Admissions and Records
- Email: admissions@svcc.edu
- Phone: (815) 835-6273
- Fax: (815) 456-4240
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Course Descriptions
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
HIS 131 | Western Civ to 1648 | 3 Hours |
Origins and development of western civilization beginning with the classical civilization of the ancient world and dealing with the contributions of each major historical group until the emergence of modern Europe in the commercial revolution of the sixteenth century. Prerequisite: None
HIS 132 | Western Civ Since 1648 | 3 Hours |
A continuation of the subject material offered in HIS 131. The history of the social, economic, political, and intellectual life of modern times; the French Revolution; the Napoleonic era, nationalism, and imperialism, world wars; the problems of world cooperation; and evaluation of present world problems are studied. Prerequisite: None
HIS 155 | African American History | 3 Hours |
This course focuses on African American experiences and contributions to US history and their broader, cross-cultural influences. Development of relevant African cultures, forced migrations, slavery, emancipation, the struggle for rights, and contemporary issues will be featured prominently. Prerequisite: None
HIS 221 | American History to 1865 | 3 Hours |
Students will examine the first interactions of Native American cultures, European conquerors, and enslaved Africans. They will compare the Spanish, French, and English experiences in North America, and explore the events in the English colonies that led to revolution and independence. They will examine the constitution issues, political clashes, and social changes of the Federalist, Jefferson and Jacksonian periods. Students will explore westward expansion, immigration in the north, and southern slave economy. They will consider the events of the decade of crisis that led to civil war and look closely at the war and its major consequences. Prerequisite: None
HIS 222 | American History Since 1865 | 3 Hours |
Students will examine American history from the Reconstruction Era to the present. They will gain an understanding of historical periods and events such as the Industrial Revolution, the Gilded Age, the Great Depression, the two World Wars, the Cold War, the Age of Affluence, and the Struggle For Racial and Gender Equality. Prerequisite: None
HIS 231 | Topics/Issues in History | 1-3 Hours |
A study of a special topic or current issue relating to history. Topics will vary from semester to semester and will be listed in the course schedule. The course may be repeated when topics vary. This course may be taken three times for a maximum of 9 credits (Topic to be listed on student's permanent academic record.) Repeatable: This course may be repeated twice for a maximum of 9 credits. Prerequisite: None