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Course Descriptions
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
BUS 103 | Intro to Business | 3 Hours |
Introduction to Business provides a foundation of knowledge in business including an understanding of the basic processes of marketing, finance, production, accounting, information technology, human resource management and the relationships of business to our society and government and the global economy. Prerequisite: None
BUS 105 | Principles of Sales | 3 Hours |
An introduction to personal selling for those students whose main interest is in the field of marketing. This course will also provide the necessary skills of personal selling to potential salespeople so they may develop their growing responsibilities more efficiently and effectively to manage the entire value chain within their own organizations, with their suppliers, and with their customers. Potential salespeople will learn the sound skills of partnering and communication in order to develop and maintain strategic alliances within the regional, national, and international business communities. Integration of materials from other business and non-business disciplines will illustrate the application of theories in the practice of selling to deliver total quality. Potential salespeople will examine various methods in which salespeople employ technology to learn about, to connect with, and to build relationships with customers. Prerequisite: None
BUS 106 | Business Mathematics | 3 Hours |
This course develops an approach to the study of the fundamentals of computational skills used in business. These computational skills may be employed in business/commercial decision making and in general quantitative business situations. Quantitative topics include reinforcement of fundamental arithmetic and mathematical processes, equations and word problems, percentages, decimals and fractions, product pricing and markup policies, bank reconciliations, notes and interest, payroll records, business inventory turnover, and insurance principles. Further topics include the study of business depreciation, business financial statements, business and personal insurance, corporate stocks and bonds, international business, compound interest applications, and business statistics. Prerequisite: None
BUS 112 | Human Relations | 3 Hours |
Stresses development of the individual and inter-personal relationships applied to business and industry with emphasis upon values, communications, problem solving, motivation and leadership. In addition, human relations skills and organizational behavior concepts are developed within modern organization environments to understand behavior, performance, learning, perception, values, and diversity. Communications skills, conflict resolutions, power, politics, ethics, and team dynamics are presented and analyzed within modern organizations. Organizational development principles such as organizational change, global diversity, productivity, participative management, and time as well as career management skills are presented and applied. Prerequisite: None
BUS 155 | Materials Management | 3 Hours |
Materials Management covers the essentials of modern supply chain management, including manufacturing, purchasing, distribution, and quality management, along with the integration of all elements of production planning and control, as well as the impact of technology on warehousing and physical distribution. Prerequisite: BUS 103
BUS 205 | Principles of Management | 3 Hours |
Principles of Management analyzes the organizing, planning and controlling of business activities and the directing of people to achieve the objectives of business by studying the current management theories. Prerequisite: None
BUS 210 | Marketing | 3 Hours |
An examination of the fundamental principles and functions of marketing, with emphasis on the tools and techniques by which goods are transferred from producer to consumer, notforprofit marketing, consumer behavior, organizational buying behavior and the relation of marketing to the economic and business structure. Prerequisite: None
BUS 211 | Intro to Internatl Business | 3 Hours |
This course provides a survey of the world of international business. Topics of study include business operations in different cultures, the impact of geography upon business operations, an understanding of why products are the same or different in countries, varying business practices, as well as the impact of the Internet upon international business. Problems and practices in international business management activities will be analyzed. The issues include American management techniques in foreign settings, comparative management among different countries and the complexity introduced by the management of international companies. The course focuses on international organizational functioning to help the student gain a diversity of views. Prerequisite: None
BUS 214 | Business Statistics | 3 Hours |
This course is an introduction to business statistics in which methods of collection, presentation and interpretation of quantitative data is studied. Emphasis is placed on the interpretation of data with such topics as averages, dispersion, probability, sampling, tests of significance and simple linear correlation being studied. Prerequisite: MAT 121 or appropriate placement
BUS 215 | E-Commerce & Social Media Mktg | 3 Hours |
This course will cover how a business can market its products, services and ideas using internet technology. Topics will include e-commerce as part of the marketing mix, search engine optimization, selling through the internet, social networking, blogs, measuring results of the e-commerce strategy and email as permission marketing. Prerequisite: BUS 103 or BUS 210 or consent of instructor.
BUS 216 | Advertising | 3 Hours |
The basic principles of advertising, planning and management as it relates to marketing, sequence, including a survey of the major groups of advertising media (printed, broadcast, positive and point-of purchase media) and their application. Emphasis will be placed on the campaign approach to advertising program. Prerequisite: None
BUS 222 | The Legal Environment of Bus | 3 Hours |
The legal environment law course is an introductory course to law and the judicial system. Topics covered in the course include federal law, securities, employment, labor relations, social environment laws, product liability, and consumer protection. Prerequisite: None
BUS 231 | Occupational Seminar I | 1 Hours |
A seminar designed to complement the student's initial placement in an approved working situation. Instructor approval required for enrollment. Prerequisite: Completion of 12 hours in major field courses. Concurrent enrollment in BUS 235.
BUS 235 | Occupational Internship I | 3 Hours |
An occupational experience utilizing on-the-job training. All students are required to spend a minimum of 15 hours each week on the job. Instructor approval required for enrollment Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in BUS 231.
BUS 260 | Entrepreneurship Principles | 3 Hours |
Entrepreneurship Principles examines the various skills, habits and mindset essential for a successful entrepreneurial venture. Real world case studies will provide opportunities to analyze why certain businesses fail while others succeed. Students will also encounter exposure to a variety of entrepreneurship ventures through lectures, group discussions, and research that support growth in problem recognition, solution development, and the exploration of career options. Prerequisite: None
BUS 270 | Topics/Issues in Business | 1-4 Hours |
A study of a special topic or current issue relating to business. Topics will vary from semester to semester and will be listed in the course schedule. The course may be repeated when topics vary. This course may be taken three times for a maximum of 12 credits. (Topic to be listed on student's permanent academic record.) Repeatable: This course may be taken 3 times for a maximum of 12 credits. Prerequisite: None