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Course Descriptions
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
NRS 051 | Integration to Nursing Prac | 1 Hours |
This elective course provides student RNs with the opportunity to work with departmental mentoring RNs, facilitating the student's ability to experience real-world patient care. Student RNs will gain skills in patient assessment, prioritization, team collaboration, and provision of care within their scope. This course may be repeated one time for a maximum of two credits. Prerequisite: NRS 142 Medical Surgical Nursing I with a grade of "C" or better and/or application
approval after interview with instructor.
NRS 101 | Basic Nursing Assistant | 4 Hours |
An introduction of theory and practice necessary to meet the patient's needs within the scope of the beginning nursing assistant. Topics will include basic information about body structure and function and related terminology, growth and development with emphasis on aging and the role and responsibilities of the nursing assistant to help the client with personal hygiene and mobility within a safe environment. The course includes clinical experience in a subacute health care setting. The student will provide care to individuals who need assistance with the activities of daily living. Prerequisite: Meet admission criteria of:
1. Candidate must be at least 16 years of age
2. Candidates who do not have a high school diploma or GED must be able to read at
grade level 8. Students will be asked to take a reading and math assessment at orientation
with results given the first day of class.
3. Candidates meet health and immunization requirements that are detailed at the orientation
4. Forms for fingerprint approval will be coordinated with the Health Professions
office upon receipt of your orientation/ admission letter. Criminal background checks
are required prior to the first day of class for all sections except dual credit.
NRS 103 | Basic Nursing Assistant II | 4 Hours |
This course will focus on advanced nursing assistant skills. Topics will include the role and responsibilities of the nursing assistant in relation to measuring vital signs, assisting the patient with nutrition, fluid balance and elimination; special procedures, such as the application of heat and cold therapies, admission, discharge and postmortem care. Students will care for patients with common medical surgical conditions, Alzheimer's disease and related dementias. This course includes clinical experience in a subacute health care setting. Prerequisite: NRS 101
NRS 108 | Practical Nursing Fundamentals | 13 Hours |
This course is designed to introduce the beginning practical nursing student to the profession of nursing with particular focus in the long term care setting. Safe and effective care principles will be applied. The students will be expected to manage hygiene related needs, basic safety, and nutritional provision of oral fluids and foods. Concepts related to assessment, culture, values and ethics, legal aspects, and therapeutic interpersonal communication skills will be presented. The principles and practices of medication administration will be introduced. Alterations in bowel and urinary elimination, oxygenation, rest and sleep will be discussed. The concepts of pain, teaching and learning, death and dying, and spirituality will be addressed. The nursing process will be introduced and integrated throughout the course. Knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to perform competent nursing care will be applied to the care of the geriatric/adult patients. Clinical experience will focus on the basic care of the geriatric/adult resident in the long term care setting. Prerequisite: Admission to the LPN program.
NRS 109 | Fd. Mod Bed Nurs II/Repro Hlth | 7 Hours |
This course includes the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of nursing care related to the following: maternity patient, normal newborn and newborn with complications, pediatric patient, care of patients with sexually transmitted diseases, and pathology and care related to the urinary and reproductive systems (male and female). The clinical/laboratory component will help reinforce knowledge and skills needed with the birthing family, hospitalized child, well child care, and adult patients with selected medical and surgical conditions with a patient-centered focus. Prerequisite: NRS 108 with a grade of C or better.
NRS 110 | Foundations Med Surg Nursing I | 7 Hours |
Topics will include the knowledge, skills and attitudes of nursing care related to gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal, diabetes, respiratory, and cardiovascular and hematologic and lymphatic system disorders. The clinical and laboratory component provides experience in the care of the patient throughout the adult lifespan (ages 18 years through old age) with medical and surgical conditions with integration of the nursing process. Prerequisite: NRS 108 and BIO 108 with a grade of C or better or permission of instructor.
