Nurse Assistant
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Nurse Assistant (E93)
This curriculum meets the mandates of the Illinois Department of Public Health to be eligible to take the competency exam for nurse aide and home health aide. The curriculum is conducted over an eight or sixteen week period and consists of classroom and clinical learning activities. The program prepares a student to assist with the care of the sick and the infirm under the supervision of registered nurses or other licensed professionals.
Work and Employment
Nursing assistants work directly with the patient giving physical care and emotional support. The nursing assistant helps patients with personal hygiene, nutrition, elimination and mobility. Nursing assistants work for nursing homes, hospitals, temporary help agencies and home care agencies. Advancement in the health care field for nursing assistants is possible with further education.
Special Considerations
In order to become a certified nursing assistant, one must complete a state-approved program like the one at SVCC and pass the Nurse Assistant Competency Evaluation.
Enrollment Criteria
- Candidate must be at least 16 years of age.
- Candidates who do not have a high school diploma or GED must be able to read at grade level 8 or have permission of instructor.
- Upon enrollment to the program, the student will need to meet health and immunization requirements. These requirements are detailed at the first class session.
Follow this link for career information.
Program Contacts at Sauk Valley Community College
- Health Career Education Advisor, 815-835-6354
- Pamela A. Eubanks, MSN, RN, Dean of Health Professions 815-835-6376
Total Hours Required - 8 Hours
An introduction of theory and practice necessary to meet the patients needs within
the scope of the beginning nursing assistant. Topics will include basic information
about body structure and function and related terminology growth and development with
emphasis on aging and the role and responsibilities of the nursing assistant to help
the client with personal hygiene and mobility within a safe environment. The course
includes clinical experience in a subacute health care setting. The student will provide
care to individuals who need assistance with the activities of daily living. Prerequisite: Meet admission criteria of:
1. Candidate must be at least 16 years of age
2. Candidates who do not have a high school diploma or GED must be able to read at
grade level 8. Students will be asked to take a reading and math assessment at orientation
with results given the first day of class.
3. Candidates meet health and immunization requirements that are detailed at the orientation
4. Forms for fingerprint approval will be coordinated with the Health Professions
office upon receipt of your orientation/ admission letter. Criminal background checks
are required prior to the first day of class for all sections except dual credit This course will focus on advanced nursing assistant skills. Topics will include
the role and responsibilities of the nursing assistant in relation to measuring vital
signs assisting the patient with nutrition fluid balance and elimination special procedures
such as the application of heat and cold therapies admission discharge and postmortem
care. Students will care for patients with common medical surgical conditions Alzheimers
disease and related dementias. This course includes clinical experience in a subacute
health care setting. Prerequisite: NRS 101Major Field Requirements
Course #
Course Title
Basic Nursing Assistant
4 Hours
Semester Hour(s):
Lecture / Lab Hours: 3 lec/2 lab/week
Basic Nursing Assistant II
4 Hours
Semester Hour(s):
Lecture / Lab Hours: 3 lec/2 lab/week
Program Requirements
- Criminal background checks are required before transition into the clinical component of the course. "C" grade is required in major field requirements.
- CNA certification is a requirement for admission to the ADN and LPN programs.