Kinesiology and Physical Education
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Associate in Arts Degree with a Concentration in
Kinesiology and Physical Education (691)
The concentration in Kinesiology and Physical Education prepares students to transfer to four-year universities to pursue a bachelor’s degree in kinesiology or physical education teacher education.
Follow this link for career information.
Transfer Consideration
Students who have already chosen the university to which they plan to transfer should consult that institution's catalog or department advisor and an SVCC academic advisor in planning their program.
- The kinesiology major studies human movement. It is a broad-based degree that prepares individuals to work in a variety of health, wellness and sport performance settings. The undergraduate curriculum can also prepare students for graduate school in exercise physiology, physical therapy, sport and exercise psychology, and sport management.
- The physical education major leads to professional educator license with K-12 endorsement in the state of Illinois. To teach in Illinois public schools, teachers must be licensed by the state of Illinois. Information regarding Illinois standards for Professional Educator license is available on the Illinois Board of Education Website at Per Illinois law, a criminal background investigation will be required on applicants for employment. Students who have questions about this law should seek counseling with SVCC faculty or advising staff early in their program to determine if specific criminal background convictions may have an effect on their participation and eligibility.
- Strong science coursework is extremely critical for kinesiology and physical education majors. Completion of human anatomy and physiology (BIO 109 and BIO 110) is highly recommended prior to transfer.
Competitive Admissions
Since admission is competitive, completing the recommended courses does not by itself guarantee admission.
For physical education teacher education:
- A minimum grade point average of 2.5 (on a 4.0 scale), dependent on the transfer school requirements, is required for program admission.
- Students will also need to achieve a C or better grade in general education and major coursework.
Special Considerations
For physical education, additional teaching endorsements are often recommended (for example health, drivers education, dance)
Program Contacts at Sauk Valley Community College
- Academic Advising, 815-835-6354
Minimum Total Credit Hours - 64-65 Hours
Suggested Course Sequence
First Semester - 17-18 Hours
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
* | Mathematics | 3-4 Hours |
** | SUGGESTED in First Semester | |
BIO120 | Environmental Health | 3 Hours |
An examination of the environmental effects on human physiological systems resulting in diverse problems such as heart disease cancer and other health related concerns. This course is designed to assist the student in making informed responsible decisions affecting personal and environmental wellness. Prerequisite: Non |
CHE103 | Introduction to Chemistry | 4 Hours |
A one semester general survey covering basic chemistry principles including topics in organic chemistry. In particular emphasizing electronic structure and periodic law chemical bonding stoichiometry chemical reactions and calculations states of matter solution chemistry including acids bases and salts and organic compounds. Depth of coverage is designed to meet the needs for general education physical science requirements. Credit will not be awarded for both CHE 1023 credits and CHE 1034 credits. Prerequisite: Non |
ENG101 | Composition I | 3 Hours |
This course 1 develops awareness of the writing process 2 provides inventional organizational and editorial strategies 3 stresses the variety of uses for writing and 4 emphasizes critical skills in reading thinking and writing. Prerequisite: Required placement score on approved English placement test, high school unweighted
GPA of 3.0 or higher, or a grade of C or higher in ELA 099 |
FYE101 | First Year Experience | 1 Hour |
The focus of this course is how to be successful in college. Study skills goal setting academic planning time and money management and information research skills are among the core topics included in this course. Within a supportive environment students will share their college experiences and develop connections with fellow students and SVCC staff. Prerequisite: Non |
PSY103 | Introduction to Psychology | 3 Hours |
This course is designed to introduce the student to major concepts theories principles and research in the field of psychology. This course will survey the scientific study of human and animal characteristics and behavior. Major topics from biological behavioral cognitive personality developmental abnormal and social psychology theory and research will be emphasized. Universal characteristics and individual differences will be explored. Prerequisite: Non |
Second Semester - 17 Hours
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
Fine Arts | 3 Hours | |
BIO105 | Principles of Biology | 5 Hours |
A survey of the basic principles of biology including nature of science cells structure and function of organisms genetics evolution and ecology. This course is designed to satisfy the biology requirement for general education and vocation-occupational curriculum majors. It provides a basis for understanding principles common to all major fields of biology for the science or professional major. This course along with BIO 123 Introduction to Botany and BIO 131 General Zoology is part of the three-semester sequence that satisfies the IAI 910 Biology requirement.Students who have completed BIO 105 with a grade of C or better will not receive credit for BIO 103 or BIO 104. Prerequisite: Non |
