Criminal Justice
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Course Descriptions
Criminal Justice
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
CJS 101 | Intro to Criminal Justice | 3 Hours |
The course examines the history, development, and philosophy of the American criminal justice system. It includes discussions of the types of agencies involved in the administration of criminal justice and policies and procedures followed by those agencies, using a general career-oriented approach. Specific lectures include those topics such as criminal law, criminal offenses and offenders, and agencies responsible for the prevention and control of crime. Prerequisite: None
CJS 120 | Introduction to Corrections | 3 Hours |
The course is an introduction and analysis of punishment, custody, and rehabilitation as administered by law enforcement, courts, and corrections. It includes an overview of the history, evolution, and philosophy of the United States correctional system. The operation and administration of institutional and non-institutional settings, and issues of constitutional law related to corrections will also be examined. Prerequisite: None
CJS 130 | Criminal Investigation | 3 Hours |
The guidelines and requisites for criminal investigators are defined and developed through a general orientation examining both preliminary and supplementary criminal investigations. Specific types of crime are examined in terms of statutory elements, modus operandi, evidence development and collection, sources of information, interview and interrogation, suspect identification, reporting and courtroom presentation and procedure. Prerequisite: None
CJS 135 | Criminal Law | 3 Hours |
The factors relevant to resolution and decision in the bringing forth of criminal charges are developed within the adversary system. The basic principles of criminal liability are reviewed laying the foundation for considering specific offenses against property, habitation, and persons. Special consideration is given to the criminal law within Illinois. Prerequisite: CJS 101 is recommended but not required.
CJS 200 | Ethics in Criminal Justice | 3 Hours |
Ethics is the study of right and wrong, good and evil. It involves all aspects of who we are, our minds, hearts, relationships with each other, and the intentions and motives for our actions. During this course, students become more aware and open to moral and ethical issues in criminal justice and students learn to develop critical thinking and analytical skills causing them to be more personally responsible. The educational process of ethics is recognizing how criminal justice is engaged in a process of authority, coercive power and selective discretionary authority. This course will develop whole sight in creation of a vision of ethical and moral standards within the criminal justice environment. Prerequisite: None
CJS 208 | Juvenile Delinquency | 3 Hours |
The course is an analysis of the social and psychological factors of delinquent behavior. The practical application of theories, causation, prevention and rehabilitation is considered with regard to programs. The role of the juvenile police, corrections, and probation officers is considered, as well as a look at the Illinois Juvenile Court Act. Prerequisite: None (CJS 101 is recommended.)
CJS 231 | Criminal Evidence & Procedure | 3 Hours |
Criminal evidence for police, types of evidence, criminal procedures in various courts, arrest, search and seizure, collection of evidence, discretion and related topics. Prerequisite: None. CJS 135 is recommended.
CJS 232 | Police and Patrol Operations | 3 Hours |
This course is a study of the responsibility, techniques and methods of police patrol. This includes the areas of patrol distribution, selective enforcement, pull-over and approach methods, emergency pursuit driving, search of suspects and buildings, field interrogations, and procedures in handling police-called-for services. Prerequisite: None
CJS 233 | Community Policing | 3 Hours |
This course examines proactive community-oriented policing and problem solving (COPPS) in the context of changes in law enforcement agencies and communities. Students will be provided with relevant information to understand the COPPS philosophy and its applications for law enforcement and society. Also, students will gain experience in understanding policy and program development from beginning to end and the process of analyzing problems and setting goals and objectives as well as how to design programs and policies and conduct action planning; and experience the process of implementing, monitoring, and evaluating outcomes through reassessing/reviewing. Prerequisite: CJS 101 or permission of instructor
CJS 238 | Criminology | 3 Hours |
The course is an analysis of the theories of criminology. Crime in relation to physical and psychological factors, to cultural areas, to the family and to other social institutions will be examined. Consideration is given to professional crime and white collar crime. Prerequisite: SOC 111
CJS 250 | Criminal Justice Practicum | 1-3 Hours |
A supervised field experience designed to utilize and develop the student's training and educational skills in a specific correctional, law enforcement, or social justice placement. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor and approval of internship supervisor. Internship approval form
to be signed and completed by the intern, internship supervisor, faculty supervisor,
and the academic vice-president.
CJS 299 | Topic/Issues- Criminal Justice | 1-3 Hours |
A study of a special topic or current issue relating to history. Topics will vary from semester to semester and will be listed in the course schedule. The course may be repeated when topics vary. This course may be taken three times for a maximum of 9 credits (Topic to be listed on student's permanent academic record.) Repeatable: This course may be taken three times for a maximum of nine credits. Prerequisite: None