Computer Information Systems: Computer Software Technology
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Computer Information Systems: Computer Software Technology
Associate in Applied Science (076)
Graduates of the Computer Software Technology program are prepared to enter the business workforce as information support staff, administrative assistants, or other office positions in private business and governmental organizations. Majors study the MS Office Suite including Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Access, cloud-based office productivity tools such as Google G Suite and web conferencing tools, website management, financial accounting, and general business.
Work and Employment
The proliferation of computers and the Internet into almost every aspect of the workplace has generated a need for workers trained in using and applying technology to communicate, solve problems, and improve productivity. Computers have become essential to the operation of stores, banks, colleges and universities, governmental agencies, hospitals, factories, and many other profit and non-profit entities in our society. Employment for CIS graduates is expected to grow as organizations seek new applications skilled in the effective use of technology and an understanding of basic business practices. Employers are increasingly interested in employees who can combine areas of technical expertise or who are adaptable, are able to learn and incorporate new skills, and are able to find opportunities for increased efficiency using technology.
Special Consideration
Workers usually have the following skills and aptitudes: work independently, quickly, and accurately, think logically and use good judgment, concentrate, possess mechanical and mathematical aptitudes, patience, and persistence.
Follow this link for career information.
Program Contacts at Sauk Valley Community College
- Academic Advising, 815-835-6354
- Greg Noack, Assistant Professor of Computer Information Systems, 815-835-6434
Total Hours Required - 60 Hours
Major Field Requirements - 44 Hours
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
ACC101 | Financial Accounting | 4 Hours |
This course presents accounting as an information system that produces summary financial statements primarily for users external to a business enterprise organized as a corporation. Students study the forms of business organization and the common transactions entered into by businesses. The emphasis is on understanding and applying basic accounting principles and other concepts that guide the reporting of the effect of transactions and other economic events on the financial condition and operating results of a corporation. The procedures of how to analyze and interpret historical financial statements as well and the limitations of using these in making forward-looking business decisions is included. The primary content emphasis will be accounting for current assets and liabilities long-term assets and liabilities corporations cash flow statements and financial statement analyses. Prerequisite: None
BUS103 | Intro to Business | 3 Hours |
Introduction to Business provides a foundation of knowledge in business including an understanding of the basic processes of marketing finance production accounting information technology human resource management and the relationships of business to our society and government and the global economy. Prerequisite: None
BUS106 | Business Mathematics | 3 Hours |
This course develops an approach to the study of the fundamentals of computational skills used in business. These computational skills may be employed in businesscommercial decision making and in general quantitative business situations. Quantitative topics include reinforcement of fundamental arithmetic and mathematical processes equations and word problems percentages decimals and fractions product pricing and markup policies bank reconciliations notes and interest payroll records business inventory turnover and insurance principles. Further topics include the study of business depreciation business financial statements business and personal insurance corporate stocks and bonds international business compound interest applications and business statistics. Prerequisite: None
BUS112 | Human Relations | 3 Hours |
Stresses development of the individual and inter-personal relationships applied to business and industry with emphasis upon values communications problem solving motivation and leadership. In addition human relations skills and organizational behavior concepts are developed within modern organization environments to understand behavior performance learning perception values and diversity. Communications skills conflict resolutions power politics ethics and team dynamics are presented and analyzed within modern organizations. Organizational development principles such as organizational change global diversity productivity participative management and time as well as career management skills are presented and applied. Prerequisite: None
CIS100 | Basic Keyboard & Doc Proc | 2 Hours |
Instruction in keyboard and machine control techniques with the objective of developing a mastery of the keyboard and skill in producing basic and academic reports. Prerequisite: None
CIS104 | Word Processing Software | 2 Hours |
This course will familiarize the user with advanced features of word processing. Course emphasis will include document creation document deleting and document printing editing formatting with fonts margins columns citations creating and formatting tables graphics themes and building blocks merging multipage styles and templates references footnotes integration with Excel and Access building forms collaborating and tracking documents customizing Word. Prerequisite: CIS 109 or consent of instructor
