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I would like to receive text messaging from SVCC TRIO Staff.*
(Must be your SVCC Student Email Address)
Program Type
Please Indicate Yes or No, on the following Questions
I am planning to transfer to a 4-year college.*
I am a U.S. Citizen or permanent resident.*
I have filed or will file for Federal Finanical Aid.*
I have parent(s) that has a degree from a 4-year college.*
I have a documented disability.*
The following information is for statistical purposes only.
What is your Ethnicity?
What is your Race?
(Please select all that apply)
By checking the following box, I give my consent to release the following information to the SSS staff: standardized test scores, semester and mid-semester grades, financial aid records, admission office records, and Academic Advising records. I also give my permission for each of my instructors to submit a written evaluation of my progress to the SSS staff each semester and for SSS staff to communicate with SVCC professional staff / faculty about me when it pertains to my best interest academically. I understand that all information will remain confidential.