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Course Descriptions
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
EDU 102 | Computer Education for Teacher | 3 Hours |
This course is designed to meet the needs of education majors. This course will introduce students to the fundamentals and skills necessary to effectively integrate technology into teaching. This course is designed for the student with minimal computer experience. Prerequisite: None
EDU 105 | Prep for Careers in Education | 2 Hours |
This course introduces the student to licensure standards, course sequences, and skills required for education majors. Students will be introduced to the Illinois Professional Teaching Standards and will become familiar with the roles and responsibilities of teachers and the dispositions of effective teachers. Students will be exposed through observation activities to varying grade levels/ classrooms with the purpose of aiding in choosing the correct licensure path. Prerequisite: None
EDU 176 | Education Observation | 1 Hours |
This course is designed to introduce students to the process of observing a public school classroom. Students will be introduced to basic methods of observation, observe a classroom for ten hours, keep an observation journal, and reflect upon their observations in classroom discussions and an observation report. Prerequisite: None
EDU 210 | Diversity in Education | 3 Hours |
This course is designed to introduce pre-service teachers to the basic principles and foundations of educating for diversity. The course will explore schooling in and for global society. Emphasis will be on material evaluation and selection, curricular design, and the relationship between diversity, classroom procedure, and educational policy Prerequisite: None
EDU 220 | Educ of the Exceptional Child | 3 Hours |
An introductory overview of the field of special education and the educational and evidence-based strategies that support children with exceptional cognitive, social, physical, and emotional needs. Services and interventions will be examined, including federal and state requirements for eligibility. Students will be introduced to the various exceptionality categories that occur in the population including an overview of characteristics of individuals in each category, with emphasis on category-appropriate interventions and teaching strategies. Prerequisite: None
EDU 221 | Children's Literature | 3 Hours |
This course introduces students to the history, themes, form, and genres of literature for children. Special emphasis on the analysis and evaluation of literature for children, as well as the social and cultural contexts that have influenced the creation and selection of literature for children. Prerequisite: None
EDU 225 | Topics/Issues in Education | 1-3 Hours |
A study of a special topic or current issue relating to education. Topics will vary from semester to semester and will be listed in the course schedule. The course may be repeated when topics vary. This course may be taken three times for a maximum of 9 credits (Topic to be listed on student's permanent academic record.) Repeatable: The course may be repeated for a maximum of nine hours when the topics vary. Prerequisite: None
EDU 275 | Educational Psychology | 3 Hours |
Educational Psychology is an exploration of psychological concepts as applied to educational practice. This course emphasizes behavioral and cognitive theories, motivation, classroom management, development, intellectual functioning, achievement, assessment, learner differences, and cultural influences on teaching and learning. Prerequisite: PSY 103
EDU 276 | Clinical Exper in Education | 1 Hours |
This minimum 26-clock hour experience is offered to help meet clinical and/or observation requirements for education programs in Illinois. Seminar students will work one-on-one with students in support positions (tutoring, small group instruction, individual aid) and attend accompanying seminars focused on exploration of individual characteristics of learners and professional standards for teachers. Emphasis will be on teaching techniques, classroom dynamics and the effects of student developmental status on behavior and learning. A journal noting these factors will be kept by each seminar student. Notes: This class contains an observation component. Schools may require students to undergo a criminal background check before being allowed into the classroom. Prerequisite: None