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Course Descriptions
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
PHY 175 | Introduction to Physics | 4 Hours |
This course covers basic concepts of physics, including units in mechanics, sound, optics, electricity, magnetism and Bohr theory to build an organized body of knowledge related to physical phenomena encountered in the studentâs life. It is designed to meet the laboratory requirements for non-science majors and students in elementary education. Prerequisite: ELT 120 with a grade of D or higher, OR MAT 078 or MAT 081 or MAT 090 or MAT 106 (or
higher) with a C or higher, OR 2 years of high school algebra with a grade of C or
higher, OR appropriate placement.
PHY 201 | General Physics I | 5 Hours |
This course is a survey of the general principles of mechanics, sound and heat. It is designed for: (1) those students whose curriculum requires a one-year course in physics (pre-medical, pre-dental, architecture, agriculture, radio communication); (2) engineering students who have not had high school physics; (3) students who have an interest in the field of physics and select it to satisfy the science requirement of their curriculum. The main objective of the course is to acquaint the student with the experimental method, to develop laboratory skills and to present the student with an organized body of knowledge related to physical phenomena encountered in the student's life. Prerequisite: MAT 121 or higher
PHY 202 | General Physics II | 5 Hours |
This course is a survey of the general principles of electricity, magnetism, light and optics, and modern physics. It provides an introduction to the fundamental concepts and mathematics associated with physics as an organized body of knowledge based on the scientific method. Prerequisite: PHY 201.
PHY 211 | Engineering Physics I | 5 Hours |
An examination of the basic principles of mechanics with special emphasis on conceptual and mathematical problem-solving. Topics include linear kinematics, Newton's Laws, rotational motion, equilibrium, harmonic motion and waves. Prerequisite: High school physics or PHY 201 and MAT 203.
PHY 212 | Engineering Physics II | 5 Hours |
An examination of the basic principles of electricity and magnetism with selected topics in electric and magnetic fields, potentials, network theory, dielectric and magnetic properties of matter, capacitance, inductance, dc and ac circuits, Maxwell's equations, and electromagnetic waves. Prerequisite: PHY 211 and MAT 204 or concurrent enrollment in MAT 204.
PHY 213 | Engineering Physics III | 5 Hours |
An introduction to heat and thermodynamics, universal gravitation, geometrical and physical optics, the properties of light, relativity, quantum mechanics, atomic and nuclear physics, elementary particles, and solid-state physics. Prerequisite: PHY 212 and MAT 204.
PHY 221 | Mechanics I (Statics) | 3 Hours |
A vector algebra approach to understanding the principles of and problem-solving techniques of both particle and rigid body systems and three dimensions. Topics include rigid body equilibrium and equivalent systems of force, centroids, analysis of structures, and friction. Prerequisite: PHY 211 and MAT 204 or concurrent enrollment in MAT 204.
PHY 222 | Mechanics II (Dynamics) | 3 Hours |
A course which begins with a study of particle motion and extends into rigid body motion. The kinematics of motion is explored and dynamic, kinetic, and impulse/momentum concepts are used to solve the equations of motion. Prerequisite: PHY 221 and MAT 205 or concurrent enrollment in MAT 205.
PHY 246 | Intro to Circuit Analysis | 4 Hours |
This course is an introduction to methods for analyzing electric circuits using the following elements and methods of analysis: Kirchoff's laws, node and mesh equations, equivalent circuits, operational amplifiers, resistor-capacitor-inductor circuits, sinusoidal steady-state analysis, three-phase circuits, Laplace transforms, transfer functions and frequency response. Prerequisite: PHY 212 and completion of MAT 211 or concurrent enrollment.
PHY 247 | Circuit Analysis Laboratory | 1 Hours |
This course presents students with a series of experimental projects that analyze different network configurations. It utilizes circuit analysis methods, such as Kirchoff's laws, nodal and mesh equations, resistor combination laws, the superposition theorem, Thevenin's and Norton's theorems, and phasor analysis to characterize both DC and AC circuits. Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in PHY 246.
PHY 270 | Topics and Issues in Physics | 1-3 Hours |
A study of a special topic or current issue relating to physics. Topics will vary from semester to semester and will be listed in the course schedule. The course may be repeated when topics vary. This course may be taken three times for a maximum of 9 credits (Topic to be listed on student's permanent academic record.) Repeatable: This course is repeatable twice for a maximum of nine credits. Prerequisite: Determined by topics presented.