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Board Ethics

In support of the best interests of the College, all Trustees shall adhere to reasonable ethical standards, including the following principles:

  1. Authority: Trustees have authority for official Board action only when acting in concert as a Board of Trustee legally in session.  No member of the Board of Trustees has the power to act in the name of the Board unless authorized to do so by the Board of Trustees in legal session, with the exception of the Board Chair in case of an emergency.  The Chair will report such emergency actions to the Board at the next scheduled meeting. Trustee relationships with staff, students, citizens, and media representatives will be based on this fact.
  2. Conduct: Trustees will demonstrate personal integrity and ethical behavior in word and action; work with other Trustees in a spirit of decency, harmony, and cooperation despite personal differences of opinion that may arise; regularly attend and contribute to Board meetings; focus discussion and decisions on problem-solving rather than blame-placing; avoid making public statements or acting in ways that would discredit the Board and undermine public confidence in the College or damage its reputation; and act consistently with the College's shared ethical values of Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Integrity, and Caring.
  3. Decision making: Trustees will become informed to the extent necessary to be an effective Trustee and vote on issues based on correct information; review meeting packets, pose clarifying questions to College staff, and prepare for meetings in advance; welcome and encourage citizen input on the College, while remembering that final decisions are the responsibility of the Board based on input from the staff and recommendations from the President; place the best interests of the College and the District as the top priority in deciding votes; recognize that the primary function of the Board is to establish the policies by which the College is administered, but that the administration of the educational programs and the conduct of College business is the primary function of the President and the staff; and abide by and support majority decisions of the Board.
  4. Conflict of Interest: Trustees will not use their position to obtain personal or financial gain for themselves, for family or friends, or for other organizations or businesses with which they are affiliated.  Trustees will not attempt to exercise undue influence over employment or purchasing decisions that are not ordinarily acted upon by the Board.  Trustees will not make use of College property or services for personal financial gain, except as they would be reasonably available to other residents of the District.
  5. Confidentiality: Trustees will maintain confidentiality of privileged information, including all information discussed in closed or executive session meetings and other communications, such as attorney-client privileged communications.
  6. Compliance with law: Trustees will abide by all laws relevant to their role at the College.  Nothing in this policy will in any way restrict the application or take precedence over misfeasance or nonfeasance in office.

Revised: 02-12-1987, 03-23-1987, 07-22-2002, 03-24-2003
Cabinet Reviewed: 03-04-2025