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Associate in Arts Degree with a Concentration in
Sociology (656)
The concentration in sociology prepares students to transfer to four-year universities to pursue a bachelor’s degree in sociology. Sociology studies people, organizations, and systems.
Sociology - IAI Recommended Baccalaureate Curriculum
Follow this link for career information.
Transfer Consideration
Students who have already chosen the university to which they plan to transfer should consult that institution's catalog or department advisor and an SVCC academic advisor in planning their program
Community college students are strongly encouraged to complete an Associate in Arts degree prior to transfer.
- *Students wanting to major in sociology may have a choice of earning a B.A. or a B.S. degree, depending on the transfer institution they attend. Sociology majors typically pursue a B.A. degree, but students should consult their academic advisor on the differences between degrees.
- A sociology major may choose to pursue a program leading to state certification in high school social science (9-12) with an option in Sociology/Anthropology. To teach in Illinois public schools, teachers must be licensed by the state of Illinois. Information regarding Illinois standards for Professional Educator license is available on the Illinois Board of Education Website at Per Illinois law, a criminal background investigation will be required on applicants for employment. Students who have questions about this law should seek counseling with SVCC faculty or advising staff early in their program to determine if specific criminal background convictions may affect their participation and eligibility.
- Bachelor's degree programs in sociology can include degree paths in general sociology, criminology and/or anthropology. A minor may be required or recommended.
- Students should complete Introduction to Sociology (SOC 111). Other recommended courses include Social Problems (SOC 112), Human Sexuality and Marriage (SOC 251), and Anthropology (SOC 115 and/or 116). As a part of the associate degree, students are encouraged to complete additional foundation courses especially in the social and behavioral sciences and mathematics.
Competitive Admissions
Since admission may be competitive, completing the recommended courses does not by itself guarantee admission.
Special Considerations
Sociologists typically need a master’s degree or Ph.D. to enter into the occupation.
Program Contacts at Sauk Valley Community College
- Academic Advising, 815-835-6354
- Dr. Isaac Newman, Professor, Sociology, 815-835-6400
Minimum Total Credit Hours - 64-66 Hours
Suggested Course Sequence
First Semester - 17 Hours
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
* | Electives / Foreign Language | 4 Hours |
Personal Development | 3 Hours | |
COM131 | Intro to Oral Communication | 3 Hours |
The oral communication course combines communication theory with the practice of oral communication skills. The course 1 develops awareness of the communication process 2 provides inventional organizational and expressive strategies 3 promotes understanding of and adaptation to a variety of communication contexts and 4 emphasizes critical skills in listening reading thinking and speaking. Prerequisite: Non |
ENG101 | Composition I | 3 Hours |
This course 1 develops awareness of the writing process 2 provides inventional organizational and editorial strategies 3 stresses the variety of uses for writing and 4 emphasizes critical skills in reading thinking and writing. Prerequisite: Required placement score on approved English placement test, high school unweighted
GPA of 3.0 or higher, or a grade of C or higher in ELA 099 |
FYE101 | First Year Experience | 1 Hour |
The focus of this course is how to be successful in college. Study skills goal setting academic planning time and money management and information research skills are among the core topics included in this course. Within a supportive environment students will share their college experiences and develop connections with fellow students and SVCC staff. Prerequisite: Non |
SOC111 | Introduction to Sociology | 3 Hours |
Students will be introduced to the perspective concepts and methods of sociology. Emphasis will be given to how the groups that make up our society function. The forces that hold groups together or cause them to change will be explored while the students examine how they learn to play roles within the family school religion peer groups and in other social settings. Prerequisite: Non |
Second Semester - 16 Hours
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
Electives | 4 Hours | |
ENG103 | Composition II | 3 Hours |
An advanced course in essay writing with emphasis on formal research ENG 103 serves to develop a proficiency in the collection and selection of data as applied to the completion of a formal research paper. In addition students receive instruction in logic and reasoning including the fundamentals of argumentative and persuasive writing. Prerequisite: A grade of C or higher in ENG 101 or its equivalent or consent of instructor. |
MAT220 | Finite Mathematics | 3 Hours |
A study of some major topics in finite mathematics interest annuities matrix theory matrix operations solutions of systems of inequalities linear programming by graphing and Simplex methods principles of counting and probability. Applications of these topics in business management economics social science and natural science are included. Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in MAT 121 OR appropriate placement (see current placement chart |
- OR - | ||
MAT240 | Elementary Statistics | 3 Hours |
An introduction to basic concepts in statistical methods including measures of central tendency measures of dispersion probability theoretical and empirical distribution estimation tests of hypotheses linear regression and correlation. Prerequisite: A grade of C or better in MAT 078 or MAT 081 (or higher) OR concurrent enrollment
in MAT 040 OR appropriate placemen |
PSY103 | Introduction to Psychology | 3 Hours |
This course is designed to introduce the student to major concepts theories principles and research in the field of psychology. This course will survey the scientific study of human and animal characteristics and behavior. Major topics from biological behavioral cognitive personality developmental abnormal and social psychology theory and research will be emphasized. Universal characteristics and individual differences will be explored. Prerequisite: Non |
SOC112 | Social Problems | 3 Hours |
A study of the nature of social problems including strategies for achieving social change. Students will participate in the selection and presentation to the class of the specific problems to be considered. Investigation of local communities will constitute an important aspect of the course. Prerequisite: None, though SOC 111 is highly recommended |
Third Semester - 15-17 Hours
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
** | Life Science | 3-4 Hours |
Electives | 3-4 Hours | |
Fine Arts | 3 Hours | |
SOC115 | Intro to Anthropology | 3 Hours |
This course is a study of the biological and cultural origins and variations of human beings.Humans adaptation to different natural environments and resulting modes of social-cultural systems and behaviors are emphasized via selected case studies of extinct and extant human groups. Principles of human evolution ethnography and ethnology archaeology and linguistics shall be addressed throughout the course. Prerequisite: Non |
SOC251 | Human Sexuality and Marriage | 3 Hours |
This course is a survey of the contemporary family from historical and cross-cultural perspectives. This course explores the psychological sociological and biological perspectives on human sexuality dating marriage singles families as well as separation divorce. Topics addressed will include relationship types trends in mate selection marriage singlehood family functions structures uncoupling child rearing work gender power conflict and communication within the family. Prerequisite: None, although either PSY 103 or SOC 111 is highly recommende |
Fourth Semester - 15-17 Hours
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
Humanities / Fine Arts | 3 Hours | |
** | Physical Science | 3-4 Hours |
Electives | 3-4 Hours | |
Humanities | 3 Hours | |
SOC116 | General Cultural Anthropology | 3 Hours |
An analysis of the origin and basis of culture - its major components cultural variation cultural evolution and cultural adaptation. Analysis of selected cultures as case studies. Prerequisite: SOC 115 is recommended |
* B.A. degree may require competency in a single foreign language through the third or fourth college semester or three to four years of a high school foreign language. B.S. degree may require more courses in mathematics, statistics and/or computer science. Consult an academic advisor for more information.
** One lab science required.