CIS106 | Spreadsheet Software | 3 Hours |
This introductory course is designed to acquaint the student with the process of using personal computers to solve spreadsheet problems. In addition to providing the student with a working knowledge of the basic and advanced capabilities of spreadsheet software the student will be exposed to the use of problem-solving techniques for situations in which spreadsheet solutions are appropriate. Prerequisite: CIS 109 or consent of instructor
CIS108 | Database Software | 3 Hours |
This introductory course is designed to acquaint the student with the use of Windows-based database management system to solve problems. In addition to providing the student with a working knowledge of the basic and advanced capabilities of a Windows database management system the student will be exposed to the use of problem-solving techniques for situations in which database management solutions are appropriate. Prerequisite: CIS 109 or consent of instructor
CIS109 | Introduction to Computers | 3 Hours |
This introductory course consists of the study ofcomputer hardware software operating systems communications networking Internet systems and program development life cycles and their role in business decision making. The use of Internet multimedia security and ethics will be emphasized throughout the course. In addition laboratory experience will be gained with a survey of Microsoft Windows and business computer software applications programs in word processing electronic spreadsheets database management presentation graphics and Internet. Prerequisite: None. Students having no experience with computers are encouraged to first take CIS
CIS132 | Cloud Productivity | 2 Hours |
This introductory course is designed to acquaint the student with the use of cloud-based office productivity applications for collaboration file sharing project management note-taking communication and organization. Laboratory experience will be gained with a survey of tools including Google Apps Microsoft Office 365 Evernote cloud-based drives and web conferencing tools. Both desktop and mobile tools will be utilized when applicable. Best practices for the business office and security will be emphasized. Prerequisite: CIS 101 or CIS 109 (concurrent enrollment accepted), or consent of instructor.
CIS134 | Website Creation & Management | 3 Hours |
An introductory course in the fundamentals of web site design and development. Topics include web site planning typography images multimedia elements publishing and promoting and maintaining a website. Students will create a functional effective and visually appealing web site using a content management system. This class does not use an HTML editor. Prerequisite: CIS 101 or CIS 109 or consent of instructor
CIS143 | Desktop Publishing Software | 3 Hours |
An introduction to desktop publishing in which students will learn to manipulate edit store and plot both text and graphic information. Students will also learn how to develop and use artistic graphics necessary to produce business forms charts reports newsletters brochures and magazines utilizing the microcomputer. Prerequisite: None
CIS148 | Business Presentation Graphics | 1 Hour |
This course focuses on creating effective and attractive presentation media for business presentations. The student will learn the basics of a software package specifically designed for presentation graphics. In addition to providing the student with a working knowledge of the graphics capabilities of various software packages the student will be exposed to the use of problem-solving techniques for situations in which graphic solutions are appropriate. Prerequisite: CIS 109 or consent of instructor.
CIS167 | A+ Certification | 3 Hours |
This course offers a hands-on approach to microcomputer maintenance. This course will introduce a history of personal computer evolution as well as the most popular and recent technologies. Students will examine the personal computer laptops and portable devices current operating systems printing scanning techniques basic networking safety and professionalism. This course is designed to prepare the successful student for the CompTIA A Essentials and A Technician exams. Prerequisite: None
CIS220 | Computer Accounting | 2 Hours |
This course covers small business accounting using computer software. Topics include creating a chart of accounts recording customer and vendor transactions processing payroll and printing reports. In addition setting up a new company is covered as well as advanced topics such as exporting to spreadsheet software. Prerequisite: None. (Recommend CIS 109 and ACC 101)
CIS231 | Occupational Seminar | 1 Hour |
A seminar designed to complement the students initial placement in an approved working situation. Prerequisite: Completion of 12 hours in major field courses. Concurrent enrollment in CIS 235.
CIS235 | Occupational Internship | 3 Hours |
An occupational experience utilizing on-the-job training. All students are required to spend a minimum of 15 hours each week on the job. Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in CIS 231.
General Education Requirements - 15 Hours
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
Humanities / Fine Arts | 3 Hours | |
Social / Behavioral Science | 3 Hours | |
Physical / Life Science | 3 Hours | |
ENG101 | Composition I | 3 Hours |
This course 1 develops awareness of the writing process 2 provides inventional organizational and editorial strategies 3 stresses the variety of uses for writing and 4 emphasizes critical skills in reading thinking and writing. Prerequisite: Required placement score on approved English placement test, high school unweighted
GPA of 3.0 or higher, or a grade of C or higher in ELA 099.
