expanded with introduction of more complex radiographic examinations in RAD 121 classroom content. The student is again competency tested in the lab before assignment to a hospital and the student remains under direct supervision of a registered radiographer in the radiography department. Students gain additional experience through performance of procedures competently completed in the first semester. Image critique sessions are a regularly scheduled inclusion. Prerequisite: RAD 101 with a grade of "C" or higher; concurrent enrollment in RAD 121.
RAD 103 | Rad Tech Clinical Exp III | 2 Hours |
The student will gain experience through performance of procedures competently completed in first two semesters and complete final first-year competency evaluations. The student will perform portable procedures, surgical and emergency room procedures, and other complex problems involving radiographic examinations in these areas. Prerequisite: RAD 102 with a grade of "C" or better and concurrent enrollment in RAD 122.
RAD 110 | Technical Nursing I | 1 Hours |
This course provides students initial skills and background knowledge to perform basic nursing techniques necessary to function in their specific area of health care. This course includes an introduction to legal and ethical responsibilities, communication techniques, interpersonal relationships, medical and surgical asepsis, vital sign measurement, positioning and transfer techniques, and emergency care. Prerequisite: Admission to the Radiologic Technology Program
RAD 111 | Technical Nursing II | 1 Hours |
This course builds on the beginning skills and background knowledge presented in the Technical Nursing I course. This course provides students with more advanced skills and procedures necessary for functioning in their specific area of health care. A review of vital signs assessment, an introduction to oxygen administration along with content for the care of patients with special problems and alternative medical treatments, patients during imaging examinations of the gastrointestinal system, and patients during special procedures. Introduction to pharmacology is included. Prerequisite: RAD 110 with a grade of "C" or better.
RAD 120 | Rad Tech Anat/Positioning I | 5 Hours |
This course covers an introduction to the medical field and beginning level x-ray examination procedures. Topics include: professional ethics, radiation safety, medical terminology, the radiographic anatomy and positioning of the chest, abdomen and extremities. Introductory information and laboratory practice is provided with relation to radiographic equipment, accessories and exposure factors. Prerequisite: RAD 100 with a grade of C or higher
RAD 121 | Rad Tech Anat/Positioning II | 5 Hours |
The intermediate level students give attention to specific ethical issues and radiation protection practices. Study of radiographic anatomy and positioning is expanded with attention to skull, spine and contrast studies of the abdominal and thoracic viscera and spine. There is continuing investigation of the theoretical and mechanical factors affecting exposure values. Laboratory practice is provided to give student experience in processing techniques and continued experience in exposure techniques. Prerequisite: RAD 120 with a "C" or higher.
RAD 122 | Radiologic Physics | 3 Hours |
An introduction to the basic concepts of radiologic physics, circuitry of radiographic equipment and fundamentals of diagnostic imaging. The theory of x-ray production is related to the structures of the equipment. Theory of x-ray interaction at the atomic level is included. Prerequisite: MAT 106 or MAT 121 or higher with a grade of "C" or better.
RAD 200 | Venipuncture | 1 Hours |
The various techniques for obtaining blood samples are taught, emphasis is on quality samples and safety. Injection techniques are emphasized. Prerequisite: RAD 122 with a grade of "C" or higher.
RAD 201 | Rad Tech Clinical Exp IV | 5 Hours |
The student now functions more independently in the radiologic department to master previous skills. Emphasis is placed on examination of trauma patients, surgical radiography and pediatric procedures during day, evening, and weekend shifts with indirect supervision of a registered radiographer. The student becomes involved in special procedure radiography, including assignment for observation in special modalities. Image critique continues and final competency testing is performed by students in areas previously tested. Prerequisite: RAD 103; concurrent enrollment in RAD 220.
RAD 202 | Rad Tech Clinical Exp V | 5 Hours |
The student continues to function more independently and performs emergency radiographic procedures during day, evening, and weekend shifts with indirect supervision of a registered radiographer. Image critique continues and final competency testing is performed by students in areas previously tested. Prerequisite: RAD 201 with a grade of "C" or better; concurrent enrollment in RAD 223.
RAD 220 | Image Production in Radiogr | 3 Hours |
Emphasis is placed on image production among radiographic accessories including Computed Radiography and Digital Radiography. Evaluation of image artifacts and proper quality control is summarized. Advanced imaging in Fluoroscopy is also associated with image production. Prerequisite: RAD 122 with grade of C or higher.