ENG103 | Composition II | 3 Hours |
An advanced course in essay writing with emphasis on formal research ENG 103 serves to develop a proficiency in the collection and selection of data as applied to the completion of a formal research paper. In addition students receive instruction in logic and reasoning including the fundamentals of argumentative and persuasive writing. Prerequisite: A grade of C or higher in ENG 101 or its equivalent or consent of instructor. |
PSC163 | Am Government & Politics | 3 Hours |
Students will examine American constitutional foundations and democratic values explore the role of public opinion and the character of the political process and understand the role of the media and interest groups in policy-making. Students will gain an understanding of how the major branches of the federal government work and improve skills in evaluating and analyzing current public policy issues. Prerequisite: Non |
PED214 | Intro to Physical Education | 3 Hours |
Course covers the historical development philosophies aims and objectives of Physical Education. Students will be oriented to the scope and opportunities in the various fields of Physical Education. This course will give the students a basic understanding and knowledge of the major sub-discipline areas within Physical Education. NOTE All courses may be selected as an elective course in all programs. All one credit activity courses may be repeated for a total of two credits. Prerequisite: Non |
Third Semester - 14 Hours
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
Humanities | 3 Hours | |
PED Activity | 1 Hour | |
BIO109 | Human Anatomy & Physiology I | 4 Hours |
A study of introductory chemistry cells metabolic processes the organization of tissues the skeletal system joints and articulation the integumentary system micro and macro organization of the nervous system and somatic and special senses. Prerequisite: BIO 105 or BIO 108 with a grade of C or higher OR two years of high school biology
with a C or higher within the last five years AND CHE 102 or CHE 103 or CHE 105 with
a grade of C or higher OR one year of high school chemistry with a grade of C or higher
within the last five years |
COM131 | Intro to Oral Communication | 3 Hours |
The oral communication course combines communication theory with the practice of oral communication skills. The course 1 develops awareness of the communication process 2 provides inventional organizational and expressive strategies 3 promotes understanding of and adaptation to a variety of communication contexts and 4 emphasizes critical skills in listening reading thinking and speaking. Prerequisite: Non |
HIS221 | American History to 1865 | 3 Hours |
Students will examine the first interactions of Native American cultures European conquerors and enslaved Africans. They will compare the Spanish French and English experiences in North America and explore the events in the English colonies that led to revolution and independence. They will examine the constitution issues political clashes and social changes of the Federalist Jefferson and Jacksonian periods. Students will explore westward expansion immigration in the north and southern slave economy. They will consider the events of the decade of crisis that led to civil war and look closely at the war and its major consequences. Prerequisite: Non |
- OR - | ||
HIS222 | American History Since 1865 | 3 Hours |
Students will examine American history from the Reconstruction Era to the present. They will gain an understanding of historical periods and events such as the Industrial Revolution the Gilded Age the Great Depression the two World Wars the Cold War the Age of Affluence and the Struggle For Racial and Gender Equality. Prerequisite: Non |
Fourth Semester - 16 Hours
Course # | Course Title | Hours |
Major Field / Electives | 3 Hours | |
PED Activity | 1 Hour | |
Humanities / Fine Arts | 3 Hours | |
BIO110 | Human Anatomy & Physiology II | 4 Hours |
A continuation of BIO 109. BIO 110 is the study of the anatomy and physiology of the endocrine muscular cardiovascular respiratory digestive urinary immune lymphatic and reproductive systems. Additionally electrolyte pH and water balance and human development will be discussed. Prerequisite: BIO 109 with a grade of |
PSY200 | Human Growth & Development | 3 Hours |
A study of physical cognitive and psychosocial development of the human across the lifespan. Normative and non-normative patterns of development will be examined. Several major theories of human development will be be explored. Practical application of research findings will be emphasized. Prerequisite: PSY 103 or equivalent. |
- OR - | ||
*** | EDU Elective | 3 Hours |
PED213 | First Aid | 2 Hours |
This course will explore the necessary actions to be taken in case of an accident sudden illness in the home school and within the community based on the most current scientific evidence. Topics discussed include but are not limited to initial scene surveying checking the victim basic first aid CPR AED skills identifying medical emergencies and recognizing various injuries. Students successfully completing the course objectives will receive a two-year Certificate of Completion by the American Red Cross ARC in Adult and Pediatric First AidCPRAED proficiency. NOTE All courses may be selected as an elective course in all programs. All one credit activity courses may be repeated for a total of two credits. Prerequisite: Non |
* Transfer institution will determine most appropriate mathematics course(s).
** EDU 105 (2 Semester Hours) is suggested in the first semester for students pursuing teacher education.
*** Select from EDU 105, 210, 220, 224, 275.