ENG111 | Bus/Technical Communication | 3 Hours |
Provides information on principles of written and oral communication specifically applied to business and technical fields. Assignments are designed to develop skill and practice in the use of these principles and include the writing of memoranda business letters instructions informal reports and formal reports. Students are encouraged to tailor assignments to the specific careers they are pursuing. Not applicable for humanities requirement. Prerequisite: ENG 101 with a grade of C or higher. Because of emphasis on graphics and computer
formatting, students are advised to complete CIS 109 or IND 105 or to have equivalent
word processing skills.
SVCC Degree Requirement - 1 Hour
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
FYE101 | First Year Experience | 1 Hour |
The focus of this course is how to be successful in college. Study skills goal setting academic planning time and money management and information research skills are among the core topics included in this course. Within a supportive environment students will share their college experiences and develop connections with fellow students and SVCC staff. Prerequisite: None
Suggested Program
First Semester - 15 Hours
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
Physical / Life Science | 3 Hours | |
BUS103 | Intro to Business | 3 Hours |
Introduction to Business provides a foundation of knowledge in business including an understanding of the basic processes of marketing finance production accounting information technology human resource management and the relationships of business to our society and government and the global economy. Prerequisite: None
CIS100 | Basic Keyboard & Doc Proc | 2 Hours |
Instruction in keyboard and machine control techniques with the objective of developing a mastery of the keyboard and skill in producing basic and academic reports. Prerequisite: None
CIS109 | Introduction to Computers | 3 Hours |
This introductory course consists of the study ofcomputer hardware software operating systems communications networking Internet systems and program development life cycles and their role in business decision making. The use of Internet multimedia security and ethics will be emphasized throughout the course. In addition laboratory experience will be gained with a survey of Microsoft Windows and business computer software applications programs in word processing electronic spreadsheets database management presentation graphics and Internet. Prerequisite: None. Students having no experience with computers are encouraged to first take CIS
ENG101 | Composition I | 3 Hours |
This course 1 develops awareness of the writing process 2 provides inventional organizational and editorial strategies 3 stresses the variety of uses for writing and 4 emphasizes critical skills in reading thinking and writing. Prerequisite: Required placement score on approved English placement test, high school unweighted
GPA of 3.0 or higher, or a grade of C or higher in ELA 099.
FYE101 | First Year Experience | 1 Hour |
The focus of this course is how to be successful in college. Study skills goal setting academic planning time and money management and information research skills are among the core topics included in this course. Within a supportive environment students will share their college experiences and develop connections with fellow students and SVCC staff. Prerequisite: None
Second Semester - 14 Hours
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
Social / Behavioral Science | 3 Hours | |
BUS106 | Business Mathematics | 3 Hours |
This course develops an approach to the study of the fundamentals of computational skills used in business. These computational skills may be employed in businesscommercial decision making and in general quantitative business situations. Quantitative topics include reinforcement of fundamental arithmetic and mathematical processes equations and word problems percentages decimals and fractions product pricing and markup policies bank reconciliations notes and interest payroll records business inventory turnover and insurance principles. Further topics include the study of business depreciation business financial statements business and personal insurance corporate stocks and bonds international business compound interest applications and business statistics. Prerequisite: None
CIS104 | Word Processing Software | 2 Hours |
This course will familiarize the user with advanced features of word processing. Course emphasis will include document creation document deleting and document printing editing formatting with fonts margins columns citations creating and formatting tables graphics themes and building blocks merging multipage styles and templates references footnotes integration with Excel and Access building forms collaborating and tracking documents customizing Word. Prerequisite: CIS 109 or consent of instructor
CIS106 | Spreadsheet Software | 3 Hours |
This introductory course is designed to acquaint the student with the process of using personal computers to solve spreadsheet problems. In addition to providing the student with a working knowledge of the basic and advanced capabilities of spreadsheet software the student will be exposed to the use of problem-solving techniques for situations in which spreadsheet solutions are appropriate. Prerequisite: CIS 109 or consent of instructor
ENG111 | Bus/Technical Communication | 3 Hours |
Provides information on principles of written and oral communication specifically applied to business and technical fields. Assignments are designed to develop skill and practice in the use of these principles and include the writing of memoranda business letters instructions informal reports and formal reports. Students are encouraged to tailor assignments to the specific careers they are pursuing. Not applicable for humanities requirement. Prerequisite: ENG 101 with a grade of C or higher. Because of emphasis on graphics and computer
formatting, students are advised to complete CIS 109 or IND 105 or to have equivalent
word processing skills.
