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Associate in Arts Degree with a Concentration in
Business (210)
The concentration in Business prepares students to transfer to four-year universities to pursue a bachelor's degree in business administration, management, and/or marketing.
Business - IAI Recommended Baccalaureate Curriculum
Follow this link for career information.
Transfer Considerations
Students who have already chosen the university to which they plan to transfer should consult that institution's catalog or department advisor and an SVCC academic advisor in planning their program.
Competitive Admissions
Since admission is competitive, completing the recommended courses does not by itself guarantee admission.
Program Contacts at Sauk Valley Community College
- Academic Advising, 815-835-6354
- Dr. Emily Zimmerman, Professor of Business 815-835-6259
Total Hours Required - 65 Hours
Suggested Course Sequence
First Semester - 15 Hours
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
ACC101 | Financial Accounting | 4 Hours |
This course presents accounting as an information system that produces summary financial statements primarily for users external to a business enterprise organized as a corporation. Students study the forms of business organization and the common transactions entered into by businesses. The emphasis is on understanding and applying basic accounting principles and other concepts that guide the reporting of the effect of transactions and other economic events on the financial condition and operating results of a corporation. The procedures of how to analyze and interpret historical financial statements as well and the limitations of using these in making forward-looking business decisions is included. The primary content emphasis will be accounting for current assets and liabilities long-term assets and liabilities corporations cash flow statements and financial statement analyses. Prerequisite: None
BUS103 | Intro to Business | 3 Hours |
Introduction to Business provides a foundation of knowledge in business including an understanding of the basic processes of marketing finance production accounting information technology human resource management and the relationships of business to our society and government and the global economy. Prerequisite: None
ENG101 | Composition I | 3 Hours |
This course 1 develops awareness of the writing process 2 provides inventional organizational and editorial strategies 3 stresses the variety of uses for writing and 4 emphasizes critical skills in reading thinking and writing. Prerequisite: Required placement score on approved English placement test, high school unweighted
GPA of 3.0 or higher, or a grade of C or higher in ELA 099.
FYE101 | First Year Experience | 1 Hour |
The focus of this course is how to be successful in college. Study skills goal setting academic planning time and money management and information research skills are among the core topics included in this course. Within a supportive environment students will share their college experiences and develop connections with fellow students and SVCC staff. Prerequisite: None
MAT203 | Calculus & Analytic Geometry I | 4 Hours |
The elementary concepts of differential and integral calculus are introduced and applications are discussed. These include limits continuity the derivative rules of differentiation the indefinite and definite integral. Trigonometric functions are dealt with. Some applications are related rates graphing extreme value problems and Newtons method for finding roots of equations. Prerequisite: A grade of C or better in MAT 121, College Algebra, AND MAT 122, Trigonometry OR appropriate
placement (see current placement score chart)
- OR - | ||
MAT221 | Calc for Bus & Soc Science | 4 Hours |
A brief course in elementary differential and integral calculus. Primarily for students of business economics and social science with emphasis on applications. Prerequisite: MAT 121 with a grade of C or higher or appropriate placement score, or four years
of college preparatory high school mathematics with grades of C or higher OR Math
3 with a grade of C or higher.
Second Semester - 16 Hours
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
Social / Behavioral Science | 3 Hours | |
Humanities / Fine Arts | 3 Hours | |
ACC102 | Managerial Accounting | 4 Hours |
This course presents accounting as a system of producing information for use in internally managing a business. The course emphasizes the identification accumulation and interpretation of information for planning controlling and evaluating the performance of the separate components of a business. Included is the identification and measurement of the costs of producing goods or services and how to analyze and control these costs. Decision models commonly used in making specific short-term and long-term business decisions also are included. Prerequisite: ACC 101
BUS214 | Business Statistics | 3 Hours |
This course is an introduction to business statistics in which methods of collection presentation and interpretation of quantitative data is studied. Emphasis is placed on the interpretation of data with such topics as averages dispersion probability sampling tests of significance and simple linear correlation being studied. Prerequisite: MAT 121 or appropriate placement
ENG103 | Composition II | 3 Hours |
An advanced course in essay writing with emphasis on formal research ENG 103 serves to develop a proficiency in the collection and selection of data as applied to the completion of a formal research paper. In addition students receive instruction in logic and reasoning including the fundamentals of argumentative and persuasive writing. Prerequisite: A grade of C or higher in ENG 101 or its equivalent or consent of instructor.
Third Semester - 18-19 Hours
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
* | Life Science | 3-4 Hours |
Fine Arts | 3 Hours | |
BUS222 | The Legal Environment of Bus | 3 Hours |
The legal environment law course is an introductory course to law and the judicial system. Topics covered in the course include federal law securities employment labor relations social environment laws product liability and consumer protection. Prerequisite: None
CIS109 | Introduction to Computers | 3 Hours |
This introductory course consists of the study ofcomputer hardware software operating systems communications networking Internet systems and program development life cycles and their role in business decision making. The use of Internet multimedia security and ethics will be emphasized throughout the course. In addition laboratory experience will be gained with a survey of Microsoft Windows and business computer software applications programs in word processing electronic spreadsheets database management presentation graphics and Internet. Prerequisite: None. Students having no experience with computers are encouraged to first take CIS
ECO211 | Principles of Macroeconomics | 3 Hours |
A survey of macro-economic theory with emphasis on resource allocation in a mixed-enterprise economy. Concentration is on the operation of the market mechanism the role of government and labor international trade national income determination and accounting money and banking monetary and fiscal policy and macroeconomic fluctuations. Prerequisite: None
PHL103 | Ethics and Social Policy | 3 Hours |
An examination of moral aspects of human conduct and a study of the principal ethical theories and concepts as they apply to particular moral problems and decisions. Students will be required to read selected philosophy papers and write a philosophy paper of their own. Prerequisite: None
Fourth Semester - 15-16 Hours
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
* | Physical Science | 3-4 Hours |
Electives | 6 Hours | |
COM131 | Intro to Oral Communication | 3 Hours |
The oral communication course combines communication theory with the practice of oral communication skills. The course 1 develops awareness of the communication process 2 provides inventional organizational and expressive strategies 3 promotes understanding of and adaptation to a variety of communication contexts and 4 emphasizes critical skills in listening reading thinking and speaking. Prerequisite: None
ECO212 | Principles of Microeconomics | 3 Hours |
Introduction to price theories the behavior of the firm under varying market conditions and the behavior of the consumer. Prerequisite: None
*One lab science required.