Financial Aid Emergency Student Loan Advance
Financial Aid Emergency Student Loan Advance
- Short-term emergency loans may be made to students who are receiving financial aid, if approved by the Chief Financial Assistance Officer. The student's account must be paid in full by the end of the semester in which the loan was issued. Loans will be made in accordance with rules established by administrative procedure. Exceptions to the procedural rules may be granted if approved by the President.
- The maximum loan that a full-time student may receive is $1,000 per semester, excluding book loans. The maximum loan that a part-time student may receive is $500 per semester, excluding book loans.
- The President will inform the Board if any loans need to be written off.
Revised: 01-14-1980, 04-28-1997, 01-26-1998, 12-15-2003, 06-28-2004, 12-19-2005, 10-24-2011,
Cabinet Reviewed: 02-25-2025