
Safe Vehicle Use

510.02  Safe Vehicle Use

The safe use of vehicles to conduct College business applies to all College owned vehicles as well as employee personal or rental vehicles. All individuals driving a vehicle on behalf of the College must meet the following criteria:

  1. Drivers must be at least 18 years of age; must be a duly licensed driver authorized to operate a motor vehicle and must possess at least the minimum amount of auto liability insurance required by the employee’s state of residence.
  2. Drivers and passengers must wear seatbelts. Drivers can only transport the number of persons for which there are seatbelts in the vehicle. The use of electronic devices by College personnel while operating a College vehicle or equipment off campus is prohibited. For definition purposes, an electronic device includes, but is not limited to, cellphones (including hands-free options), pagers, PDA’s, beepers or two-way radios. Exceptions will be allowed for employees operating College vehicles on campus while conducting outside operations or faculty and students while taking part in necessary training.
  3. Drivers must observe all traffic regulations and be aware of inclement weather conditions such as rain, snow, and ice and take extra time when such conditions exist.
  4. Drivers must report all accidents to the appropriate law enforcement agency and to the Director of Buildings and Grounds, regardless of damage.
  5. Smoking is not allowed in any College owned or rented vehicle.  Drivers shall be alcohol and drug free.
  6. When a personal vehicle is used while on College business, the personal auto insurance of the driver is primary and there is no reimbursement for damages to the personal vehicle.
  7. For long distance trips, there should be more than one authorized driver and make arrangements for rotating driving responsibilities as needed.
  8. Drivers are responsible for the security and safety of the College owned/rented vehicle until it is returned to the designated location at the College or rental property. Individuals who are charged with traffic or parking violations while driving will be solely responsible for all liabilities that result from such actions.


  • 02-27-2012

Cabinet Reviewed: