
Duties and Responsibilities of Board Officers

108.01  Duties and Responsibilities of Board Officers

  1. Chair: The Chair shall preside at all meetings and shall perform such duties as are imposed upon that office by law or by action of the Board.
  2. Vice Chair: The Vice Chair shall serve in the Chair’s absence.
  3. Secretary: The Secretary shall perform the usual duties pertaining to the office. If he or she is absent from any meeting or refuses to perform the office’s duties, a member of the Board shall be appointed secretary pro tempore. Clerical duties for the Board are performed by a staff person employed at the College, who is called Secretary to the Board. This person attends all meetings and records all official business of the Board, as well as represents the Board in working with local election officials in all Board elections and referenda.
  4. Treasurer:  The Board shall appoint a Treasurer for the District who shall not be a member of the Board. The Board shall determine the compensation of the Treasurer and require that a bond be executed as required by the Illinois Community College Act.


  • 03-23-1981
  • 10-24-1983
  • 11-28-1994
  • 06-28-2004

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