Third Semester - 15 Hours
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
ACC101 | Financial Accounting | 4 Hours |
This course presents accounting as an information system that produces summary financial statements primarily for users external to a business enterprise organized as a corporation. Students study the forms of business organization and the common transactions entered into by businesses. The emphasis is on understanding and applying basic accounting principles and other concepts that guide the reporting of the effect of transactions and other economic events on the financial condition and operating results of a corporation. The procedures of how to analyze and interpret historical financial statements as well and the limitations of using these in making forward-looking business decisions is included. The primary content emphasis will be accounting for current assets and liabilities long-term assets and liabilities corporations cash flow statements and financial statement analyses. Prerequisite: None
BUS112 | Human Relations | 3 Hours |
Stresses development of the individual and inter-personal relationships applied to business and industry with emphasis upon values communications problem solving motivation and leadership. In addition human relations skills and organizational behavior concepts are developed within modern organization environments to understand behavior performance learning perception values and diversity. Communications skills conflict resolutions power politics ethics and team dynamics are presented and analyzed within modern organizations. Organizational development principles such as organizational change global diversity productivity participative management and time as well as career management skills are presented and applied. Prerequisite: None
CIS132 | Cloud Productivity | 2 Hours |
This introductory course is designed to acquaint the student with the use of cloud-based office productivity applications for collaboration file sharing project management note-taking communication and organization. Laboratory experience will be gained with a survey of tools including Google Apps Microsoft Office 365 Evernote cloud-based drives and web conferencing tools. Both desktop and mobile tools will be utilized when applicable. Best practices for the business office and security will be emphasized. Prerequisite: CIS 101 or CIS 109 (concurrent enrollment accepted), or consent of instructor.
CIS143 | Desktop Publishing Software | 3 Hours |
An introduction to desktop publishing in which students will learn to manipulate edit store and plot both text and graphic information. Students will also learn how to develop and use artistic graphics necessary to produce business forms charts reports newsletters brochures and magazines utilizing the microcomputer. Prerequisite: None
CIS167 | A+ Certification | 3 Hours |
This course offers a hands-on approach to microcomputer maintenance. This course will introduce a history of personal computer evolution as well as the most popular and recent technologies. Students will examine the personal computer laptops and portable devices current operating systems printing scanning techniques basic networking safety and professionalism. This course is designed to prepare the successful student for the CompTIA A Essentials and A Technician exams. Prerequisite: None
Fourth Semester - 16 Hours
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
Humanities / Fine Arts | 3 Hours | |
CIS108 | Database Software | 3 Hours |
This introductory course is designed to acquaint the student with the use of Windows-based database management system to solve problems. In addition to providing the student with a working knowledge of the basic and advanced capabilities of a Windows database management system the student will be exposed to the use of problem-solving techniques for situations in which database management solutions are appropriate. Prerequisite: CIS 109 or consent of instructor
CIS134 | Website Creation & Management | 3 Hours |
An introductory course in the fundamentals of web site design and development. Topics include web site planning typography images multimedia elements publishing and promoting and maintaining a website. Students will create a functional effective and visually appealing web site using a content management system. This class does not use an HTML editor. Prerequisite: CIS 101 or CIS 109 or consent of instructor
CIS148 | Business Presentation Graphics | 1 Hour |
This course focuses on creating effective and attractive presentation media for business presentations. The student will learn the basics of a software package specifically designed for presentation graphics. In addition to providing the student with a working knowledge of the graphics capabilities of various software packages the student will be exposed to the use of problem-solving techniques for situations in which graphic solutions are appropriate. Prerequisite: CIS 109 or consent of instructor.
CIS220 | Computer Accounting | 2 Hours |
This course covers small business accounting using computer software. Topics include creating a chart of accounts recording customer and vendor transactions processing payroll and printing reports. In addition setting up a new company is covered as well as advanced topics such as exporting to spreadsheet software. Prerequisite: None. (Recommend CIS 109 and ACC 101)
CIS231 | Occupational Seminar | 1 Hour |
A seminar designed to complement the students initial placement in an approved working situation. Prerequisite: Completion of 12 hours in major field courses. Concurrent enrollment in CIS 235.
CIS235 | Occupational Internship | 3 Hours |
An occupational experience utilizing on-the-job training. All students are required to spend a minimum of 15 hours each week on the job. Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in CIS 231.