Earth Science
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Course Descriptions
Earth Science
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
GSC 105 | Astronomy | 4 Hours |
This course presents an overview of the history and development of the grand themes in astronomy. It is designed for students who either need to fulfill a general education laboratory science course or who desire to explore the nature of the universe that they inhabit. The course covers early views of the universe, the development of scientific models and principles, the technological and analytical tools used by astronomers, the nature of the planets and Sun in our solar system, the birth, life, and death of stars and galaxies, the origin and evolution of the universe, and the search for extraterrestrial life in the universe. Credit will not be awarded for both GSC 105 and GSC 106. Prerequisite: MAT 078 or MAT 081 or MAT 090 (or higher) with a grade of C or better, OR High School
Algebra 2 or Math 3 with a grade of C or higher, OR appropriate placement.
GSC 106 | Astronomy | 3 Hours |
An introductory survey of the universe which includes the following topics: people's changing ideas about the cosmos; the motion of the stars, moon, planets, and sun in the sky; the physical characteristics of the moon and planets; the formation of the solar system; the properties, structure, origin, and evolution of our sun, the stars, and galaxies. (Credit will not be awarded for both GSC 105 and GSC 106.) Prerequisite: None
GSC 115 | Environmental Geology | 3 Hours |
This course deals with geology as it relates to human activities. It will emphasize how geologic processes and hazards influence human activities and how human activities influence our soils, water, atmosphere, the need for energy, waste disposal and environmental laws. Prerequisite: None
GSC 270 | Topics/Issues in the Sciences | 1-3 Hours |
A study of a special topic or current issue relating to biological or physical sciences. Topics will vary from semester to semester and will be listed in the course schedule. The course may be repeated when topics vary. This course may be taken three times for a maximum of 9 credits. (Topic to be listed on student's permanent academic record. Repeatable: This course is repeatable twice for a maximum of nine credits Prerequisite: None