RAD 221 | Path/Adv Imag Modal-Diag Imag | 4 Hours |
The topics covered include computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and sonography. Pathology and diagnosis through imaging as they relate to advanced modalities is introduced. In addition, a review and summary of all radiographic anatomy is provided. Prerequisite: RAD 122 with a grade of C or higher.
RAD 222 | Ionizing Radiation in Medicine | 3 Hours |
This course covers the characteristics of the various applicable ionizing radiations used in diagnostic imaging. Topics include: interactions of radiation and matter, emission spectra, fundamentals of radiobiology, and systemic effects of irradiation to the human body. Radiation safety implications are stressed. Prerequisite: RAD 221 with a grade of "C" or higher.
RAD 223 | Cross Sectional Anatomy | 3 Hours |
Anatomy of the human body will be studied in cross section. Anatomy of the brain, neck, thorax, abdomen/pelvis and the musculoskeletal system will be presented in the axial (transverse), sagittal, coronal, and orthogonal (oblique) imaging planes using multiple diagnostic imaging modalities. Anatomical structure, location, and function will be identified using illustrations and radiographic images comparing computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. Angiography, pharmacology and contrast will also be investigated. Prerequisite: RAD 220 with a grade of "C" or higher or instructor consent with proof of ARRT certification.
RAD 224 | Registry Review | 2 Hours |
The course is a review of previous course materials and preparation for the Registry Examination in Radiography given by American Registry of Radiologic Technologists. Mock Registry exams included in the content of the course. Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in RAD 222
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
SOC 111 | Introduction to Sociology | 3 Hours |
Students will be introduced to the perspective, concepts, and methods of sociology. Emphasis will be given to how the groups that make up our society function. The forces that hold groups together or cause them to change will be explored while the students examine how they learn to play roles within the family, school, religion, peer groups, and in other social settings. Prerequisite: None
SOC 112 | Social Problems | 3 Hours |
A study of the nature of social problems including strategies for achieving social change. Students will participate in the selection and presentation to the class of the specific problems to be considered. Investigation of local communities will constitute an important aspect of the course. Prerequisite: None, though SOC 111 is highly recommended.
SOC 115 | Intro to Anthropology | 3 Hours |
This course is a study of the biological and cultural origins and variations of human beings.Humans' adaptation to different natural environments and resulting modes of social-cultural systems and behaviors are emphasized via selected case studies of extinct and extant human groups. Principles of human evolution, ethnography and ethnology, archaeology, and linguistics shall be addressed throughout the course. Prerequisite: None
SOC 116 | General Cultural Anthropology | 3 Hours |
An analysis of the origin and basis of culture - its major components, cultural variation, cultural evolution, and cultural adaptation. Analysis of selected cultures as case studies. Prerequisite: SOC 115 is recommended.
SOC 200 | Introduction to Social Work | 3 Hours |
Students will be introduced to the profession of social work with an emphasis on the generalist approach. The course will encourage the student to develop reasoning capacities while examining some of the controversial, contemporary issues in social welfare. Current social services available and gaps in services will be explored by the student. The student will examine the knowledge, skills and values needed for effective social work practice. Prerequisite: None
SOC 231 | Topics/Issues in Soc Science | 1-3 Hours |
This course will be designed to meet the special needs and interests of students on an occasional basis. Topics to be addressed may be from the areas of history, geography, economics, anthropology, sociology, psychology and political science. (Topic to be listed on student's permanent academic record.) This course is repeatable twice for a maximum of nine credits. Repeatable: This course may be repeated twice for a maximum of nine credits. (Topic to be listed on student's permanent academic record.) Prerequisite: None
SOC 251 | Human Sexuality and Marriage | 3 Hours |
This course is a survey of the contemporary family from historical and cross-cultural perspectives. This course explores the psychological, sociological, and biological perspectives on human sexuality, dating, marriage, singles, families, as well as separation & divorce. Topics addressed will include relationship types, trends in mate selection, marriage, singlehood, family functions & structures, uncoupling, child rearing, work, gender, power, conflict, and communication within the family. Prerequisite: None, although either PSY 103 or SOC 111 is highly recommended
Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
UAS 101 | Intro to Unmanned Aircraft Sys | 3 Hours |
An introduction to small unmanned aircraft systems (sUAS) and preparation for the FAA's Part 107 (Remote Pilot) exam. This course does not require previous experience with remote-controlled aircraft. Safety, control, and basic maneuvers are key elements. Quadcopters are the focus with particular attention to their use in agricultural business. Prerequisite: None
Allied Health / Continuing Education
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
VOC 121 | CNA Competency-Nursing Admiss | 0.5 Hours |
This course is designed for students who have a current professional license (MA, EMT, etc.) to show proficiency in basic nursing skills and care to individuals who need assistance with activities of daily living. This course will meet nursing program application requirements. Prerequisite: Student must have a current professional health care license (MA, EMT, etc.) and be
in good standing on the Health Care Worker Registry.
