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In accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (504) and the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act of 2008 (ADAAA), Sauk Valley Community College has established Disability Support Services (DSS) to determine appropriate and reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities. Students seeking accommodations must self-identify to DSS. Based upon an individualized intake appointment, proper documentation provided by the student and their functional limitation(s), appropriate and reasonable accommodations are determined and an Accommodations Notice sent via SVCC email to the student's respective faculty. The specifics of the disability will not generally be released to faculty and staff members due to the student's right to confidentiality.

How will I be notified of an accommodation?
All Accommodation Notices and communication from DSS are sent via the SVCC email account only.  Accommodation Notices may be sent at any time throughout the term. All faculty members are encouraged to check their SVCC email regularly.
Once a notice is received what is my next step?
Students must inform their faculty of their intent to utilize their accommodations. Not all students will use the same accommodation(s) in each class. This may be due to multiple reasons such as the functional impact of their disability or the method of teaching i.e., lab vs. lecture, traditional vs. online. Once a student has indicated that they will be utilizing their accommodations, the faculty member should follow the notice as outlined.
Do accommodations apply to hybrid or on-line courses?
All students of Sauk Valley Community College may be eligible for accommodations. This includes traditional class instruction, hybrid or online instruction for all degree and non-degree seeking students.
Am I required to provide the accommodations listed in the email notice?
Yes. Students with disabilities are protected under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (504) and the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act of 2008 (ADAAA). These federal laws grant students with disabilities equal access to education at SVCC. Faculty and staff have a legal obligation to provide the accommodations as outlined in the formal Accommodations Notice.
What if a student requests accommodations but no notice was received from Disability Support Services (DSS)?
Occasionally a student may request that you provide accommodations to them but you never received notification from Disability Support Services. DSS is the only office on campus designated to determine appropriate and reasonable accommodations. Please refer the student to Disability Support Services located in room 1F25.  You are strongly encouraged to complete the referral form located in FAST.
A student has asked for accommodations midway through the semester. Am I required to provide the accommodations?
Yes. There may be many reasons why a student does not seek accommodations until late in the semester. Accommodations should be implemented upon receipt of the formal Accommodation Notice from DSS and contact from the student. Please note that accommodations are not retroactive and do not require any alterations or consideration to previous assignments or exams.
A student has identified that they need accommodations. They have been struggling all semester. Why do I have to refer them to DSS?
In accordance with Sauk Valley Community College policy, DSS is the designated office on campus authorized to determine appropriate and reasonable accommodations. Failure to comply with institutional policy and procedure may place the employee and institution at risk for a Civil Rights investigation and/or violation. In the best interest of the student, yourself and Sauk Valley Community College, you should refer the student to Disability Support Services (DSS) and complete the DSS referral form in FAST.
How do I know that the student really needs the accommodation(s) listed?
In accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (504) and the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act of 2008 (ADAAA), Sauk Valley Community College has established Disability Support Services to determine appropriate and reasonable accommodations. Based upon an interactive process with each student, the documentation provided by the student and their functional limitation(s), appropriate and reasonable accommodations are determined.  A formal Accommodations Notice will then be sent via SVCC email to the student's respective faculty. The specifics of the disability will not generally be released to faculty and staff members due to the student's right to confidentiality.
Are students required to identify their disability or provide copies of documentation to faculty or staff?

No. Students are not required to divulge the nature of their disability or provide faculty and staff members with copies of their documentation of disability. Faculty and/or staff do not have the right to ask about the nature of the disability.  Disability information is not generally released to faculty nor staff members. 