NRS 111 | Foundation MedSurg Nursing III | 6 Hours |
Topics will include the systems and concepts of nursing care related to actual mental health diagnoses or issues and disease states in the systems of endocrine, immune, nervous and integumetary. Evidence based knowledge, skills, and attitudes of practical nursing regarding education, teamwork, and employment opportunities; preparation for licensure; career evaluation; legal responsibilities, and the concept and management of patient centered care are incorporated. The clinical component will provide experience in the adult long term and skilled care nursing settings. Prerequisite: NRS 109 and NRS 110 with a grade of C or better.
NRS 113 | Drug Dosage Calculations | 1 Hours |
A course designed to promote competency in calculating commonly encountered drug dosage problems. Conversions between metric and household systems will be covered. Concepts regarding safety in medication administration and interpreting health care provider orders will be included. Students will learn how to calculate oral, parenteral, IV flow rates, critical care and pediatric drug dosage calculations using their calculation method of choice. Prerequisite: NRS 108 - "C" with concurrent enrollment allowed and BIO 108 - "C" with concurrent
enrollment allowed or BIO 109 - "C" no concurrency and BIO 110 - "C" with concurrent
enrollment allowed or permission of instructor.
NRS 115 | LPN Intravenous Therapy | 2 Hours |
The purpose of the Intravenous Therapy Course is to provide the appropriate knowledge, skill, and attitudes to perform selected tasks identified in the Illinois Nurse Practice Act related to intravenous therapy on stabilized patients under the supervision of a registered nurse, physician, dentist or podiatrist. Prerequisite: NRS 108 with a grade of C or better or current Illinois practical nurse license and/or
a sponsoring agency willing to provide a registered nurse preceptor and consent of
instructor or concurrent enrollment in NRS 108.
NRS 116 | Med Terminology for Hea Career | 3 Hours |
NRS 116 is an internet-based medical terminology course designed for students pursuing health careers. Students will develop knowledge of the foundation of word parts, combining forms, anatomical terminology, and medical terms organized by body systems. The course includes the study of definition and use of medical terms common to many health related disciplines. Prerequisite: None
NRS 140 | Fund. of Nursing Practice | 10 Hours |
This course is designed to introduce the beginning student to the profession of nursing in the long term care and acute care settings. Safe and effective care will be emphasized. Students will be expected to manage hygiene related needs, safety, and nutritional provision of oral fluids and foods. Concepts related to assessment, culture, values, ethics, legal aspects, and therapeutic interpersonal communication skills will be presented. The principles and practices of medication administration and safe maintenance of an IV infusion will be introduced. Alterations in bowel and urinary elimination, oxygenation, rest and sleep will be discussed. The concepts necessary to support a patient's psychosocial integrity including pain, teaching and learning, death and dying, and spirituality will be addressed. Knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to perform basic nursing skills competently will be applied to the care of the aged and adult patients with medical/surgical conditions in the classroom, lab and clinical setting. The nursing process will be introduced and integrated throughout the course. Prerequisite: Admission to ADN program. BIO 109 with a grade of C or better or concurrent enrollment.
NRS 142 | Medical Surgical Nursing I | 9 Hours |
The fundamental principles previously learned are applied to the management of the perioperative patient, management of patients with problems of the endocrine, nervous, skin, and immune systems. Other concepts include intravenous therapy, fluid & electrolytes, shock, community health nursing, emergency care, bioterrorism, and the concepts of management for safe and effective care. The lab and clinical components provide experience in meeting the needs of the aged patient and adult patient with medical and surgical problems. Prerequisite: NRS 140 Fundamentals of Nursing Practice or current LPN licensure. NRS 143 with a
grade of "C" or better, BIO 110 with a grade of "C" or better or concurrent enrollment
or consent of instructor.
NRS 143 | Pharm for Nursing I | 1 Hours |
This course is designed to provide nursing students an introduction to the concepts of pharmacology, safe pharmacotherapy and drug administration, gas exchange, comfort, infection, circulation and elimination/absorption. The course emphasizes the adult health care recipient (18->85 years) Prerequisite: Admission to the ADN program or current LPN licensure. BIO 108 or 109 with a grade
of C or better or concurrent enrollment or consent of instructor.