VOC 176 | Pharmacology Non-Licensed Pers | 2 Hours |
The student will acquire an understanding of basic pharmacology and the effects of several drugs on clients. Instruction will include the uses, sources, forms, and delivery routes of drugs. Knowledge will be gained in the areas of drug classifications, actions, and adverse reactions, along with legal implementation regarding controlled substances and other medications. Current technology will be utilized to master course objectives. Prerequisite: None
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
WLD 101 | Industrial MIG Welding | 2 Hours |
This course is designed to provide students with a thorough understanding of arc welding fundamentals including: welding safety, MIG welding, blueprint reading, welding symbols, AWS 14.3 welding standard, air carbon arc, reclaim welding and cutting. Training to develop the manual skills necessary to make high quality MIG welds is included with emphasis placed in the areas of various joint configurations, single pass, multiple pass, fillet, and groove welds in flat and horizontal position. Prerequisite: None
WLD 102 | Shielded Metal Arc Welding | 3 Hours |
This course introduces the fundamental theory, safety practices, equipment, and techniques required for shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) in the flat, horizontal, vertical, and overhead positions. Qualification tests in flat, horizontal, vertical and overhead positions are used in the evaluation of student progress toward making industrial standard welds. Prerequisite: None
WLD 103 | MIG Welding | 3 Hours |
This course is designed to provide students with a thorough understanding of the Metal Inert gas (MIG) arc welding fundamentals, also referred to as gas metal arc welding (GMAW), including the following topics: welding safety, power sources and wire feeders, machine setup, adjustment and maintenance, identification of welding defects and quality welds, metal transfer methods, wire selection, shielding gas selection, and testing procedures, Training to develop the manual skills necessary to make high quality MIG welds is included with emphasis placed in the areas of various joint configurations, single pass, multiple pass, fillet, groove, and overlap welds in flat, horizontal, vertical, and overhead positions Prerequisite: None
WLD 104 | TIG Welding | 3 Hours |
This course is designed to provide students with a thorough understanding of the Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) arc welding fundamentals, also referred to as Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW), including the following topics: welding safety, power sources, machine setup, adjustment and maintenance, identification of welding defects and quality welds, filler wire selection, shielding gas selection, testing procedures, other TIG processes including stainless steel and aluminum. Training to develop the manual skills necessary to make high quality TIG welds is included with emphasis placed in the areas of various joint configurations, single pass, multiple pass, fillet, groove, and overlap welds in flat, horizontal, vertical, and overhead positions. Prerequisite: None
WLD 106 | Welding Fundamentals | 2 Hours |
This course is designed to provide students with a thorough understanding of the basics of Metal Inert Gas (MIG) arc welding fundamentals, also referred to as Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) and stick welding, also referred to as Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) including the following topics: welding safety, power sources, and wire feeders, machine set up, adjustment and maintenance, identification of welding defects and quality welds, and welding techniques. Training to develop the manual skills necessary to make high quality MIG and SMAW welds is included with emphasis placed in the areas of various joint configurations, single pass, multiple pass, fillet, groove, overlap welds in a flat position. Oxyacetylene cutting equipment setup and safety will also be emphasized. Prerequisite: None
WLD 140 | Robotic Welding | 3 Hours |
This course is designed to give students hands-on understanding of robotic are welding. Topics to be covered include safely jogging the robot, setting up welding equipment, robotic welding teach pendent, robotic welding parameters, motion types, programming examples, saving and backing up robot programs and controller files. Students will develop robotic welding programs using robot controllers application software and hardware. Prerequisite: WLD 103 MIG Welding or WLD 106 Fundamentals of Welding. Corequisite: WLD 103 or WLD
106 can be taken concurrently with WLD 140