I have some experience working with students with various disabilities and feel confident that I could help the student with their particular challenge. May I ask the student what their disability is and offer my assistance?
No.  Faculty should refrain from asking a student about specific information regarding their disability. Allow students the opportunity to meet with you during office hours to discuss any questions or concerns that they may have regarding the course material. If students choose to disclose their disability, this information should be treated confidentially. Use a syllabus statement and class announcements to invite students to disclose their needs. Please refrain from discussing a student's Accommodation Notice or disability in the presence of other students or individuals.
What recourse do I have if I do not agree with the Accommodation Notice?
If the faculty member disputes the accommodation(s), it is their right and responsibility to contact the Director of Disability Support Services for discussion. The accommodations as stated in the Accommodation Notice must be provided until a resolution has been reached. Please note that a dispute of an accommodation must be based on a fundamental alteration of the academic material.
I received an Accommodation Notice for a student but they have not approached me to utilize their accommodations. How do I handle this?
Students have the right to choose not to use accommodations. It is the student's responsibility to notify faculty of their intent to utilize accommodations and discuss the logistics of using accommodations in each of their classes.
Am I required to lower the standards of the course or program to accommodate a student with a disability?
No. Students with disabilities must meet the same academic standards established for all students. A student with a disability may demonstrate their knowledge or be tested for mastery of content in an alternative method from their peers. For example, a student with a writing disability may utilize a scribe or dictation software for essays and short answer questions on exams.
Why are students that test outside of the classroom not required to take their exams at the same time as the class?
Whenever possible, students should schedule their exams during the same time as the class. This is not always possible for students who receive additional time to complete their exam. Exam time should not overlap into another course. For example, students should not forfeit attending their next class (science) to take a test for the previous course (English).  When implementing accommodations, students must not be denied the opportunity to be present for lecture and classroom discussion.
My class is easily distracted by the sign language interpreter. May I ask them to move to a less noticeable location?
No.  The interpreter must maintain a clear line of sight with the student so that the student has equal access to the material presented.
I have been asked by DSS to provide the book title, author and ISBN number for the next term weeks in advance. Why is that necessary?
It may take several weeks to prepare books that must be converted into alternative text. In order for DSS to obtain the file and begin the conversion process, it is necessary to have the information in advance of a new term. In some cases, conversion of text may take several months.  It is the student's right to have access to course materials at the same time as their peers.
I have a student that is struggling but I have not received an Accommodation Notice. May I ask the student if they have a disability and would like assistance?

No.  Language in the ADAAA discourages a public entity from making inquiries into the existence of a disability. Direct inquiries may be perceived as intrusive or insensitive and a violation of privacy. You can encourage students to share their unique learning needs with you, and assure them that you will keep the information confidential. Review the information about DSS provided in your syllabus with all students and invite them to discuss any questions that they may have with you.

Remember you always have the option to complete a Nuro Early Alert form for a student who is struggling.

How to Refer a Student using NURO

  1. To access NURO, go to and log-in (link on the Faculty/Staff Login page)
    1. To set or retrieve your password, click "lost password"
  2. From the dashboard, search for the student by:
    1. From the search feature, type student name or SVCC Student ID
    2. Filter the student population by choosing "course" from the filter option and typing the name of the course in which the student is enrolled.
  3. Click on the box to the left of the student name, then click the Flags box at the bottom of the page
  4. Complete information and click Save.
    1. After submitting flag, please "unclick" that student box before proceeding to submit another flag for a different student.

All information will be handled confidentially and shared only with those individuals receiving a referral.

Please remember that if a student is in an emergency or crisis situation, contact the Academic Advising Office at extension 354. If you have any questions or concerns, contact Joe Strabala-Bright, Dean of Student Services, in the Student Services Center at or extension 305.

What do I do if I still have questions about the Accommodation Notice?
Please contact the Director of Disability Support Services to discuss any questions or concerns that you may have. DSS offers day and evening hours for student and faculty access. The Director may be reached at 815-835-6246, on-campus extension 246, room 1F27.
I do not feel that the accommodations are reasonable. What recourse do I have?
If the faculty member disputes the accommodation(s), it is their right and responsibility to contact the Director of Disability Support Services for discussion. The accommodations as stated in the formal Accommodation Notice must be provided until a resolution has been reached. Please note that a dispute of an accommodation must be based on a fundamental alteration of the academic material. Specific information regarding a student's disability is confidential and is not generally shared with faculty and staff members.