NRS 144 | Pharm for Nursing II | 1 Hours |
This course builds on Pharmacology for Nursing I, to provide nursing students a continued introduction to the concepts of pharmacology, safe pharmacotherapy and drug administration as related to homeostasis, the central and peripheral nervous systems, metabolism, psychobiological disorders, sensory disorders, cellular regulation, immunity, and infection. The course emphasizes the adult health care recipient (18->85 years). Prerequisite: NRS 140 or current LPN licensure. NRS 143 with grade of C or better or consent of
instructor. BIO 110 with a grade of "C" or better or concurrent enrollment.
NRS 152 | Med Surg Nursing I, Modified | 6 Hours |
The fundamental principles previously learned are applied to the management of the perioperative patient, management of patients with problems of the endocrine, nervous, skin and immune systems. Other concepts include intravenous therapy, fluid & electrolytes, shock, community health nursing, emergency care, bioterrorism, and the concepts of management for safe and effective care. The lab components provide experience in meeting the needs of the aged patient and adult patient with medical and surgical problems. Prerequisite: Completion of LPN program from an accredited school and current LPN licensure and
consent of instructor. Completion of NRS 143, NRS 144, BIO 110 with a grade of "C"
or better or concurrent enrollment.
NRS 243 | Adv Medical Surgical Nursing | 9 Hours |
Requires students to apply knowledge, skills, and attitudes for or towards the care of adult patients in a simulated laboratory and acute care environments. Complex multisystem disruptions and the subsequent nursing needs for patient care will be experienced. Focus will be on patients with related cardiovascular, peripheral vascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal, hematologic, renal, shock and acid/base imbalances. Students will apply the nursing process and utilize information literacy skills to achieve deliberative and competent decision-making that is grounded in evidence based practice to achieve best practice outcomes. Emphasis will be placed on prioritization of care through collaboration with other members of the health care team, patients and their families. Prerequisite: NRS 142 or NRS 152, and NRS 143, NRS 144, and BIO 110 with a "C" or better.
NRS 244 | Pediatric Nursing | 2.5 Hours |
This course explores the physiological alterations of clients with acute and chronic health care needs. Building on the foundations of previous nursing courses and the nursing process, students will examine the impact of and plan nursing care for pediatric clients experiencing acute and/or chronic alterations. Utilizing the nursing process and nursing management, psychosocial and physiological adaptations will be examined in the context of social justice, cultural competence, and equity of health care. Prerequisite: NRS 142 or NRS 152, and NRS 143, NRS 144, and BIO 110 with a "C" or better.
NRS 245 | Reproductive Health | 3.5 Hours |
This course introduces and examines past, present and future trends involving male and female reproductive health (from puberty through menopause). Nursing discussions will emphasize and expand student knowledge regarding pregnancy, labor and delivery, postpartum and newborn (antepartum, intrapartum, postpartum and newborn care) for normal and complicated care situations. Lifestyle choices and the effects on an individual's health will be discussed as well as family dynamics, abuse, and reproductive illnesses (diseases/issues). The clinical component will help reinforce knowledge and skills needed in maternal and infant areas concerning assessments, planning, decision making abilities, and critical thinking. Prerequisite: NRS 142 or NRS 152, and NRS 143, NRS 144, and BIO 110 with a "C" or better.
NRS 246 | Psych/Mental Health Nursing | 4 Hours |
The course focuses on the concepts related to nurse management of patients with mental illness. Emphasis is placed on the knowledge, skills, and attitudes, such as therapeutic nurse-patient relationship, which are essential to the care of persons with mental health problems. The lab and clinical component provides experience in utilizing the nursing process to meet the needs of patients with varying degrees of illness behavior in the acute, chronic and outpatient settings. Prerequisite: NRS 142 or NRS 152, and NRS 143, NRS 144, and BIO 110 with a "C" or better.
NRS 247 | Concepts for Nursing Practice | 6 Hours |
This concept-based learning experience will equip students to enter the workforce as well-prepared novice nurses. The course emphasizes the adult health care recipient (18-85+ years), health and illness, professional nursing concepts, and transition into practice. Prerequisite: NRS 243 Advanced Medical Surgical Nursing with a grade of "C" or better.