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Course Descriptions
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
SOC 111 | Introduction to Sociology | 3 Hours |
Students will be introduced to the perspective, concepts, and methods of sociology. Emphasis will be given to how the groups that make up our society function. The forces that hold groups together or cause them to change will be explored while the students examine how they learn to play roles within the family, school, religion, peer groups, and in other social settings. Prerequisite: None
SOC 112 | Social Problems | 3 Hours |
A study of the nature of social problems including strategies for achieving social change. Students will participate in the selection and presentation to the class of the specific problems to be considered. Investigation of local communities will constitute an important aspect of the course. Prerequisite: None, though SOC 111 is highly recommended.
SOC 115 | Intro to Anthropology | 3 Hours |
This course is a study of the biological and cultural origins and variations of human beings.Humans' adaptation to different natural environments and resulting modes of social-cultural systems and behaviors are emphasized via selected case studies of extinct and extant human groups. Principles of human evolution, ethnography and ethnology, archaeology, and linguistics shall be addressed throughout the course. Prerequisite: None
SOC 116 | General Cultural Anthropology | 3 Hours |
An analysis of the origin and basis of culture - its major components, cultural variation, cultural evolution, and cultural adaptation. Analysis of selected cultures as case studies. Prerequisite: SOC 115 is recommended.
SOC 200 | Introduction to Social Work | 3 Hours |
Students will be introduced to the profession of social work with an emphasis on the generalist approach. The course will encourage the student to develop reasoning capacities while examining some of the controversial, contemporary issues in social welfare. Current social services available and gaps in services will be explored by the student. The student will examine the knowledge, skills and values needed for effective social work practice. Prerequisite: None
SOC 231 | Topics/Issues in Soc Science | 1-3 Hours |
This course will be designed to meet the special needs and interests of students on an occasional basis. Topics to be addressed may be from the areas of history, geography, economics, anthropology, sociology, psychology and political science. (Topic to be listed on student's permanent academic record.) This course is repeatable twice for a maximum of nine credits. Repeatable: This course may be repeated twice for a maximum of nine credits. (Topic to be listed on student's permanent academic record.) Prerequisite: None
SOC 251 | Human Sexuality and Marriage | 3 Hours |
This course is a survey of the contemporary family from historical and cross-cultural perspectives. This course explores the psychological, sociological, and biological perspectives on human sexuality, dating, marriage, singles, families, as well as separation & divorce. Topics addressed will include relationship types, trends in mate selection, marriage, singlehood, family functions & structures, uncoupling, child rearing, work, gender, power, conflict, and communication within the family. Prerequisite: None, although either PSY 103 or SOC 111 is highly recommended