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The name of the organization shall be the SVCCStudent Veterans Organization (SVO).


The purpose of the organization shall be, first and foremost, to ensure that veterans, active duty personnel, reservists and their families are receiving all benefits entitled to them, and to ensure a contact to readjustment counseling should they feel the need. Secondly, our purpose is to provide a fellowship of like-minded individuals in order to create a network of students and successful alumni in order to provide professional and leadership development.


  1. Membership in the organization shall be open to those regularly enrolled Sauk Valley Community College students and staff who are veterans, active duty personnel, reservists or family members of the aforementioned.
  2. Eligibility for membership or appointed or elected student officer positions in the campus-recognized chapter or group may not be limited on the basis of race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, color, age, gender, marital status, citizenship, sexual orientation, or disability. We have no rules or policies that discriminate on the basis of race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, color, age, gender, marital status, citizenship, sexual orientation, or disability.


  1. The officers of this organization shall be:
    Student Senator (Student Government Representative):

    *At this time the group has decided to be a social club and there are no current Officer positions*

  2. To be eligible for office, candidates must be regularly enrolled students at Sauk Valley Community College and be veterans, active duty, reservists or family members of the aforementioned.


The duties and qualifications of the officers shall be in the form of a job description located Appendix “A” of this constitution.


  1. Nominations for office shall occur approximately one month before the scheduled final of each semester. Members can either nominate themselves or be nominated by another member. A nomination and a second are required for a nomination to be official.
  2. Elections shall occur approximately three weeks before the scheduled final of the spring semester.
  3. The term of office shall be one academic year. The newly elected officers will decide near the end of the spring semester if they will function during the summer session.
  4. Vacancies will be filled by other active officers on a volunteer basis until the standing officers select another member via nomination and vote.
  5. Officers can be removed from office by completion of their term or by unanimous decision by the standing officers.


  1. Regular meetings of the organization shall be held at least once per month on the day designated by the Executive Officers
  2. Special meetings may be called by the president or acting president when the need arises.
  3. Agendas for meetings shall be prepared and provided to all officers fourty-eight hours prior to the meeting via e-mail and/or hard copy.
  4. A quorum for any regular or special meeting shall be fifty percent plus one officer present.


  1. The organization shall operate as a non-profit association and no profits may accrue to any individual within the organization.
  2. Unless otherwise provided in these bylaws or the parliamentary authority, decisions of the organization shall be made by a simple majority of those present and voting, with those abstaining from the vote not figuring into the determination of the majority required.
  3. For purposes of any vote, apart from nomination and selection for officer positions, all officers present will have one vote per issue save the president. The president will not be eligible to vote unless a tie-breaking vote is needed. During nomination and voting for the officer positions, all active members of the Veterans Club have one vote.


The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the organization in all cases in which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order the organization may adopt.


The constitution may be amended at any regular meeting of the organization by a two-thirds vote, provided that the amendment has been submitted in writing at the previous regular meeting.


No recognized affiliation at this time.





  1. Qualifications of Officers
    1. Must have completed a minimum of 12 credit hours at SVCC or any other college prior to petitioning to run for office.
    2. Must be in good academic standing (cumulative gpa of 2.50, or higher) as determined by the SVCC Office of Admissions and Records at the time the petition is filed and must hold a 2.25 to maintain office.
    3. Must be currently enrolled in at least 6 credit hours of coursework.
    4. Must agree to serve a minimum of one full term unless there are extenuating circumstances.
    5. Must have received a plurality of votes cast in the general election
  2. President of the Student Veterans Organization
    1. Chairs all regular and special session meetings.
    2. Upholds the rules, ideas, philosophy, and objectives of the SVO.
    3. Knows, understands, and follows the SVO constitution and bylaws.
    4. Serves as the official representative of the SVO at all on and off campus activities unless there are extenuating circumstances.
    5. Communicates regularly with the SVO advisor(s)
  3. Vice President of the Student Veterans Organization
    1. Is responsible to the SVO President
    2. Chairs all regular and special session meetings in the absence of the President.
    3. Upholds the rules, ideas, philosophy, and objectives of the SVO.
    4. Knows, understands, and follows the SVO constitution and bylaws.
    5. Substitutes and assumes all responsibilities of the President in their absence.
    6. Is responsible for organizing social events for the SVO.
    7. Communicates regularly with the President
    8. Performs additional duties as assigned
  4. Treasurer of the Student Veterans Organization
    1. Is responsible to the SVO President
    2. Upholds the rules, ideas, philosophy, and objectives of the SVO.
    3. Knows, understands, and follows the SVO constitution and bylaws.
    4. Has the following fiscal responsibilities:
      1. Cooperates with the SVO executive board and advisor in the preparation and administration of the SVO budget.
      2. Submits all expenditures to the SVO executive board during the treasures    report during regularly scheduled meetings.
      3. Chairs all fundraising activities.
      4. Communicates regularly with the SVO advisor(s) concerning revenues and expenditures of the SVO budget.
      5. Communicates regularly with the appropriate Student Government representative concerning revenues and expenditures of the SVO budget
    5. Communicates regularly with the President
    6. Performs additional duties as assigned
  5. Secretary of the Student Veterans Organization
    1. Is responsible to the SVO President
    2. Upholds the rules, ideas, philosophy, and objectives of the SVO.
    3. Knows, understands, and follows the SVO constitution and bylaws.
    4. Shall assist the Vice President with promotional materials for SVO social activities.
    5. Attends and records the minutes of all regular and special session meetings for formal distribution to all SVO members, the SVCC Student Government President, and the SVO Advisor(s).
    6. Attends to all formal and informal correspondence of the SVO as directed by the SVO President and/or advisor(s).
    7. Communicates regularly with the President
    8. Performs additional duties as assigned
  6. Student Senator Representative for the Student Veterans Organization
    1. Is responsible to the SVO President
    2. Upholds the rules, ideas, philosophy, and objectives of the SVO.
    3. Knows, understands, and follows the SVO constitution and bylaws.
    4. Attends all regularly scheduled SVCC Student Government meetings as a representative of the SVO.
    5. Communicates back to the SVO any communications, issues, or concerns provided by SVCC Student Government.
    6. Communicates regularly with the President
    7. Performs additional duties as assigned.