Successful Fundraising
Successful Fundraising
Have a Planning Meeting
- Discuss the activities your group is planning for the upcoming year.
- Estimate costs of these activities and compare to current funds available to determine how much additional money needs to be raised.
- Develop an event calendar, including all of your deadlines; then determine the best time to have a fundraising event.
- Appoint a fundraising committee or coordinator.
Develop a Fundraising Plan
Choose the right fundraiser for your organization by taking into account:
- the number of members in your group
- members' interests and skills
- members' enthusiasm for the event
- members' time commitments
- creative ideas - have a brainstorming session
- other fundraising ideas already occurring
- the time of year best for your activity
- any costs for the fundraiser (advertising, rooms, etc.)
- rules/regulations, including state/local laws, regarding fundraising
Plan the Event
- Choose an appropriate date based on the kind of fundraiser you plan to have. Take into consideration weather, academic calendar, etc.
- Reserve your room or location well in advance of date.
- Plan your publicity campaign.
- Form committees and delegate tasks.
- Watch your expenses - you don't want to lose money on a fundraiser.
The Event
Have FUN with it!
Evaluate the Event
- Go through all receipts and deposit money immediately.
- Pay any bills accrued.
- Thank all members and sponsors who contributed to the event.
- Discuss the logistics of the event:
- Was it successful?
- What could have been done differently?
- What are your recommendations for the next event?
- Could this be an on-going or annual event?
- Begin to plan for next year!